Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 278:

Once again, everyone glared at Ye Tiance, who was standing at a loss.

"Stinky boy! I knew I shouldn\'t trust you!"

"You\'re just a piece of mud that can\'t support the wall, bah... rubbish!"

"Just like you, you still want to grab the limelight with Xiao Dong, you can\'t even compare with other people\'s feet..."

Meng Youji and his wife yelled at Ye Tiance one by one.

Ye Tiance clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and lowered his head without saying a word.

"Oh My God……"

"Brother Meng, don\'t be angry!"

Xiao Junlin held back his laughter, pretending to be serious and comforting: "Mr. Meng is so old, it\'s not easy to use his legs! Now he accidentally fell and hit his head... Even if Ye Tiance didn\'t make a move, his life and death would be unpredictable! "

"After all, he is a young man, everyone... don\'t blame him."


Seeing Xiao Junlin stand up to smooth things out, Meng Youji snorted coldly, but after pouting, he really didn\'t pursue it.

The old man is still alive and dead.

Really have to count.

The current Meng family cannot afford to offend Xiao Junlin!

So when everyone saw Xiao Junlin come out to speak, they really thought that Xiao Junlin was planning to protect him Ye Tiance!

From Xiao Junlin\'s face, everyone really doesn\'t dare to embarrass this guy...

However, they dare not say, someone dares!

I saw that after Xiao Junlin\'s voice fell, Ye Tiance gritted his teeth and roared loudly:

"I do things alone, and I do things alone. The old man\'s illness is caused by me, and I will definitely cure him!"

"Xiao Junlin, I don\'t need you to pretend to protect me here! You give me..."


Before Ye Tiance\'s cruel words were finished, Meng Caixuan shouted with a cold face:

"Ye Tiance, the old man is what he is now because of you!"

"You still want to touch the old man now? Don\'t even think about it!!"

"It\'s embarrassing enough, can I ask you to have some face? Xiao Dong has done so much for you, but you don\'t know how to be grateful or cherish... Ye Tiance, you really disappointed me!!"

After Meng Caixuan finished speaking angrily, she took a few deep breaths to calm down her excitement. Then she turned her head to look at Xiao Junlin, forced a smile, and said, "Sorry, Director Xiao... I made you laugh!"

"I have to go to the hospital to take care of my grandpa first, please forgive me."

"Our Meng family will remember you well! Thank you very much for today\'s affairs.

If it wasn\'t for you, my grandfather would have been gone long ago..."

"Allow me to come to the door in person next time to thank you."


Meng Caixuan couldn\'t stop thanking Xiao Junlin.

After a while, she was concerned about Mr. Meng\'s safety before turning around and chasing in the direction of the ambulance!

"Xiao Dong, I\'m really sorry that I didn\'t entertain you today."

"We also have to go to the hospital to guard the old man, so I\'m sorry..."

"We\'ll make amends to you in the future!"

Meng Youji and his wife also said goodbye to Xiao Junlin with helpless faces.

Just for a while.

Only Xiao Junlin, Ye Tiance, Ye Yu, and Sheng Quan were left in front of the room.

Today\'s case of Mr. Meng\'s disappearance has finally come to an end!

In the face of Ye Tiance\'s cannibalistic eyes, Xiao Junlin smiled disdainfully, but did not respond.

He just said casually to Shengquan: "Old Sheng, let\'s have a good chat with your father and son!

I am waiting for you in the car. "

261. In three days, get him for me


Shengquan gratefully looked at Xiao Junlin who turned and walked out.

Until Xiao Junlin\'s figure was completely invisible.

His face suddenly darkened.

All of today\'s events made Ye Tiance completely humiliated.

As a result, his image in the eyes of the Meng family members suddenly plummeted!

However, in Shengquan\'s heart.

No matter what Ye Tiance becomes, he is still his own son after all!

in the moment.

Shengquan stared at his son, and after a long silence he said, "Tiance, why don\'t you go home with me?"

"This Meng Caixuan doesn\'t like you at all. Is it really interesting that you are still here as a son-in-law with a shameless face..."

"Is this interesting?"

Ye Tiance sneered and said angrily, "I don\'t care if it\'s interesting or not!"

"I\'m just chasing my own true love. Why do you care about me? When I grow up, have you managed me or my mother?"

"Now you\'re suddenly appearing again, and you\'ll embarrass me as soon as you come out...