Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 277:

This is what an idiot can see.

They were clearly played by Ye Tiance...

What **** medicine!

What a **** secret method!

What nonsense Nine Transformations Mystery!

Pooh! ! !

"I, I... Caixuan, listen to my explanation!"

Ye Tiance defended with an embarrassed expression: "I\'m actually just not in a good state..."

"I can really cure the old man, you, you let me slow down!"

"Ye Tiance, please shut up for me! Take it easy?

You slow down, how do you slow down, old man? "

Meng Youji said with a look of disgust.

"I never thought of it! In order to express yourself, you even joked about my grandfather\'s life..."

"If something happens to my grandpa =...

Ye Tiance! I will never forgive you in my life! ! ! "

Meng Caixuan\'s face turned pale with anger, and she kept yelling loudly.

Ye Tiance was full of indignation and wanted to explain, but he didn\'t know how to speak.

And in the eyes of other people looking at him, they all turned into contempt!

How shocking he was just now, how embarrassed he is now!

Ye Tiance hated in his heart!

He is a **** of war...

Since when you became famous, when have you suffered such grievances?

"Quick, quick, get out of the way! Quickly get out of the way!"

"The ambulance is here, hurry up, get out of the way..."

There was a burst of hurried footsteps, accompanied by anxious shouts.


Several medical workers pushed a stretcher bed and pushed through the crowd.

"How is the patient?"

The doctor came to Mr. Meng one step ahead of everyone, raised his hand, opened his eyelids, looked at him, and asked.


Meng Caixuan said anxiously: "My grandfather\'s condition is not very good, you can quickly take a look, what\'s the matter?"

"That\'s right! Doctor, please help us to take a look! Our old man was fine before, but this shameless stinky boy stabbed him a few times in the forehead, and he started to vomit blood!" Zhou Lurong shouted with disgust on his face said.

"What! Needle?"

"Crash, it\'s just chaos..."

The doctor was so frightened that his voice changed, and he carefully checked the specific situation of Mr. Meng again.

"Ah! This?"

However, just after a few glances, the doctor\'s face changed drastically!

260. Ye Tiance, You Really Disappointed Me

"The patient\'s pupils lost their ability to sense the light source, and his consciousness was blurred. It was initially judged that he had suffered massive brain hemorrhage and must be immediately sent to the hospital for further treatment!"

"what? What?!"

"Doctor, can you be cured?"

Hearing what the doctor said, Meng Caixuan\'s pretty face instantly turned white!

"The situation is not optimistic..."

The doctor looked embarrassed and said solemnly: "The main reason is that it took too long, and he was treated indiscriminately...

Even if you can immediately send it to the hospital, the best result should be to become a vegetative! "



"Fuck, how is this possible?"

The faces of the Meng family members all turned gloomy.

And when the medical staff took Mr. Meng into the ambulance and took him away!

Meng Caixuan and Meng Xiaozhi immediately hugged each other and wept in a low voice!

The two sisters are very regretful now...

Especially my sister Meng Xiaozhi!

I regret why I believed in Ye Tiance!

He clearly knew he was unreliable, but why give him this chance to try?

have a look!

Is something really wrong now?

"Blame me!"

"Blame me!"

Meng Caixuan\'s expression was extremely painful.