Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 271:

The color of the word "demolition" written in red paint on the wall is almost fading...

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Xiao Junlin, you are so foolish to choose a good place!?"

"This house is ventilated from all sides, and you can see what\'s inside at a glance!

If the old man was really inside, he would have been discovered by my little brothers long ago? "

"You pretended to be a fool and lied to others, how should you explain it now?"

"Have you seen Cai Xuan? This guy is a liar..."

Just when the Meng family members looked at each other in dismay, Ye Tiance laughed loudly when he saw this!

As if he had finally found an opportunity to beat the underdog, he barked excitedly, rushed directly in front of the crowd, pointed at the house and yelled, wanting everyone to see Xiao Junlin\'s true face.

However, in the face of his ridicule, Xiao Junlin smiled disdainfully.

"You can\'t find your **** subordinates, that only means that they are really just rubbish!"

"I said that Mr. Meng is here, then he must be there!!!"

Xiao Junlin stomped his feet domineeringly, gave a low voice, and said:

"Don\'t believe me? Come out!!"

With Xiao Junlin\'s low voice, the voice fell.

next moment!

Everyone present was terrified and screamed!

I saw countless cockroaches of different sizes drilled out from every corner of the surroundings.

Their purpose is very clear, avoiding everyone, and flying straight into the dilapidated house in front of everyone!

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of cockroaches are flying all over the sky...

In the blink of an eye, a cockroach storm is formed!

"My God, where did all these cockroaches come from?"

"Fuck, what\'s going on?"

"What method is this? It\'s too exaggerated..."

"Ah, look, look, the cockroaches are eating the floor!!!"

"\'s the first time I\'ve seen a cockroach gnaw on something!"

While the Meng family members were shocked, the cockroaches in the dilapidated house also began to act crazy!

I saw that they quickly devoured the floor made of reinforced concrete, gradually revealing the dark basement below...

In the crevices where the cockroaches swarm from time to time.

Everyone finally vaguely saw the unconscious figure of Mr. Meng!

255. Special shielding function

"Impossible! Impossible!"

"It\'s impossible..."

"How can people control cockroaches!?"

Ye Tiance grabbed his hair with a look of horror on his face.

He originally wanted to sit and watch Xiao Junlin\'s joke!

Even how to ridicule him, how to insult him can be the most eye-catching!


The means this guy showed, really fooled even him...

This is simply a miracle!

What a feng shui master! ! !

The exclamations of the Meng family members, and the strange expression in Meng Caixuan\'s agile eyes, seemed to penetrate deeply into Ye Tiance\'s fragile heart like sharp daggers!

It hurt him deeply...

Ye Tiance had always thought that he was an omnipotent god!


But now.

this moment.

He stood in front of Xiao Junlin, but he felt as if he was a waste!

Ye Tiance found a lot of younger brothers to try to pretend.

Xiao Junlin casually summoned the black cockroaches that covered the mountains and plains...

How does this compare?

It\'s completely incomparable!

It\'s not a grade at all, okay?

"Damn, damn..."

"Why is this?"

Ye Tiance was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood!


"Congratulations to the host for successfully suppressing the Son of Destiny!"

"Plundering the Son of Destiny, Ye Tiance, has 2000 Luck Points!"
