Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 270:

But, but you are already married, how can you still be a girl? When I say this girl, I mean a real girl, right? ! "

Xiao Junlin originally thought that Meng Caixuan would retreat.

In the end, she hurriedly waved her hand in defense and said, "No, no, no... My marriage is fake, I didn\'t even get the certificate, and I didn\'t even hold the banquet!

It\'s just my grandfather\'s own opinion, and I\'m not that kind of casual girl. I\'ve never done anything like that before, I\'ve never even held a boy\'s hand! "

"I-I believe I can definitely help you!"

"Dong Xiao, please, save my grandpa..."

Meng Caixuan\'s low-pitched plea to Xiao Junlin immediately caused Ye Tiance to be struck by lightning!

He was even more angry and his face was ashen!

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to vomit blood!

My own wife actually said such things in front of other men...

This, this is more uncomfortable than putting a hat on him! !

"Is that so?"

Xiao Junlin glanced at Ye Tiance, who was full of murderous intent, and continued to stimulate: "Well, since you have said so, then I will reluctantly help you once!"

"Come on, close your eyes and hold my hand!"

"I keep thinking about the appearance of Mr. Meng in my mind!"

"Concentrate! I\'ll direct you to find him!"

Xiao Junlin continued to persevere.

Meng Caixuan\'s pretty face was slightly red, but she clenched her silver teeth and said nothing.

At this time, I can\'t handle so much...

It\'s good to find grandpa!

After completely fighting, Meng Caixuan actually took the initiative to hold Xiao Junlin\'s hand.

However, at the moment when the two of them held their hands tightly together, Meng Caixuan couldn\'t help but tremble, her whole body felt like an electric current had passed through her, and her heart couldn\'t help beating!


"His hands are so warm, so..."

"Is this what it feels like to hold hands? It\'s so comfortable..."

"Meng Caixuan, Meng Caixuan, stop thinking about it, don\'t think about it, Dong Xiao is just helping! Hurry up and think about what grandpa looks like, hurry up..."

Meng Caixuan\'s heart was beating wildly, and all kinds of strange thoughts kept popping out!

Xiao Junlin laughed secretly when he saw this.

He held her hand instead, taking advantage of it in a grand manner, and at the same time leading her to the direction of the uninhabited little house where she was hiding Mr. Meng!

"No no no no!!"

Ye Tiance\'s heart fell directly into the bottom of the valley.

He cried out in pain and madness in his heart.

A feeling of sadness and grief poured out from the bottom of my heart.

How miserable!

How miserable!

Ye Tiance almost couldn\'t help crying...

254. Little Strong Storm, Miracle

Five years...

Five full years! !

In the past five years, Ye Tiance has never touched a single strand of Meng Caixuan\'s hair!

However, when Xiao Junlin came, he directly took his wife\'s hand away with such a big thorn...

Looking at the way he was tossing and stroking gently, it was clearly taking advantage of him! !

And if you take advantage of it, take advantage of it...

Don\'t act like you\'re enjoying yourself?

Still in front of him!

This is paired with Meng Caixuan\'s shy look.

Ye Tiance felt that his heart was about to be broken! !

How could this not make him so angry that he wanted to kill?

"Xiao Junlin, this bastard!"

"You wait for me!


Ye Tiance was incompetent and furious in the bottom of his heart, resisting the urge to rush up to crush Xiao Junlin with his bare hands, and followed in angrily.

After a few minutes.

A group of people came to the door of a crumbling dilapidated house.

Xiao Junlin reluctantly let go of Meng Caixuan\'s soft and boneless little hand, rubbed his chin towards the dangerous house in front of him, and said:

"It\'s here, Mr. Meng should be inside."

Xiao Junlin\'s confident appearance immediately caused the Meng family to look at each other in dismay.

After Meng Caixuan opened her eyes, she couldn\'t help being dumbfounded when she saw the dilapidated house in front of her.

This, this place...

Apparently it hasn\'t been inhabited for decades, right? !