Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 265:


"A major plot event has been detected!"

"Please choose your next main quest..."


249. Super Beast Control Talent

"One: Seize the opportunity.

If you find Meng Jiang before Ye Tiance, you will get a reward of 10 all attributes! "

"Two: If you want to promote it, you should suppress it first.

Hide Meng Jiang, and when Ye Tiance\'s search is fruitless and the Meng family is in despair, bring Meng Jiang out and make Ye Tiance feel ashamed, and you will be rewarded with super animal control skills! "

A series of system prompts appeared quietly.

Xiao Junlin raised his eyebrows and glanced, but he couldn\'t help laughing!

These two options given by the system are very interesting...

Anyway, no matter how you choose, you have to find Meng Jiang before Ye Tiance?

Then this has to start with the reward!

Xiao Junlin pondered slightly.

Compared to attribute points that are not much needed now, beast control can bring his interest more...

Is this still worth thinking about?

Control the beast!

Sounds pretty cool!

"System, I choose the second one."

Xiao Junlin just finished speaking.

The system\'s voice rang again:


"Congratulations to the host for successfully making a choice."


"Congratulations to the host for getting the super animal control skill reward!"

"Super animal control skills - special talent skills.

According to the skill level, the host can control insects and animals within a range of 300 meters, and after establishing a brain domain link, he can directly issue commands in his mind! "


A dull drum sound exploded in Xiao Junlin\'s mind.

Suddenly, he had a very abrupt feeling!

At this time, he seems to have become a brain, and he can "see" all the animals, plants and insects in the vicinity without closing his eyes!

He feels that he can directly perceive the emotions emanating from those beings, and even give orders to them directly through these emotions...

"So this is the so-called beast control? It\'s just too strong!"

This special talent rewarded by the system this time, in terms of practicality, is even more powerful than that immortal body!

Xiao Junlin was secretly tongue-tied.

This is the power of a god!

"Everyone, what are you going to do now? I\'m not from the Meng family, so I\'m not very good at giving opinions.

But I still have to remind you...

The old man is very old,"

Xiao Junlin pondered for a while and said, "Mr. Meng\'s disappearance is a top priority. We\'d better go to the scene to take a look right now. What do you think?"

"Makes sense!"

"Yes, yes, let\'s go now!"

"Let Xiao Dong laugh..."

The Meng family nodded anxiously in agreement.

A large group of people set off immediately and went straight to Nancheng.

Nancheng is an old house that existed at the beginning of the last century.

There are many alleys here, crowded and mixed!

It is said that Mr. Meng Meng Jiang grew up playing in the mud when he was young, so he would come here for a walk if he had something to do!

It\'s just that now he has disappeared here. No matter how big the Meng family\'s business is, it is impossible to accurately find Mr. Meng from such a large area in a short period of time.

Even for someone like Xiao Junlin who knows all the plots, it would be very difficult to find him within a certain period of time...

Of course, that was before he got the talent for controlling beasts!

Now that he has a super talent for controlling beasts, Xiao Junlin doesn\'t have to close his eyes, just when he came to this place.

Xiao Junlin had already controlled two Xiaoqiangs and found Mr. Meng!

At this time, Mr. Meng fell face down into the drainage ditch of an alley.

This drainage ditch is dirty and smelly, and it should be a convenient place for passers-by...

However, I don’t know why, but no one has passed by this area for a long time today!

Mr. Meng was in a deep coma at this time.

Xiao Junlin silently controlled a large group of Xiaoqiang, and moved Mr. Meng to a small house with no one.

Although he didn\'t want to save him so quickly, the system\'s mission requirements were so...