Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 264:

He didn\'t understand why his image in Meng Caixuan\'s heart became so unbearable!

And all of this was caused by Xiao Junlin.

He could have captured Meng Caixuan\'s favor right away...

But who knew that all these efforts would suddenly come to nothing!

How could he accept this? !

What the **** is wrong with it?

Ye Tiance thought that he never provokes Xiao Junlin again after he used the feng shui great array to pit Xiao Junlin once.

Could it be that Xiao Junlin discovered the ultimate move he put in Feng Shui, so he came to take revenge on him?

Forget it, no matter what...

Damn this guy! ! !

"Xiao Junlin, wait for me!"

"If I don\'t play with you, I really don\'t deserve to come out and mix!"

Ye Tiance whispered to himself in the kitchen with a grim face.

As the so-called dragon has inverse scales, if you touch it, you will be angry!

Whether Xiao Junlin is intentional or unintentional, it is no longer important at this time.

After he destroyed Ye Tiance\'s image in Meng Caixuan\'s heart, the Liangzi between the two was dead!

Several revenge plans flashed in Ye Tiance\'s mind.

The burning heat was just when he was thinking hard about what he should do in order to really clean up Xiao Junlin and make him really pay the price...

At this moment, a Meng family bodyguard suddenly rushed into the restaurant with an anxious look on his face.

He hurried a few steps to Meng Yuji\'s side, lowered his head and said something in a low voice beside his ear.

Meng Youji\'s face changed greatly when he heard it, and he exclaimed, "What?!"

Meng Youji grabbed the bodyguard\'s collar and roared angrily, "What\'s going on? How did you guys do things? Huh??"

"Why did the old man disappear? Say it!!"

"Tell me clearly!!!"

"Huh? What\'s missing?"

"How is this going?"

All the Meng family members were shocked.

Seeing this, the bodyguard quickly bit his head and explained in a low voice: "I\'m sorry, the old man said today that he wants to go to Nancheng. He said that he grew up there, so let\'s not follow him..."

"We can\'t beat him, so we can only follow from a distance, but who knows, we\'ll be gone after a while, just in the blink of an eye, the old man is gone!"

"We were so scared that we immediately scattered and looked everywhere, but no matter how we looked, we couldn\'t find any trace of the old man..."

"I was worried that something happened to the old man, so I came back and reported it first!"

After everyone heard it, their hearts were all tangled up.

Mr. Meng is the real pillar of the Meng family!

If something happened to him, the Meng family would definitely be in big trouble!

So not only Meng Youji and his wife were so frightened, but even the Meng family sister Hua also turned pale at this time, so frightened that the pear blossoms were raining, and the flowers turned pale...

On the other hand, when Xiao Junlin and Ye Tiance heard the news, their eyes lit up fiercely!

Suddenly, a lot of thought came into my mind...

Ye Tiance was naturally happy inside. He was still worrying about how to save the face he lost...

Opportunity is here now!

Isn\'t this a godsend opportunity for the disappearance of the old man of the Meng family?

With his ability and strength, is it not easy to find someone in Tianhai City? !

And as long as he shows his ability and finds the missing Mr. Meng, is he afraid that he can\'t save his face?

Then Meng Caixuan and Mr. Meng are the closest on weekdays, and she has always respected her grandfather. If it wasn\'t for this, the two would not have been able to get married...

Although the two are not actually husband and wife, they still have the name of husband and wife!

If Mr. Meng can be rescued at this time, I am afraid that Meng Caixuan will also have a change in herself and be grateful...

"Hahaha! God helps me too!!"

Ye Tiance was ecstatic in his heart, and his face was even more excited.

After Xiao Junlin glanced at him inadvertently, he also revealed a meaningful smile.

Because he just remembered...

This episode of the disappearance of the old man of the Meng family actually existed in the God of War text!

It\'s just that I didn\'t expect it to be such a coincidence that he just bumped into it today!

Sure enough, it was fate!

In the original novel, Mr. Meng disappeared, and Ye Tiance directly summoned countless human and material resources from black and white in a rage.

It was so noisy that it was a city full of storms...

Even the troops stationed in Tiannan Province were alarmed!

Not only did he make a big splash in front of everyone in the Meng family, but he also pretended to be a big guy!

From then on, Meng Caixuan also looked at him differently.

He, the son-in-law of the Meng family, has completely soared into the sky in the Meng family!


Now that Xiao Junlin is here, can he still make Ye Tiance get his wish?