Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 26:

These words fell into the ears of Shen Chengzhi and his wife, like a thunderbolt.

Including Shen Xiaoyu, the family of three were all stupid on the spot!

"Chairman Xiao, this is... a misunderstanding!" Shen Chengzhi panicked and defended: "We have nothing to do with Xiao Yi, and we have a win-win business relationship with Junlin Group!

How can you unilaterally terminate the cooperation project and pursue our legal responsibility? ! "

"That\'s right!"

Shen Xiaoyu was in a hurry and scolded: "What else are you talking about the six giants of Dijiang City? Do you want to show your face? Do you understand what is the contract effect? ​​What is the spirit of mutual aid?"

025. The Junlin Group has always been my Xiao Junlin’s

"Bastard, Xiao Junlin! Are you sick and have lost your brain?"

Diao Ningxin also roared with anger on his face: "You still turn over the old accounts in the past, it\'s all a matter of muddy grain. You are clearly trying to bring down our Shen family. Diao Ningxin will never end with you in this life!"

"Contract effect? ​​Overturning old accounts? Not finished with me?"

Xiao Junlin\'s eyes were playful, he spoke slowly and pointed out the key words in the words of the three people just now, and sneered:

"You Shen family are also worthy of mentioning the word \'face\' in front of me? Do you have a face?!"

With a serious face, he raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass, and then calmly placed the goblet on the stage.

The invisible aura began to overflow from him and gradually spread to the entire venue.

Xiao Junlin\'s sharp eyes glanced around in the field, and everyone he saw couldn\'t help but feel cold...

"Three years ago, you were just a self-employed person who opened a small supermarket along the street. Do you have a family property of 100,000?"

"If I remember correctly, you seem to have just bought a house at the time. You still owe the bank more than two million yuan for the house and decoration, right? It can be said that your so-called Shen family was only a moment away from bankruptcy!"

"If it weren\'t for Xiao Yi, the scumbag, who fell in love with your daughter and sent money to your door like a fool, would you have today?!"

"How did your good days come about today, do you want me to tell them one by one?"

"Now come to tell me about the spirit of the contract? As far as I know, you seem to always take the goods first and then give the money, and the whole process is in vain."

"Who gave these to you, huh?!"

Xiao Junlin roared and questioned, like a sharp sword...

One time, another time, it penetrated deeply into Shen Chengzhi\'s heart.

Shen Chengzhi\'s face turned pale, he wanted to defend himself, but he couldn\'t think of anything to refute for a while.

After all, what Xiao Junlin said was correct.

The cooperation between Junlin Group and their Shen family is all of a backwards nature.

Even the suppliers found later are basically equivalent to white scoops...

This kind of unfairness, there is no profit at all, it is a stupid thing to give money, and only Xiao Yi can do it!

Now that Xiao Junlin is in power again, he naturally wants to take back everything they ate before!

"Do you have anything else to say? If not, the legal department of our group will come to you tomorrow."

Xiao Junlin sneered disdainfully.

These parasites have no gratitude, and they take everything for granted.

You can never expect them to come to their senses.

So once you are ready to do it, you must directly press them to death without giving any chance to turn over!

"Looking for us? Why are you!" Shen Xiaoyu blushed and retorted: "We didn\'t ask Xiao Yi to give it to us, he did all of this willingly! What\'s our business? Are we forcing him to do something good? He I have no brains and shame, and now I\'m blaming us instead? Do we, the Shen family, owe you?!"

Shen Xiaoyu spoke until the venue was silent.

Everyone was stunned by her sharp remarks.

Is this the goddess Xiao Yi has been licking for three years? !

Can\'t bear to look straight at it!

Of course, the only exception is Yu Fengsheng...

He was full of admiration and obsession, obviously agreeing with Shen Xiaoyu\'s point of view!

As the male and female protagonists in the original book, the three views of the two are the same. Shen Xiaoyu\'s words, to his ears, are simply confidants!

He Xiao Yi is willing to give others things, but he can only say that he is stupid.

But you Xiao Junlin, as an elder, is so cruel to a girl in public, what kind of ability is it?

The loss is still the six giants of Dijiang City, but they have no giant style at all?

The quality is really bad...

Didn\'t see Shen Xiaoyu\'s pear blossom with rain now, how distressing was it? !

Yu Fengsheng had a pretty good impression of Shen Xiaoyu, and the conversation between the two was also very harmonious. Not only did the three views match, but also the facial features.

Moreover, the Shen family\'s current family business is really not small, although it is not comparable to the Big Six, but it is also high in the venue.

It is more than enough to match him as a newcomer who has just arrived at Dijiang!

On the other hand, Xiao Junlin.

The dignified generation of heroes, but they don\'t even know the simple truth that men should be courteous to women, and the impression is mad...

Yu Fengsheng felt dissatisfied, quite dissatisfied.

He always felt that the reason why Xiao Junlin attacked the Shen family was because Xiao Yi was unable to pursue Shen Xiaoyu, so he became angry and became angry, and he had a revenge mentality!

A man with a small belly must have found an outlet when he made his fortune!

However, it is not convenient for him to intervene in this matter, so he can only take a look and think about it...

"Pfft—that makes sense!"

"Xiao Yi is stupid, hopelessly stupid, he is willing to give things to others, even I can\'t say anything about this matter!"

"But you seem to have forgotten? This Junlin Group has always been owned by me, Xiao Junlin."

"He is an executive president, can he still suppress my chairman? Now he is willing to give it, but I am not willing to give it, then you must return all the things you took from my King\'s Landing Group!"