Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 25:

Is that a joke? !

"Dad, are you confused?" Xiao Yi couldn\'t help roaring: "I\'m your only son! Do you know what you\'re talking about??"


Xiao Junlin laughed mercilessly with disdain on his face: "The only son? What are you kidding me here? Do you think that in my current state, I won\'t be able to give birth to other sons in the future?!"

"What have you done, Xiao Yi, over the years? I don\'t need to remind you again, right? This is something we can all see."

"You can\'t stand the idiot who doesn\'t have a double business, as the heir of the King\'s Landing Group, with a net worth of tens of billions!

But you are willing to be a licking dog for a trash woman, not only wantonly harming the interests of the group and my Xiao family, but you are also worthy of being my son of Xiao Junlin? "

024. The means to deal with the Shen family

"I bother!!"


"No,\'s not like that!"

Being slapped in the face by his own father and being devalued to nothing, Xiao Yi was completely mad.

He blushed and roared, "I\'m just after my true love! I\'m not wrong at all!!"

All the guests present were speechless.

Xiao Yi has been licking Miss Shen\'s family for a day or two.

Those who are here now have more or less seen it with their own eyes...more than once!

Thinking of this, many people showed a schadenfreude smile.

"This young master Xiao is also really, it\'s inappropriate to leave a good super rich second generation, and he is going to kneel and lick a small individual boss..."

"But what Dong Xiao said is right. He looks so young now. If he wants to have another kid, I believe he can still be born!"

"That\'s right, what is it now, isn\'t technology very developed?"

"Master Xiao has indeed been disgusting enough in the past few years... If I were Director Xiao, I might have been **** off already!"

"What **** Miss Shen family, if there is no support from Master Xiao behind, I don\'t know who their Shen family is!!"

"Listening to you, I suddenly don\'t feel strange..."

The guests were discussing indiscriminately, without taking into account the thought of Xiao Yi\'s face.

It is said that poor people must have something to hate.

In the eyes they looked at Xiao Yi, at this moment, there was probably only pity left.

Feeling the malice coming from the surroundings, Xiao Yi\'s face turned ashen!

he knows……

Starting today, I am completely finished! !

Along with Xiao Yi, there is the Shen family.

Shen Chengzhi never thought that Xiao Junlin would be so ruthless, and he could do it to his own son!

Cut off the relationship, this is to completely drive Xiao Yi to a dead end...

How many pounds and how many taels he Xiao Yi has, no one here does not know!

Without Xiao Junlin, without the huge Junlin Group as its backer, Xiao Yi would be a complete waste! !

"It\'s not right!"

"If Xiao Yi is no longer the young master of the Xiao family or the heir of the Junlin Group, what will our Shen family do in the future?"

"What should I do? It\'s hard to say whether he will starve to death in the future. What else can you expect from him?"

"These two bastards!" Shen Chengzhi stomped his feet and cursed: "Their father and son quarreled like this, this matter... won\'t affect our Shen family?!"

"Master, don\'t worry about it blindly." Diao Ningxin whispered beside Shen Chengzhi: "Xiao Yi is down, we just give up and forget it! Anyway, with our daughter\'s ability, wouldn\'t it be a matter of minutes to hang another golden tortoise-in-law? I think that Yu Fengsheng is very good..."

After listening to his wife\'s words, Shen Chengzhi felt a little relieved.

That\'s right...

Waste that has no use value, just throw it away, there is nothing to linger on.

Can you live outside for two days without knowing the scum, who would want to pay attention to him? !

Now the two of them obviously have all their thoughts on Yu Fengsheng, who just had a good conversation with their daughter...

Look at the young man who can sit with the giants.

There is no guarantee that it will not be the next giant in Dijiang City!

Doesn\'t it taste good?

"Hehehe-" Xiao Junlin glanced at the Shen family with a sneer, and said, "This second matter is about the Shen family."

"As we all know, our Junlin Group has temporarily suspended all cooperation projects with the Shen family."

"After investigating the contracts for the past three years, we have found more than 32 illegal operations. We will resort to the law, and let the legal department of our group hold the Shen family for all legal responsibilities!"

"Ha ha!!"

As soon as Xiao Junlin finished speaking, all the guests suddenly showed a cheerful smile!

Some even laughed out loud...

"That\'s right. With the background of Xiao Shao...Xiao Yi, the Shen family has been very close to the outside world, causing chaos and chaos in the entire Dijiang business district. It\'s time to punish them! !"

"That\'s right! Xiao Yi wanted to lick the dog himself, which led to Chairman Xiao\'s closing, which must have implicated the Shen family..."

"Chairman Xiao is mighty!! The Shen family should have fallen long ago, and they have no morals at all! Doing business with them requires us to be on guard everywhere, and we will suffer a big loss if we are not careful!!"

"If the Shen family doesn\'t do well, they will go bankrupt directly..."

The impact of this news on everyone is obviously greater than Xiao Junlin\'s severing of the father-son relationship with Xiao Yi! !

After all, severing the father-son relationship, in their opinion, is also the Xiao family\'s own family matter.

But terminating all cooperation with the Shen family is different!