Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 203:

Close to get off work time.

However, the logistics supervisor Qu Wanshu suddenly came to the logistics department. In front of the logistics department employees who were eagerly waiting to get off work, she clapped her hands and smiled and said, "Everyone, the project department will be working overtime tonight to make a big project plan. Shu, the manpower is not enough, Director Geng wants a few people from our logistics department to help overtime, who of you is free? Volunteer!"

"Ah! I have to work overtime again? I\'m waiting for my friends to have dinner!"

"I work overtime every day, is there a mistake? When I came to the logistics department, I wanted to come without overtime. As a result, there was a moth every three days, and I had to rush to pick up the children from school..."

"I have something to do too! Besides, the project department is not staffed enough, what does it have to do with our logistics department?"

The entire logistics department complained for a while, and began to shirk.

However, this matter fell in Xiao Hui\'s ears, but it made her directly excited to ecstasy!

This, the big project? !

Can Geng Ruizhi call it a big project at this time, besides the restructuring project of Tianxiang Chemical Plant, can there be anything else?

This is clearly...

It is clearly the employees of the project department who are staying up late to make the bidding plan for the Tianxiang Chemical Plant!

"It\'s just God helping me!" Xiao Hui smiled inwardly and took the initiative to say: "Director Qu, let me go? I haven\'t made any contribution since I joined the logistics department. Today, everyone is busy anyway, so the overtime work is not enough. Leave it to me... I\'m willing to work overtime!"

"Huh? That\'s what you said, no one is forcing you." Qu Wanshu nodded, followed by pointing at a few unlucky ones, and said, "Little Wu Xiaosong, you and Xiao Hui go over and help!"

"Ah? Sister Qu, are we going too?"

"Sister Qu, you are going too far..."

The faces of the people who were named immediately collapsed.

It\'s just that Xiao Hui is much more excited than their mourning faces!

After dinner, several people from the logistics department came to the project department together.

At this time, there are five teams in the project department, and more than 40 people are working hard.

Some people are reviewing and comparing various materials, some people are calculating various data, some people are writing various parts of the copy and drafts, some people are summarizing, some people are printing materials...

In such a large project department, it seems that no one is idle!

188. Xiao Dong, I think you are really floating

"It looks like they are very busy, and no one arranges us, what should we do?!"

"I don\'t know, let\'s walk around! I heard that Director Geng wants to win a chemical plant project. It is estimated that the old buddies in the project department will be very busy in the next ten days and a half months..."

"Chemical plant? That\'s a big project!"

"Isn\'t it?"

"Hey, hey, those at the door, hurry up and help copy these documents, hurry up..."

Before a few people in the logistics department could discuss a few words, they were assigned tasks by the people in the project department.

Several people did not dare to neglect, and quickly followed the crowd to get busy.

Xiao Hui can be said to be really happy and a little carried away, because as soon as she entered the door, she found that the project department was really preparing the bidding plan for Tianxiang Chemical Factory! !

What a god!

"So I can get Yu Fengsheng\'s love, right?"

Xiao Hui happily followed everyone in their busy schedules, without complaining, and was so diligent that everyone who knew her identity was silent!

Yet no one knows.

At this time in the chairman\'s office of Guangmao Group.

There is a computer quietly connected to the camera monitoring of the project department, and the focus of the camera is her Xiao Hui!

Xiao Junlin was sitting behind the desk with his legs on the desk, staring at the screen leisurely.

Geng Ruizhi moved a small bench and sat a little further behind him.

The two of them nibbled melon seeds and drank tea leisurely, and smiled at Xiao Hui, who seemed to have changed.

This woman has been happily running before and after, trying to write down all the data she can write down...

It is said that the power of love is blind and even fearless.

Xiao Junlin didn\'t believe it before, but now he believes half of it.

"Dong Xiao, what\'s the matter with you?" Geng Ruizhi really couldn\'t figure it out. He couldn\'t guess what medicine Xiao Junlin was selling in the gourd. After struggling for a while, he could only laugh and cry: "Dong Xiao , I didn\'t say it!"

"You know that the eldest miss will be a traitor, why do you condone her so much? You also deliberately arranged for her to go to the project department, this...

Aren\'t you afraid that she will reveal the secret? "

"I just want her to reveal the secret!" Xiao Junlin chuckled and said indifferently: "Only in this way can Yu Fengsheng really take the bait and I can really take care of him!"

"If you want Yu Fengsheng to take the bait, you don\'t need to use this item as a bait, Xiao Dong!"

Geng Ruizhi said with a bit of distress: "Could it be that in order to defeat him, Yu Fengsheng, we don\'t even make any money? Or, should I find someone to secretly make a new bidding document?"

"Need not."

Xiao Junlin shook his head and said indifferently, "Let the people in the project department do it generously. When the bidding document comes out, there is no need to keep it secret. It is best to let Xiao Hui see it inadvertently!"

"My purpose is to let Yu Fengsheng take over this chemical factory!"

After listening to Xiao Junlin\'s explanation, Geng Ruizhi is stupid...

What\'s going on.

Deliberately give this golden pastry to Yu Fengsheng?

This! !

As for?

Putting money and not making money, hundreds of billions of big business will be handed over to people.

Xiao Dong... I think you are really floating! !

Geng Ruizhi was madly complaining in his heart, but he didn\'t dare to show the slightest on his face.

Just seeing his reaction, Xiao Junlin had already guessed most of his thoughts.