Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 202:

But now when Xiao Hui said this, he hesitated again.

Are you really out of sight?

Not so much!

But how much profit can a chemical plant have? Is it worth Xiao Junlin\'s effort at all costs?

"System, can you help me check the future development potential curve of Tianxiang Chemical Plant?" Yu Fengsheng couldn\'t help asking questions in his mind.

Before, he actually had some ideas about Intertek Chemical, but the cost of the system query was a bit large, and it was not worthwhile to explore an unknown.

But now that Xiao Junlin has the bottom line, everything will be different!

"Go back to the host, you can inquire.

But it needs to consume 3 billion cash. Does the host check it? "

A mechanical voice sounded in Yu Fengsheng\'s mind.

If Xiao Junlin was here, he would be shocked to find that Yu Fengsheng\'s system\'s prompt sound was very dull, as if it was a system with an initial level!

"Three billion... check!!"

Without any hesitation, Yu Fengsheng agreed decisively.

no way!

His system is simply poisonous. The first time he asked this question, he only needed one billion, but he canceled it after hesitating.

Followed by the second time, it became two billion.

Now, for the third time!


"The three billion cash deduction was successful!"

"The future development curve of Tianxiang Chemical Plant was successfully generated!"

After a piece of information is prompted.

A graph suddenly appeared in Yu Fengsheng\'s mind.

It can be seen from this picture that after the transition from a state-owned enterprise to a private operation, the chemical plant\'s sales will grow exponentially in the next few years. It\'s all insane!

The annual sales are rising by hundreds of billions, and the monthly profit is as high as tens of billions!

"This? What the hell!!"

"Why is this? Isn\'t this just a chemical factory? How can there be such a big profit? The annual revenue is 100 billion, which is not inferior to a university town..."

"This is unscientific. Could it be that they will have new technology research and development in their hands?"

"Yes, it must be like this, otherwise it is impossible to explain why a chemical plant can bring such huge benefits!"

"Hahahahaha! Looking at this Tianxiang Chemical Co., Ltd., it\'s really good, I have to grab it completely!"

Yu Fengsheng was ecstatic and excited!

It\'s just that after he regained his senses, he forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, turned to frown, and said in a low voice, "Sister Xiaohui, this news seems to be so valuable. , but... But what\'s the use of telling me this? Do you think I can still win over your father?"

"Can\'t fight?"

"With me helping you, why can\'t you fight?"

"I have already learned about it on the way before I came here. This time the chemical plant restructuring is carried out by way of bidding. Anyone and any company can initiate a bid!"

"The one with the highest price will get it. I will find out the price that my dad is bidding on in advance and send it to you, so you won\'t win?" Xiao Hui assured emotionally.


Yu Fengsheng sucked in a breath of cold air, followed by a sudden joy.

He hurriedly made a very moved look and said gratefully:

"Is this true? Sister Xiaohui, how can I, how can I let you help me like this?

I, I don\'t even know how to thank you..."

187. Big project? Just God help me

Yu Fengsheng\'s emotions were all fake.

But Xiao Hui couldn\'t see it!

After working hard for so long, Yu Fengsheng was finally moved. Xiao Hui was so happy now that she was carried away, so why would she doubt anything else?

In her opinion, she has helped Yu Fengsheng such a big favor, he will definitely be thinking about himself, okay, won\'t she be able to reap her true love by then?

Even if it\'s just because of guilt for the time being, she is sure that she will be able to convert this friendship into love in the days to come!

Is there anything in the world that makes people feel happier than this?

The more Xiao Hui thought about it, the happier she became, and the more she thought about it, the happier she became.

After having lunch with Yu Fengsheng in the cafeteria, Xiao Hui went back to the Guangmao Group headquarters to start her work today.

Although she still has to do chores in the Guangmao Group that newcomers disdain to do, perhaps because of the different mood today, Xiao Hui seems to be extremely hardworking and proactive in her work today!

This shocked all the Guangmao employees in the logistics department, as if they had seen a ghost!

"Fuck, do you think this girl has been fooled by us during this time?"

"I don\'t know! I thought I was the only one who thought she was neurotic today..."

"I was absent from work all morning and was deducted from today\'s salary by Supervisor Qu. She was still giggling all the time. I am really convinced!"

"Will we go too far? If she really inherits the group in the future, will we still have good fruit to eat?"

The staff of the logistics department gathered together to discuss in a low voice, and they all looked worried.

Naturally, these words all fell into Xiao Hui\'s ears, but she didn\'t want to refute at all, even if it was the most boring job on weekdays, she was still excited to do it at this time...

In her opinion, all the busyness she is doing now is worthwhile.

As long as she can successfully break into the Guangmao Group, obtain the top secrets that Geng Ruizhi and the others are guarding, and then hand them over to Yu Fengsheng, then she will be able to truly reap Yu Fengsheng\'s love for her!

At that time, she will not continue to stay here and get angry...