Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 17:

Shen Xiaoyu lowered her voice and said angrily:

"What does it have to do with me if you want to enter the upper class? I don\'t want to marry Xiao Yi, I don\'t feel anything about him, it\'s not like you don\'t know!"

"What did you say?"

Diao Ningxin looked at the daughter she was proud of just now in surprise and asked, "Xiaoyu, what are you thinking about? Is it so easy to meet a fool who is stupid and rich? The Xiao family has a big business, don\'t you? Take advantage of this opportunity to make a move quickly, what if someone runs away in the future?"

"Yeah! You\'ve been hanging someone for three years, and you still don\'t want to let it go?"

Shen Chengzhi was also surprised.

"Are you looking down on Xiao Yi too much?" Shen Xiaoyu said with a look of contempt: "Just him, still running? A **** licking dog that can\'t be chased away, there are still a bunch of such things behind me...

Besides, it\'s not that I beg him to be nice to me, it\'s all of his own volition. He hates it more than flies, it just makes me sick! "

Shen Xiaoyu\'s speech was not astonishing, and he continued: "Is it possible that whoever treats me well should I marry him? What\'s the point!"

"Ah! This?"

Shen Chengzhi and his wife were stunned by what their daughter said.

They can\'t figure out why their daughter\'s three views are so...different?

Although they are not good people themselves, but...

But if they want to say such words in public without any foundation, they ask themselves that they can\'t do it!

This is too shameless! !

"That\'s right, but... but you\'re not too young, so you should find a good family to marry, right? I think Xiao Yi is a very good kid. He needs family background, looks and looks, and wants to Character also has character, it\'s a perfect match!" Diao Ningxin hesitated for a while, and then said: "If you want to leave your mother and I meet someone like him at your age, I\'m already married..."

"I don\'t care! Free love, free marriage. I\'ll make my own decisions!"

Shen Xiaoyu roared lowly and said, "No one can force me!"


Shen Chengzhi hesitated.

"I know what you are going to say!" Shen Xiaoyu rolled her eyes and said angrily, "If that Xiao Junlin has a better attitude tonight, I can try to give Xiao Yi a chance, but if he has a bad attitude, he may even treat me badly. If there is any coercion, then I will not agree to it!"

"You, are you crazy?!"

Diao Ningxin stared in astonishment and scolded: "Your cousins ​​and the others have all been fired by Xiao Dong, and our business has been terminated and frozen, you are still like this, do you want our Shen family to be destroyed?

Do you have the heart to watch your father and me... From now on, do you live in the open and starve to death on the street? "

"That\'s right, Xiaoyu..." Shen Chengzhi said with a pained face: "Even if you really don\'t want to agree, you should delay a little... Don\'t make the relationship so stiff..."


Shen Xiaoyu glanced at Xiao Yi\'s back with a sneer, and said disdainfully:

"Okay, if he really wants to force me, I will use my method to prevaricate it!"

"I will never marry someone I don\'t love!"

Seeing that their daughter had temporarily chosen to compromise, Shen Chengzhi and his wife were secretly relieved.

I have been spoiled since I was a child, and because people are beautiful, there are many suitors...

Shen Xiaoyu has really been completely spoiled by them!

Now I can only hope that Chairman Xiao\'s attitude will be better tonight, otherwise, with his daughter\'s character, if he really gets into trouble, Xiao Yi really doesn\'t want to marry her!

Shen Chengzhi and his wife looked at each other, a little helpless.

They took it for granted that the purpose of Xiao Junlin\'s hosting this banquet tonight was to get along with them, and hoped that Xiao Junlin\'s attitude would be better.

But I didn\'t think about it at all, there is actually another possibility for this matter...

Before you know it, the time has passed 8 o\'clock in the evening.

Until 8:37, a long team of Mercedes-Benz SUVs surrounded the Alpha nanny car and appeared grandly, which immediately attracted all the guests who had not entered the Clubhouse. eyes.

Other than the protagonist of this banquet, who can appear at this time? !

Xiao Junlin, here we come!

Xiao Junlin\'s team immediately became the focus of the audience as soon as it appeared.

Countless guests stopped and saluted Xiao Junlin who had just stepped out of the car.

Chairman Xiao of Junlin Group has not appeared in public for three years, and there have been many negative rumors about him before.

It is said that he was seriously ill and dying;

It is said that he is afflicted with a stubborn disease;

It is also said that he is bedridden and paralyzed...


Just today.

All these rumors are self-defeating!

Xiao Junlin wore a white dress and strutted with a straight posture.

Accompanied by dozens of burly bodyguards behind him, he took a steady pace, and there was a proper reserved smile on his calm face.

The whole does not give people any feeling of stagnation, and there is no arrogance and exaggeration of young people...

With his full aura, he is domineering and extraordinary, and Junwei is extraordinary!

017. I used to pretend to be sick

"This is Director Xiao?! When it was not reported that he was sick a few years ago, he was not so handsome, right?!"

"What\'s the matter, the white hair is gone! It\'s been well maintained, isn\'t it?

Woohoo-I adore it! "

"Did Xiao Dong have been taking care of himself for the past two years? I confirmed before that it was not fake that he was sick..."

"Having looks, money, and such a temperament, this person is more mad than a person!"

All the guests were discussing, and their eyes were all incredible.