Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 16:

Although there are many guesses, no one can really guess Xiao Junlin\'s purpose.

He wants to sever the father-son relationship with his only blood!

Moreover, in front of many Dijiang bosses, he completed the main task that the system issued to him.

As a traveler, Xiao Junlin would not naively think that Xiao Yi, who was naive, was his own son!

That dog-licking son who has no bottom line and no double business will kill him sooner or later.

That\'s why Xiao Junlin immediately returned to the villa after dismissing the Shen family and asked the manager Shengquan to issue an invitation to hold a banquet.

While taking back the power of the group, complete this main task together.

Strike while it\'s hot!

Even if he really wants a son, with his current net worth of tens of billions, he can find it by himself...

Wouldn\'t it be fragrant to give birth to one hundred and eighty babies by yourself?

There is no doubt that tonight\'s banquet attracted the attention of the upper-level people in Quandijiang City.

It was just after 6:30, and there was already a lot of people in front of the Human World Clubhouse, and luxury cars were everywhere!

Although Junlin Group has continued to lose money in recent years, its market value of tens of billions is impossible to overturn in a short period of time.

At least in a place as big as Dijiang City, it is still the boss!

In the face of Xiao Junlin\'s invitation, all the bosses, rich and powerful people in Dijiang City, whether or not there are arrangements tonight, all came.

The banquet scene was very lively!

Sheng Quan, dressed in a Tang suit, stood at the entrance of the clubhouse with a smile on his face to receive guests, greeted the guests who came to the meeting in a friendly manner, and even pointed out the seats for everyone familiarly. Desolate look of old age?

Although the chairman has left the group for several years, it has caused turmoil within the group.

But what does that matter?

After all, the chairman has returned. Not only is his body fine, but he is even healthier than before...

There are only two words in Shengquan\'s heart - happy!

"Bo Sheng, where\'s my dad?"

Xiao Yi\'s Lamborghini has been temporarily mortgaged to the business center, and at this moment he is with the Shen family.

When he saw Shengquan greeting guests at the door from a distance, he roared loudly.

This time, it immediately attracted the attention of all the guests at the entrance of the venue who had not had time to enter.

Under the leadership of Shen Chengzhi, the members of the Shen family enjoyed the attention ceremony and walked proudly towards the door of the clubhouse.

"Master Xiao."

Seeing the person coming, Shengquan hurriedly bowed his head and gave a respectful shout before replying:

"Master has something to do now and will come later, so he asked me to entertain guests here first."

"Oh...then go get busy!"

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "I can do this little thing."

After all, he has also been the CEO for two years. Xiao Yi is naturally familiar with dealing with interpersonal issues, and he replaced Sheng Quan with a wave of his hand.

Shengquan was silent, took two steps back slightly to greet the Shen family, and then just stood behind Xiao Yi.

"Ouch, President Mao! Welcome, please come in quickly..."

"Ah, isn\'t this President Hu! You are getting younger and younger..."

"Mr. Xu, welcome, is this one behind your sister-in-law? Oh, she\'s so beautiful..."

"Cheng Shao, our brothers haven\'t seen each other for a long time! The banquet will be over in a while. Have a drink?"

"Hahaha, you\'re too polite, please come in!"

"Inside please, inside please! Feel free, feel free..."

Xiao Yi smiled cheerfully and greeted the guests who came to the meeting, trying his best to show the outstanding style of the leader of the group.

And the guests treated him quite respectfully.

After all, the news of Xiao Yi\'s dismissal from the group has not yet spread, and everyone has received rumors that the Shen family has been dismissed...

In their opinion, Xiao Yi is still the same Xiao Yi as before.

Even the members of the Shen family who were standing at the door were greeted with smiles by the guests.

After all, everyone knows that standing beside Xiao Yi is Shen Xiaoyu\'s parents, Xiao Yi has been pursuing Shen Xiaoyu for three years, this is no secret at all!

There are even many people who are secretly guessing that Chairman Xiao, who is seriously ill, will hold this banquet today to announce the future in-law relationship between Xiao and Shen? !

Getting married is a happy event.

At this time, who would dare not give face?

The atmosphere of the banquet was warm and peaceful.

Happy guests!

Diao Ningxin took her husband Shen Chengzhi\'s arm and laughed so hard that she couldn\'t close her mouth.

Her vanity has been greatly satisfied today, and even her mental state seems to be sublimated along with it...

Look, look at all!

This banquet is clearly held for our Shen family!

"Look at Xiaoyu, this is the real high society."

Diao Ningxin turned her head to look at her daughter next to her, and said longingly, "When you marry into the Xiao family, your father and I will be high-class people in high society..."

"Yes, Xiaoyu."

Shen Chengzhi also turned his head when he heard the words, and said earnestly: "You should seize this opportunity tonight. If you can really settle this marriage, the King\'s Landing Group will be ours in the future."

016. Different Xiao Junlin

"Dad, Mom, what do you mean?"