Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 119:

Xiao Junlin talked eloquently, and halfway through the conversation, the limelight turned sharply, and said: "Yu Tong!"

"Ah You……"

Xing Chou was stunned on the spot.

"There is 10 million in it, which is the salary paid to you in advance for the next year. You can send it back to the people in your village to buy goods for the New Year at any time."

"If you do well in the future, I can also consider giving you more pensions, or even advance wages, to completely improve the living environment of your village!"

Xiao Junlin said, inserting a bank card directly into Xing Chou\'s jacket pocket.

Xing Chou was stunned again...

"Lucky boy!" Geng Ruizhi hurriedly stretched out his hand and patted Xing Chou\'s bank card pocket, and said, "Dong Xiao has already paid you an advance salary, don\'t you know what to do?"

"H-ah? Ah!"

Xing Chou came back to his senses and blushed, looking very uneasy!

Ten million, ten million...

Too many! !

He had no idea if he could get the money!

"Boss, boss..."

Xing Chou grabbed his hair and said with an embarrassed expression: "I, I am a hard worker, I am not worth the price... You, you should take it back?!"

"It\'s not easy to get this money-"

Xiao Junlin patted him on the shoulder a little funny, and said, "I can offer you such a high salary, which means that all you have to do is work that is very dangerous! High risk equals high reward!"

"This money is not for nothing. I want you to protect me with your life. If there is any danger, you must stand in front of me, so strictly speaking, this money is actually your life-saving money..."

"Ten million a year!"

"Do you dare to ask for it?"

"Desperate money?"

Xing Chou was stunned for a while, and said firmly: "Dare! Then I dare to ask for this money!!"

"Don\'t worry, boss, I don\'t have any other skills, but I have never tried my best!"

"I thank you for our village, and I will do whatever you ask me to do in the future, absolutely nothing!!"

Xing Qiuhan smiled and agreed.

There is a kind of light called sincerity in his eyes, and he is obviously ready to work for Xiao Junlin!

"it is good!"

"Then you go to my security team to learn the basic business first, and I will decide the specific job after you learn it!"

Xiao Junlin patted Xing Chou\'s shoulder and smiled with satisfaction.

108. Looking for someone? simple

all the time.

Xiao Junlin takes his own safety very seriously!

Although he himself has long ago had god-level fighting skills, and his combat power is only stronger than his own bodyguards, he still maintains three groups of bodyguards, each with twenty-eight people!

Each one pulled out individually is a battle-hardened professional.

The last time is also the expert from the special team!

Each of the three teams also has a squad leader.

Every time Xiao Junlin travels, two teams are in the light and the other is in the dark.

Now with the appearance of Xing Chou, these three teams have a backbone!

From now on, they will form the first line of defense around Xiao Junlin to resist all possible dangers!

"Now Xing Chou has also won, and the four great generals take the second light."

"There is still one piece of intelligence, Wang Boyan, and one ticket owner, Jing Liangji. Where should these two go?"

"In the plot of the original book, it was only arranged for Yu Fengsheng to meet them, but it did not explain where they were before..."

Xiao Junlin frowned in distress.

When I was reading the book, I didn\'t feel that it violated the harmony, but now I am in the middle of the plot, only to find that everything is so unreasonable!

These people, including the appearance of the protagonist, seem to have been born out of thin air...

Seeing Xiao Junlin frowning, Geng Ruizhi couldn\'t help but ask curiously, "Dong Xiao, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

"Well...there\'s nothing to be dissatisfied with."

Xiao Junlin slowly shook his head, staring at the back of Xing Chou who was gradually leaving accompanied by a few bodyguards, and said helplessly: "I want to find two people, but I don\'t have any clues yet."

"Find someone? That\'s easy!"

Geng Ruizhi raised his chest and said, "As long as you enter the population big data system in various places, you can find the phone number, and then locate the address through the phone, and quickly lock the target!"

"Of course, if you don\'t know the phone number, or the other party\'s phone number has changed, you can only use the other party\'s age, occupation and gender characteristics, home address and other information to start screening..."

"Who is Xiao Dong looking for, I\'ll go check it out for you!"

Geng Ruizhi spoke loudly, but what he said was the same set of procedures he used when he was a hacker.

As the top ten super hackers in the world, Geng Ruizhi wants to find someone, isn\'t that an easy task?

Maybe it\'s been a long time since he started, Geng Ruizhi looks very excited at this time...

After listening to his proposal, Xiao Junlin\'s originally hazy mind was instantly awake and suddenly realized!


Why didn\'t he think of it? !

When he suppressed Yu Fengsheng before, in addition to the 2013 luck points he plundered, he also had a god-level hacking skill! !

With this hacking skill, if you want to find Bai Yan and Jing Liangji, isn\'t that a matter of hand?