Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 118:

Geng Ruizhi asked in confusion, "Dong Xiao, who are you?"

"Have you seen that kid?" Xiao Junlin pointed at Xing Chou, who was confused by the bodyguards, and explained casually: "You see he is as strong as a cow, with strong upper limbs and a firm lower plate. I know it\'s a trainer!"

"It\'s really a pity for this kind of person to be a small worker at the construction site..."

"Oh I got it!"

Geng Ruizhi stretched out the tone of "Oh", seemingly incomprehensible, but he no longer expressed any doubts.

After all, it is rare to be so strong, and it is normal for Xiao Dong to see Li Xinxi and want to take it back to the nursing home.

After a while, Xing Chou walked over with a demented expression under the leadership of the two bodyguards.

Muscular vault, rags...

After he approached step by step, everyone couldn\'t help but take a deep breath!

Just because of the distance, I could only see that he was tall and strong.

However, now that people are in front of them, they suddenly feel the strong oppression...

All the bodyguards were so frightened that they were all tense, and they were in a state of battle at all times!

You know, they are all veterans!

Still the most elite group in the team!

"Hey, hehe... Boss! You... are you looking for... me?"

Xing Choupu slapped his forehead with a fan-sized slap, smiling with a simple and honest face, speaking very slowly, and even a little stuttering!

He doesn\'t know Xiao Junlin\'s identity, nor does he know Geng Ruizhi, but no matter how stupid he is, he still knows that these must be big bosses.

Therefore, when he was stopped by several bodyguards at the beginning, he was still confused...

This is very good, he didn\'t do anything wrong! ?

Why are these people looking for him?

"How much for you to do a day\'s work here?"

Xiao Junlin did not answer Xing Chou\'s mentally retarded question, but directly asked.

"Two, two hundred..."

Xing Chou scratched his head and replied frankly: "But the foreman said that I ate too much, and he would deduct two-thirds of my food expenses."

As soon as Xing Chou finished speaking, everyone around him laughed.

Even the bodyguards instantly relaxed their guard.

Even if the construction site movers are temporary workers, their daily wages start at 600.

This Tie Hanhan, one person did the work of six or seven people, but he only received one-tenth of their salary...

cute! !

The word flashed in everyone\'s heart at the same time, and then looked at Xing Chou with sympathy in their eyes.

How did this Hanhan grow so big?

107. Do not die

"Have you considered changing jobs?"

Xiao Junlin thought for a while, and then threw another question.


This time, Xing Chou shook his head without even thinking about it, and said, "I haven\'t read a book, I have no education, and I can\'t do other jobs, so I can only sell my strength and go to other places without food... …”

"Is that so?"

Xiao Junlin laughed and said proudly: "Then you will follow me in the future? How about I give you an annual salary of 10 million?"

"Ah? Ten thousand?"

Xing Qiu Meng was stunned, and fell into contemplation with his fingers.

Geng Ruizhi hurriedly smiled and shook his head and explained:

"Your current salary is 60 yuan a day, which is 22,000 a year.

The annual salary offered by our Director Xiao is tens of millions, which is almost equal to a monthly salary of more than 800,000 yuan, which is about 28,000 yuan a day! "

"Am I clear enough? Even if you do this job for a year, you won\'t be able to stay by Xiao Dong\'s side for a day..."

"This, so, so much!?"

Xing Chou suddenly widened his copper bell-sized eyes, and asked in a daze, "Then I, the money I earn, can I send it home?"

Geng Ruizhi\'s explanation is very straightforward, even Xing Chou, whose IQ is not human standards, can understand it.

Now there are big bosses who are willing to spend a lot of money to recruit him, and working with the big boss for a day is equivalent to working in the current job for a year, without worrying about food and drink...

"Your salary, of course, is allocated by you."

Xiao Junlin smiled and said, "You are going to send it back to your hometown, right?

After the heavy snow closed the mountains, there was no prey in the mountains, so everyone would have to go hungry? "

Xing Chou trembled lightly: "You, how do you know??"

"Is there anything I don\'t know?"

Xiao Junlin smiled proudly, and said proudly with his hands on his back: "I might as well tell you the truth, although this is the first time we met, I have already calculated your entire past from your face, do you want to listen? ?"

"Calculate the past, listen to it..."

Not only Xing Chou, but also Geng Ruizhi and others beside him were all stunned.

Although I have heard a lot of rumors about my boss knowing Feng Shui before, this is the first time I have seen it...

And now this doesn\'t seem to be Feng Shui, it\'s looking at the appearance! !


"Your name is Xing Chou, you are 37 years old this year, where did you come from, where did you learn from? It\'s not convenient for me to say, but I can tell you something so that you can trust me."