Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 111:

"Now your fist is bigger than mine, I admit it, but... but I\'m definitely not crazy, I\'ll tell you!!"

"This is a big business of hundreds of billions. I want to get a piece of the pie. Is it wrong?"

"If you want to leave it in another company, other group, I don\'t believe that you, Xiao Junlin, are not on our side?!"


Listening to Chu Yongchun\'s words, Xiao Junlin nodded very rarely in agreement.

"You\'re right, interests are at the forefront, and you should be unscrupulous!"

"The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to one\'s own people..."

"If someone else got this project today, I can\'t say, I would really stand on the same front as you! So I don\'t think there is anything wrong with you, you don\'t, Lao Liao doesn\'t, and Tian Yun doesn\'t! Otherwise you think , with my stubborn temperament, you guys can get it right?"

Chu Yongchun was ashamed to death by Xiao Junlin\'s words.

"Well, now my fist is obviously much bigger than yours?"

Xiao Junlin paused when he said this, opened his mouth and silently said a name: "Chu Xu..."


Chu Yongchun was so frightened that his face changed wildly on the spot.

Like the previous Sikong Tianyun, he hurriedly got up and tried to cover Xiao Junlin\'s mouth, begging with horror: "Don\'t, don\'t--"

"Dong Xiao, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

"You, forgive me?!"

"I... you think I haven\'t been here today! In fact, I don\'t have any real power in the group. It\'s just that outsiders gave me a false name. You know that! But I can assure you that my Lingguang group will never be with you in the future. Your King\'s Landing and Guangmao Group are enemies!!"

Chu Yongchun patted his chest and assured.

He was originally a poor boy from a rural area. He met the daughter of the former chairman of Lingguang Group by chance in college, and only then did he start to reach the pinnacle of his life...

But also because he "married" into a wealthy family, he basically has no status at home, and even his son does not follow his surname.

Even so, he still raised a little lover in the countryside, his first love in college!

The two also have a child, "Chu Xu" that Xiao Junlin silently said just now.

Wei Guangyao, the former chairman of Lingguang Group, and the old man of the Lin family are the figures of the era!

Once this matter is exposed, what can Chu Yongchun say...

It\'s hard to die! !

This is a secret that no one knows!

The monthly food and clothing expenses of the lover and the child were all sent by him personally. How did he reveal it...

Chu Yongchun really can\'t figure it out!

So when he heard the name, he was immediately frightened and pale.

Could this Xiao Junlin be an immortal god?

Otherwise, how would you know everything...

This is so outrageous! ! !

100. Xiao Family Banner

"Xiao Dong, don\'t say anything, this is my brother, I\'m not authentic!"

"In the future, as long as you have something to do with Xiao Junlin, I will not interfere with it. Is this the head office?"

"No matter how bad it is, no matter what you say, there is no problem for me to go up the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of ​​​​fire..."

Being stared at by Xiao Junlin\'s half-smile eyes, Chu Yongchun bowed his head decisively.

He bowed his waist with a smile on his face, like a licking dog!

"……All right!"

Xiao Junlin thought about it and said:

"Old rule! If you don\'t move me, I won\'t move you."

"I, Xiao Junlin, am not a desperado, nor am I a wicked person. Naturally, I won\'t be idle and have nothing to do with you!"

"Then next, whose turn is it? Hmm-"

Xiao Junlin smiled lightly, let go of Chu Yongchun lightly, and set his eyes on Ran Jianyuan, chairman of Shanhai Group.

Then, he couldn\'t help frowning slightly.

This Ran Jianyuan, compared to the other four, seems to be able to hold him...



Xiao Junlin just wanted to speak, but Ran Jianyuan stood up in fright and waved his hands hastily:

"Brother Xiao, don\'t say anything, don\'t say anything!!"

"I suddenly remembered that I have something to do at home, and I will not get involved in this matter..."

"You should be able to afford this item yourself? If you are short of money, tell me, I... I can lend you a little!"

"Okay, you\'re busy, next time I\'m free, I\'ll treat you to a drink!"

"Bye, don\'t give it away, let\'s talk about it next time—"

Ran Jianyuan hurriedly got up, and after a burst of fast-talking greetings, he turned around and ran away without even giving Xiao Junlin a chance to interject...

"Fuck me, am I so guilty?"

Xiao Junlin\'s expression was slightly embarrassed, and there was a bit of helplessness on his face.

This thing seems to have a lot of secrets, and they are all the kind that are enough to kill!

"Then what, Director Xiao, I have something to do with my family, I have to go too..."

"My secretary just called me and said that my wife is going to give birth, and I have to go back quickly!"