Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 110:

This scene made everyone else in the conference room look stupid!

What\'s the matter, Chairman Sikong?

What is the mystery in Xiao Dong\'s words just now?

"There are eight on the thirty-fifth street... rub! Just now Dong Xiao said that there are more than eighty stalls?"

Some representatives are trying their best to recover this sentence, but they forgot the following as soon as they started...

There are people around him who are as ignorant as him, so where are you going to put together this so-called anagram?

Or is this not an anagram at all? !

What kind of secret did Chairman Xiao have in his hands on Sikong Tianyun...

All kinds of curiosity lingered in everyone\'s heart, and everyone\'s face changed one after another.


Facing everyone\'s puzzled and even anxious eyes, Sikong Tianyun was also very embarrassed and aggrieved!

It\'s not that he doesn\'t want to be tough, but that he really can\'t be tough! ! !

Even now he wants to directly invent a memory erasing technology to clear the memories of everyone present...

There are 84 stalls on 35th Street, receiving 164 tourists every day, and it took 79 days to close down...

This paragraph is what Xiao Junlin just said, he can memorize it after just listening to it once, and he fully understands it!

But it was because he understood it that he was so afraid! !

This passage is neither a charade nor a tongue twister, nor is it any **** information.

It\'s just a bunch of passwords! ! !

35 on 35th Street, 84 with 84 stalls, 164 with 164 tourists, 79 days, isn’t that 79…


Isn\'t this the password for his underground safe?

358416479! ! !

"This... hiss!!"

Sikong Tianyun suddenly took a breath.

Because he suddenly remembered...

This password, but he was the only one who knew it! !

He didn\'t even mention his own mother!

How did Xiao Junlin know this? !

At this time, he was as uncomfortable as being pinched by someone...

It\'s not okay to be soft!

"Don\'t worry, Brother Sikong."

Xiao Junlin lightly smiled and patted his shoulder, comforting: "You are so wise, I definitely won\'t touch you. After all, as you said, it\'s not good for everyone if the fish die and the net breaks..."



Sikong Tianyun nodded hastily, and said with an apologetic smile: "It was all my fault before, brother Xiao, don\'t take offense! Don\'t worry, whoever dares to go against you in the future will be looking for trouble for me, my old Sikong will never do it. Leave him alone!!"

"Then thank you Sikong brother."

Xiao Junlin smiled with satisfaction, looked at Liao Yongqiang and Sikong Tianyun, who were sitting on pins and needles, and waved his hands at will: "Two brothers, since there is nothing to do with you here, or...

go first? ? "

099. My fist is bigger than yours

Liao Yongqiang and Sikong Tianyun raised the white flag successively, and the alliance of the four giants has since become a joke.

Even, they are not simply retreating.

But a complete rebellion! !

Even if they were given ten or eight more courage, they would never dare to fight against Xiao Junlin in secret.

In addition to the Xinghong Group, which withdrew from the beginning, the six giants of Dijiang...

Xiao Junlin has already occupied four places here!

As for why he knew the secrets of these giants?

That\'s easy!

He has read the entire novel, what secret does he not know?

These old guys were cleaned up by Yu Fengsheng like this at the beginning...

Now Xiao Junlin uses these to win over them, which is quite reasonable!

"Next, who is it?!"

The door to the conference room opened and closed.

Liao Yongqiang and Sikong Tianyun took people away one after another, and the conference room was half empty.

Xiao Junlin paced forward with his hands behind his back, his eyes scanning the audience.

Those who were swept by his domineering eyes immediately felt their scalps go numb...

This look is so terrifying! !

The bosses followed his gaze, and finally all converged on Chu Yongchun, chairman of Lingguang Group.

"Old Chu, you just... seemed crazy?"

"Ah I... What am I crazy?"

Chu Yongchun felt agitated, and said bravely: "I, I am a legitimate request, you Xiao Junlin have done this kind of thing before, whoever has the biggest fist these days is the master, this is what you taught me before. what about..."