Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 11:

"What the **** is he doing? If you don\'t make it clear today, you won\'t come to me again from now on!"


Xiao Yi\'s expression changed on the spot, as if struck by lightning!

I can\'t come to her anymore, I can\'t come to her anymore...

Without Shen Xiaoyu, how could this make him live?

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, don\'t be angry!"

Xiao Yi hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and comforted him: "Don\'t worry, Xiao Yu, I will definitely go and find out!

My dad is just a son like me. When he died, aren\'t all these things mine? not ours!

Ah... yes! It must be Shengquan, it must be that **** Shengquan who is adding fuel to my dad and saying that mine is wrong..."

"He always likes to arrange me behind the scenes, it must be him, it must be him!"

010. You are just a son like me

"My dad has hurt me the most since he was a child. You know that, Xiaoyu! He will definitely not do anything bad for me, let alone the big thing like expelling the entire Shen family? And interrupting cooperation... how is it possible!"

"Besides, your Shen family is my Xiao Yi\'s family, and I, Xiao Yi, have long regarded your parents as my own parents! How could I possibly let them suffer a little?"

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll call to find out! If Shengquan is really making trouble inside, I, I... I\'ll turn him off immediately!"

"Wait for me for a while, and I\'ll give you an explanation right away, okay... okay?"


Xiao Yi was so anxious that he almost knelt down, and then Shen Xiaoyu snorted coldly.

Even if you agree!

Xiao Yi was relieved, and then full of anger, he dialed the phone number of the general manager Shengquan.

"Hey, Shengquan! Why are you fanning the flames in front of my dad again behind my back?!"

"You knew that my dad was about to die, so you started making small moves, didn\'t you? Let me tell you, the King\'s Landing Group belongs to me... No, it belongs to me and Shen Xiaoyu, and no one can take it away!

Don\'t say that you are a waste manager who has no position, and don\'t even think about my stupid uncle! "

"Who fired Shen Mi and the others? Who terminated all cooperation projects with the Shen family? Did you ask me? Did I approve? Ah!"

"Do you still see me as the CEO? Ah? While I\'m not in the company, it will start to be lawless, right!"

"Tell me, who gave you the guts?!"

After the call was connected, Xiao Yi cursed at the receiver.

Not only to vent the anger in his heart, but also to show his masculinity in front of Shen Xiaoyu.

Xiao Yi did not doubt the authenticity of this matter. After hearing that the Shen family members were all fired, and even the cooperation projects were all terminated, he subconsciously thought of Shengquan who had only insulted him in the morning.

Except for him, no one in the entire King\'s Landing Group has the ability to pass him and issue orders below!

And whether personnel transfer or termination of business cooperation, it needs to go through the board of directors...

"This eats the inside out!"

Xiao Yi cursed in his heart, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became!

When he goes back, he must open this old thing immediately.

He didn\'t think about his father at all, and he went upstairs to see it before leaving in the morning.

His father was so weak that he could burp at any time when he felt a small cold, and he didn\'t know whether he was conscious or not. How could he even go to the company to issue orders? !

This Shengquan, it is proper to rely on the emperor to make the princes!


The panicked voice he imagined did not appear, and after a brief silence on the other end of the phone, what came out was the gloomy and depressing voice of his father:

"Go on, I\'m listening."

"Ah this?"

Hearing the long-lost voice in the microphone, Xiao Yi was dumbfounded and exclaimed in disbelief: "Dad, why are you? You..."

"Me?" Xiao Junlin sneered and said teasingly, "Keep talking, am I listening?

If there is anything else to say, it\'s strange to hold it in your heart. "

"Dad, Dad, I\'m really... I\'m sorry, I\'m not scolding you! I\'m scolding Uncle Cheng..." Xiao Yi hurriedly explained, "He must have sued you again behind my back, and he has looked at me since he was a child. I\'m not happy... Dad, don\'t listen to him, he, he, he... he can be punished!"

"Oh? You even know how to use idioms? Come, tell me about it.

How could he be so embarrassed? "Xiao Junlin suddenly became interested and sneered.

"You don\'t know, he dared to terminate all cooperation with the Shen family behind my back, and even expelled the Shen family!"

Xiao Yi shouted loudly, "Look at how much damage this will cause to our company? It really emboldened him..."

At the end, when he found that there was no sound there, Xiao Yi couldn\'t help but add a guilty conscience: "Isn\'t this what his heart can be punished for?"

You must know that he just wanted to show his status in the Xiao family, but he was open to the public...

Now it turned out to be his father who came forward to answer the call. Although he was worried, he had to bite the bullet!

"I\'m really sorry, I did it to fire all the Shen family members and terminate the cooperation." Xiao Junlin sneered and said, "By the way, your position as the executive president of the group has also been taken over. I\'m fired, and from now on, you don\'t need to go to the company anymore, you\'re free."


Xiao Yi shook his body suddenly, dumbfounded.

"Dad, what are you kidding me? I\'m your own son! You, you are my son..."

Xiao Yi regained his senses, his emotions exploded instantly, and roared: "Are you confused? Or did Shengquan pour you some ecstasy soup?!

You tell me, I, I, I, I will kill him! ! "

"Kill him?" Listening to the roar of the cheap son, Xiao Junlin snorted coldly: "You are just a waste of food waiting to die, who can you kill? Who do you dare to kill?

011. I will never let you down

How can you live so big without Lao Tzu following your **** to clean up your aftermath? "