Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 10:

"Where\'s the chicken?"

"Hey... come to play?"

"Hee hee - then, where\'s the dog?"

Just as the clerk was about to answer, he suddenly looked at the eldest young master of the Xiao family who was showing great hospitality, stunned and sneered: "Have you eaten, have you slept, and drink more water, I have money..."

After she finished speaking, the people around laughed together.

Hearing the laughter suddenly, Xiao Yi didn\'t even look back, and said to himself: "Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, Mr. Liao just downstairs said that their Hermès store has a new crocodile leather bag. , do you want to go take a look? Or...or should I ask them to bring it to you?"

Shen Xiaoyu frowned and thought for a while, and said, "I\'ll go take a look."

Being surrounded by people here makes her really uncomfortable...

The clerks gathered together like they were watching a joke.

The person who was taken as a joke was not even conscious at all!

Even if he just smiled a little, or nodded in agreement with one of his opinions, he could be happy all day.

Just a... idiot!

"Xiaoyu, Master Xiao is really considerate to you..."

"Yeah... I envy you so much, Young Master Xiao is really too warm, a peerless warm man!

If I were you, I would have fallen long ago..."

009. What happened to your father?

"Yes, yes, right now, maybe the children can run all over the place!"

Around Shen Xiaoyu\'s friends giggled, and at the same time they didn\'t forget to wink at Xiao Yi...

With such a rich second-generation licking dog as a follower, don\'t you know how dashing it will be in the future?

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Shen Xiaoyu\'s pretty face froze, and she said angrily, "I have always regarded Xiao Yi as a brother, you know? We will not have results!"

Shen Xiaoyu said in her heart that if this product hadn\'t still been used, she would have let these idiots get out of the way!

"That\'s right, Xiaoyu is just my sister..."

Xiao Yi quickly explained with an apologetic smile: "We have known each other since elementary school. We have a deep brother and sister relationship. She treats me as a brother, and I only treat her as a sister!"

Xiao Yi said flatteringly, and didn\'t mind what Shen Xiaoyu said at all.

Anyway, in her opinion, a girl...

Thin skin is normal!

On the contrary, if Shen Xiaoyu accepts it too quickly, he will wonder if there is any fraud in the middle!

Shen Xiaoyu has never looked at Xiao Yi with the right eyes, that is really despised from the bottom of his heart, and he has never thought of marrying him!

I didn\'t expect...

He Xiao Yi just happened to eat this set, and he almost got carried away by licking her.

Even in the original book, Xiao Yi in order to lick Shen Xiaoyu, finally broke his family!

"Jingle Bell-"

While Xiao Yi was trying his best to explain, the phone in Shen Xiaoyu\'s bag suddenly rang.

She frowned and took a look. The note turned out to be her cousin, Shen Mi, whom she hadn\'t contacted for a long time...

"Hey, cousin, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Oh, we are busy people in the Shen family, can\'t we find you when I have nothing to do?"

On the other end of the phone, Shen Mi\'s yin and yang tone made Shen Xiaoyu frown in discomfort.

Before she could ask, Shen Mi continued: "Tell you good news, we have been fired from the King\'s Landing Group, pay attention... it\'s all!"

"Huh?" Shen Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, then exclaimed: "What\'s going on?!"

"What\'s going on? I can\'t ask you what\'s going on! We are busy people in the Shen family?" Shen Mi sneered for a while, and continued: "Not only our Shen family were fired, but even Jun Lin has all business dealings with our Shen family. It\'s all been cut off, you know?!"

"What!" Shen Xiaoyu suddenly exploded with anger and roared: "Who did it, how dare they?!"

"Who did it? How dare they?" Shen Mi bluntly mocked: "In addition to the order given by Xiao Junlin, the chairman of the Junlin Group, who else has the right to do this?

To be honest, not only us, but now the entire King\'s Landing Group will face an unprecedented grand reshuffle..."

"We\'re busy people in the Shen family, look... I asked you to take Xiao Yi down earlier, but if you don\'t take it, now his father comes out and starts targeting us!"

"Thirty-seven colleagues! Do you know how much effort we have put in? Just because of your restraint and your nobility, everything was in vain..."

"Are you satisfied now?"

"Oh, yes, and..." Shen Mi didn\'t give Shen Xiaoyu a chance to interject at all, and said directly: "Dong Xiao is playing for real this time! Not only shuffling, but also a thorough investigation!

If I am caught by them and sue me in jail, you must not try to run away! "

After Shen Mi\'s remarks, the ridicule was over, and she hung up the phone quite decisively.

Shen Xiaoyu was shocked for a long time and didn\'t recover, and she didn\'t even know how to get to the Hermès store...

Chairman Xiao came out and let the Shen family\'s hard work for many years go to waste, and there is no room for resistance and circles!

This news is too exciting for her!

"Well, what the **** is going on here?"

"Am I dreaming..."

Sitting on the sofa in the lounge area, Shen Xiaoyu was still muttering to herself.

"Xiaoyu, what\'s the matter with you?"

Beside him, Xiao Yi asked in a low voice with concern.

"You still ask me what\'s wrong? I want to ask you what\'s wrong!"

Shen Xiaoyu came back to her senses, her lungs were about to explode with anger, she raised her plain hand and slapped Xiao Yi over her head and covered her face, then she blushed and shouted angrily after venting, "What the **** is going on with your dad? Cousin and our Shen family fired?"

"He also interrupted the cooperation project with us, why is he?!"