Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 996

Ling Sheng was very happy. She saw the diary when she saw Dongfang Chu. She was a little excited. She pointed to him and asked, "don't you say there is no? What is that? "

Dongfang Meng was also stunned for a moment. She had seen this diary book of her sister. She was very familiar with it. Didn't she burn it with other relics? How could it be here?

Ling Sheng bent down to get the diary.

Oriental Dream took the first step to get the hand, trembling a pair of hands pressed the password, see that diary really opened.

Ling Sheng was still thinking about what excuse she was going to use to explain that she would know the password later and be able to open the password book. Unexpectedly, the Oriental dream was opened directly, which saved her trouble.

After all, Dongfang Meng really loves her sister. Dongfang Chu must also love her sister. The two sisters have such a good relationship that they can even know each other's privacy. It's really not easy for anyone to know the password.

Dongfang Meng didn't doubt Ling Sheng. After all, she always regarded her as a little madman. It's nothing strange if she guessed her nonsense right. Moreover, she was just showing off her tongue and trying to get a little cheaper. She didn't expect to be misled by her. She really had her sister's diary.

Yan Yuanfei has a deep look. He looks at the girl who squats on the ground and stretches her head to peek at her diary. Her doubts are getting heavier and heavier.

It's not a coincidence.

Sheng Sheng, how did she know?

From the beginning of chatting about the eastern Chu, she argued that it was not his fault, nor water's fault.

Ling Sheng wanted to see what he had written. When he stretched his head, he couldn't see it. All of them were blocked by the Oriental Dream. He hated to death. He looked at her and said, "put it in the middle."

Oriental Dream: "this is my sister's stuff, why should I show it to you?"

Ling Sheng: "this is what I found. Is it a diary? What was written. "

The Oriental Dream despised the stare at her one eye, low one reproaches: "roll away point!"

Ling Sheng bang a, hum: "you are a niggard!"

The Oriental dream doesn't let Ling Sheng look at her sister's things. Of course, she wants her to read them first. She points to the first word of her diary and shows it to her: "my sister, do you see it?"

Ling Sheng sniffled and sat on the ground with two books in his hand. He sat in front of the tombstone of Eastern Chu and began to read his diary.

The more Oriental Dream looked at it, the more strange the content of the diary. In the diary, it recorded a man's affairs, but from the beginning to the end, there was no man's name. Her sister only used a word "he" to replace the man, the man she loved deeply, or the man she was willing to love.

The first chapter of the diary is from meeting the man in the diary.

She wrote:


once upon a time, I didn't believe that there was love at first sight in the world. Until I met him, I didn't know that there was a million years in the world. I looked at him, and my heart beat wildly. I knew that I liked this man, I was sure. 】


I once told Shui Shui Shui that if you like a person, as long as you don't violate the minimum ethics, you should go after him and love him. In this life, you have to love once. I've never come in vain. I've been looking for someone to come to his residence. I wrote to him and asked for a man for the first time. 】


he didn't come. I waited in the coffee shop until the sun was setting. I told myself that he would surely come, but until the end of the day, I was alone.

Later, when I went to his door, I saw his housekeeper take out all the letters in the mailbox. I went up to ask if he had received the letter. Maybe he didn't receive it. If he didn't see it, he would not keep the appointment.

The housekeeper said he would never read the letters, which would be burned and disposed of by his special staff.

At that moment, I was very happy. He didn't attend the appointment, just didn't see the letter.


I don't like to attend parties, and I always feel very tired. I'd better read books at home quietly. But now, I'll ask someone to find out which party he will attend in Beijing.

I waited as like as two peas. Later I knew he didn't like to go to the party. We love the two. 】


I finally met him face to face. There was a dining table. I sat here and he sat there. He was so dazzling, polite and gentlemanly.

When he was eating, I didn't even dare to lift my eyes and look at him for the first time.

Originally like a person, really will let the person become inferior, timid. 】



today is Valentine's day in the West. After three months, I saw him again.

I lost one of my earrings. It was a tourmaline eardrop given to me by my younger sister. It was very important to me. I went back to look for it in a hurry. When I looked up, I saw the man standing not far from me.His assistant came over with earrings and asked me: Miss Dongfang, is this what I'm looking for?

I wonder why he didn't give it to me in person? I haven't said a word to him so far?

Now, how can I be like this? It's not like me at all.

I hold the earrings, think that today is Valentine's day in the west, and I just met him on this day, it must be the fate given by God. 】



I got up the courage to speak to him today.

He said: well.

I think he certainly doesn't like to talk. When he answers other people's questions, he uses the word "um" instead of just me. 】


The Oriental Dream page by page, is the sister's beautiful font, every word tells her strong to a man's love, with a heart full of true feelings.

The elder sister, who was in love with her, knew his little secret like all the girls who were in love. She would be happy if she couldn't wait for him.


Shuishui said that I was so positive, so brave and decisive when I tried to persuade her to pursue Yan Er. However, when it came to my own affairs, I began to be afraid of my hands and feet. If I liked to chase her, I would wait and wait until I became worried. Be careful that he was chased by others.

I have decided that he will go to the charity auction tomorrow. I will go there too. I want to find him. I want to confess. I want to be brave and decisive. I can't let water and water look down on me. 】


5.18 is my lucky number, and today is my lucky day.

I stopped him. I plucked up my courage and told him that I liked him and I wanted to associate with him.

He said: Thank you for your kindness. I already have a wife in my family. My wife is strict with me. I hope you can speak carefully in the future. I'm afraid my wife will be angry and drive me out of the house.

I know that he is cheating. People in Beijing know that he has been using this as an excuse. No matter who introduced the woman, he would not accept it.

I will not give up pursuing him. 】 , the fastest update of the webnovel!