Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 995

According to the second uncle, Dongfang Chu had not seen him several times, and things were strange. Before the combination, some people escaped from the control of miscellaneous fish. She had reason to suspect that Dongfang Chu might remember the third master. Now everyone thinks that the person Dongfang Chu likes is the plot of the second uncle, but only the author's will in this book.

Yes, junshiyan's flowery radish is the one she really likes. Thinking of this, I can't help feeling a little sour.

Dongfang Meng came here to burn some of her elder sister's relics, which were all her favorite books. After her sister passed away, all her belongings were burned according to her will. Unexpectedly, the last box was left behind.

She found the small wooden box when she was sorting things out yesterday, so she took it. Now she suddenly felt that it must be the guidance of her sister's spirit in heaven that she met her enemy.

Ling Sheng also saw the small wooden box placed at her feet and pointed to the wooden box: "maybe it's in there! Love letters, letters, diaries and so on. "

The wooden box is not big. It's the size of her arms. She still has a lock. In her memory, she vaguely remembers sweeping the box in her room and locking it. It should be an important thing for Dongfang Chu.

"Sheng Sheng, don't make a fool of yourself." Yan Yuan called her a sentence, let her come back: "can't be unreasonable to the second miss."

Oriental Dream: "little girl, don't tell me what you say. If my sister has something private, can I know?"

Ling Sheng: "who knows? Maybe your sister's secret is right there. You framed and misunderstood my second uncle for so long. I want to get justice for my second uncle. You dare not open it, do you?"

Dongfang dream knew that she was an exciting general, but she really ate this set and looked at the photo of her sister on the tombstone: "little girl, you framed my sister without any reason. If you can't find what you said, you kowtow to my sister and make amends for kneeling in front of her for two days and two nights. Dare you?"

"I'll bet you what it has to do with my second uncle. Let's do it by ourselves. Don't involve innocent people. If Miss Dongfang likes my second uncle, it's not because my second uncle died, but someone else. You Dongfang family must admit my second uncle's mistake and correct his name. Dare you, second miss?"

"That Yan Yuan is not he also wants to kowtow to my sister to admit his mistake." Dongfang dream didn't expect that she was quite horizontal and confident. If her sister didn't like Yan Yuanfei, how could she not be aware of it as her sister.

Yan Yuanfei, the son of a bitch, still wants to wash white. Does he think his sister is a stain on his life? By the little girl of Huo CI family to stimulate her!

Everything is easy to say, but in this matter, she wants him to be guilty for a lifetime, and never want to escape!

"Sheng Sheng, don't make noise." Yan Yuanfei opened his mouth and looked apologetically at the Oriental Dream: "second miss, she is a child, don't take a common view with her."

What's wrong with Sheng Sheng? She said these strange things from the beginning of seeing him.

As far as he knows, Dongfang Chu did not like any other men, if there is, even if he does not know, if water how can not know it!

"Second uncle, you don't have to worry about it. You can't live with the guilty man and the murderer's charge all your life." Ling Sheng was angry.

Clearly, it is the eldest lady of Dongfang family who empathizes and loves her first. However, she looks like a victim, which makes the whole world feel that the second uncle is sorry for her and has failed her.

Oriental Dream is also pulling lips and sneering, child? Has he ever seen a child of this age? Now that everything has been said, she should be responsible for what she said.

Ling Sheng turned back and knelt down directly to the tomb of Dongfang Chu: "Auntie Dongfang, please give us a witness."

Dongfang dream looked at the box in front of him. When he was at home, it had been more than ten years. He could not find the key. He saw the girl coming with a stone and stopped him: "what do you want to do?"

Ling Sheng took a stone and looked at the lock: "how, second miss, you still have the key. Why didn't you say it earlier when you had the key? I went to pick up the stone."

Oriental Dream frowned against: "I have no key, this is my sister's thing, do not destroy."

Ling Sheng knew that their sisters were deeply in love with each other: "the second young lady, you came here with the box to show it to the eldest lady? Or do you want her to get the key? "

If she thought it was right, she would take it and burn it, and there was a barrel of gasoline next to it.

Oriental Dream looked at her: "give it to me."

She also wanted to know what was contained in the relic which had been found after more than ten years, and whether her sister wanted her to see what was in it, so she arranged it like this? Let her happen to take the box over, but also so happened to meet Yan Yuanfei.

Ling Sheng handed the stone to her, and watched her exert a force, and the lock opened. The strength and angle were just good, but the lock was broken. Even the complicated and beautiful ornamentation on the head was not damaged.

When the box was opened, there were books, volumes of poetry collections, antique book covers, on which were elegant small script fonts. When opened, they were all handwritten poems, plus the opinions and notes of the hand copied people.After decades of Oriental Dream, I saw my sister's things again. My eyes were wet and my eyes were red. I reached out and stroked the poetry anthologies that my sister had transcribed. It was like looking at a treasure. I missed it, I was kind and sad.

Ling Sheng took out all the things and put them in order. He didn't find the diary book with the lock. He didn't believe in evil and found the box facing the sky.

"What else do you want to say?" Oriental Dream looked at her, are poetry anthology, there is no love letter she said: "put down the box, to my sister apology."

"Those private things, she will certainly hide deeper, there is no inside, it must be somewhere else." Ling Sheng still doesn't want to admit defeat. There must be some diaries. She can be sure now.

Otherwise, why let her see the scene of diary writing!

"Do you mean that you don't want to admit defeat, admit your mistakes, never repent, and still want to search my house?" Oriental Dream looked at her funny.

"Maybe you Dongfang family has already seen and known the truth. For your own face, you will make mistakes and hide them from you." Ling Sheng has a feeling in his heart, which is certainly not the case. The facts in front of him are better than eloquence.

"You're just messing around. Don't you admit it?" Dongfang Meng's eyes suddenly sank and got up to get the box.

Who knows Ling Sheng didn't hold it steady. His hand slipped and the box fell to the ground. Then suddenly, a sandwich appeared and a small book came out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!