Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 980

Jun Shiyan chuckled and scratched the tip of her nose and said, "I know, baby."

Ling Sheng murmured that people are not babies!

The Third Master said that she should have come here because of the incense candle. When the candle goes out, she should go back.

But she has been here for three days and has not returned.

"Sometimes the passage of time is different from what you believe in your inherent thinking." Jun Shiyan looks at the little girl and explains.

"Does it mean one day in the sky and one year in the earth?" Lingsheng reacts very fast.

Jun Shiyan nodded and looked at her with a spoiled expression: "well, that's what it means, but I don't know how long it will take. When the candle over there is finished, you can go back."

If you expect it, it's the candle of this era that brought her here. It's like having a dream. When she wakes up, she just has a sleep. It's dawn and has no effect.

"What are you doing here?" Ling Sheng frowned.

Now the third master should still be a child. Why is he so big.

"What do you say?" Jun Shiyan laughed.

"You are..." Ling Shenghuo's reaction came over: "are you here to set up my parents?"

Jun Shiyan nodded approvingly and gently pointed the tip of the girl's nose: "your parents have no chance. If I'm not here, they will miss it."

Ling Sheng: "then what did they separate for at first? It's clear that they still care about each other. How can they make such a scene?"

Jun Shiyan listened to her rambling words. He only knew what happened now, and did not know what would happen in the future. However, he knew that the two people who loved each other could not forget each other so easily.

"Then my parents are just like the two of us?" Ling Sheng said, in the heart some sad: "but since they have no predestination, why will together, gave birth to me?"

"The world in this book has been modified countless times. When you read a book, you have already modified the content. If you look again, you will find that the content is still changing." Jun Shiyan heard her mention the two of them: "see Ji Xing?"

"Yes." Ling Sheng suddenly nodded: "is he a good man and a bad man? Is it really what he said

Jun Shiyan frowned at Lingsheng's words: "it's probably like that, but he said that he would not let sichengluo wake up with song Yiyan. He was lying to you."

Ling Sheng angrily squeezed a small fist, a pair of I knew it was such a small expression of indignation: "he is indeed a liar! He also threatened me, saying that if we wake up song Yiyan and Si chengluo and are found by miscellaneous fish, we will all die. "

"Don't worry. When I see him, I will take good care of him and avenge you. I dare to cheat you and seek death." Jun Shiyan followed her words, and his eyes became softer and softer. He said, "but he did this to protect song Yiyan. Once she wakes up, he may go to him."

"Does song Yiyan have that ability?" Ling Sheng thinks of that little white rabbit that always cries. No, after she wakes up, she should still be very strong.

"She's different from you. She's disobedient and has a bad temper. In order to cooperate with our plan, Ji Xing didn't get her permission. If she knew about it, she would chase him to the ends of the earth and kill him." Jun Shiyan said that the clouds were light and the wind was light.

Ling Sheng: "you mean I'm very obedient?"

Jun Shiyan has always known that women like to take things out of context, looking at her and saying, "well, I still say you are good-natured and gentle. Why don't you say that?"

Ling Sheng glared at him: "what about Si chengluo? He has nothing to do with me

Jun Shiyan: "your brother."

Ling Sheng's eyes widened in disbelief. When she was rescued by Si chengluo on the stage, she called her sister: "it's not pro! How do I feel that he has other thoughts on me

Junshi Yandun for a moment: "your half brother, your parents left early, you brought him up. His feelings for you are deeper than that of the general brother for his sister. Before you meet me, he has a strong possessive desire."

"And after I met you?" Ling Sheng coughed, is it a little orthopedic? A mother's compatriots are indeed close and closely related by blood.

"I'm impressed by my charm, and I'll leave you to me." Jun Shiyan's long and narrow eyes are the smile of wave light.

Of course, I was beaten!

Dare to peep at his own sister, ethics will not allow!

Dare to peep at his woman, he is also absolutely impossible to agree!

Look at how honest I am now. I can't tell you what to do. Especially when it comes to his sister's business, he always goes ahead.

"Liar." Ling Sheng knew from his expression that it was not so simple.

Judging from the two sudden changes of his performance, he is definitely not a good boy who is obedient and eccentric.**

Huo CI didn't skip class either. After returning to the classroom, he leaned on the chair to sleep with his feet on the table, like an old man.

Class atmosphere is very strange, even a dare to gasp are not, carefully afraid of provoking him.

The school has spread that it is brother Ci's girlfriend, the new little beauty, and other men left!

I don't know which man has no long eyes. He ate the courage of ambitious leopard, and even the women of brother Lianci dare to move. It's really boring and crooked.

To the last class in the afternoon, the teacher is on the stage, the class quiet needle can be heard, see is sleeping Huo big devil, after a manic lying, raised his feet to rush out of the classroom.

The teacher just calmly glanced and continued to lecture. Who was that, the little bully in Beijing, not to mention a teacher, even the headmaster came, and did not dare to care about him.

The younger brother sitting in the back row saw him go out in a murderous manner. How can the elder brother go out alone? He gave a notice and made a wink. Five or six boys in the class went out with him.

Lu and Bai were called out by his younger brother. They said that things were not good. Liuge might have gone to junshiyan and asked him to persuade him. When he ran past, he saw Huo CI just got on the motorcycle and stopped: "Liuge, what are you going to do?"

Really for a little girl, go to find Jun Laosan. Other girls have said that they are the daughter-in-law of Jun Laosan. What can he do when he goes?

They called him Dad, and they really thought of him as his father!

"I went to Jun Laosan to do what, Laozi said is to go to her to ask for my mobile phone." Huo CI sneered, put on the helmet, handsome and domineering, on the land and white feet on the kick: "roll!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!