Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 979

After she left, no one would remember her coming. Only she could remember what happened during this period.

"Oh, what era is it? The third master's family has a child's daughter-in-law!" Lu and Bai eyebrow tip a pick, smile ridicule, in the heart always think this matter is very strange.

The girl's background is a blank, if it is really Jun Shiyan's person, it's easy to explain. The people he protects are normal if they can't be found.

"Lu Shaoguan's is a little too broad." When Jun Shiyan finished, he glanced at them lazily: "you two should go back to class. If your second brother finds out, it will be troublesome."

"Don't threaten me with my second brother. I'm not afraid of anyone." Huo CI sneered coldly. In addition to the fire, he looked at Ling Sheng and asked her, "are you going with him or with me?"

Ling Sheng saw his father's anger and expectation. For a while, he was still a little sad. He looked at him and said, "Dad, I'm sorry."

Huo Ci's heart a burst of cold, cover the loss of the eye, the whole person is cold infiltration, pointing to her ridicule hook lip: "don't step on the horse shouting, who is your father!"


He's just crazy!

Is it addictive to be called Dad by a 14-year-old girl? Before that, I still feel very useful, and I'll take advantage of his mother! She NIMA is a liar!

Lu and Bai tugged at him for a while. The little girls all admit that they are Jun Shiyan's women. If they don't want to follow him, don't pester here. Men should look like men: "six brothers, let's go!"

He knows, six elder brother this is hurt, also knew two days of little girl just, six elder brother which come so deep feeling.

Is he really in love with a girl? Ready to grow up? This idea can not have, that is Jun Shiyan's woman!

Huo Ci's eyes, with a knife like whizz toward Ling Sheng shot in the past, no nostalgia for turning head to walk, took two steps and suddenly stopped the pace, looking back to Jun Shiyan, biting the back teeth, said: "Third Master, take care of your woman, don't let her with a neuropathy like, see people call dad."

Ling Sheng climbed out and looked at her father's cold and frightening back. She was relieved that she would not see her again. She did not know when she could go back and why she came here.

"Third Master, how do you know I'm here?" Before Ling Sheng had time to ask him anything, her father caught up.

"I saw your picture." Jun Shiyan looked at her: "Rong Yin is investigating your background and identity. I saw it."

"My uncle?" Ling Sheng nodded clearly. She didn't feel angry when she heard of it. She was a stranger of unknown origin. She should be investigated carefully by normal people.


Huo was so angry that he wanted to kill people. He saw the car driving away from the corner of his eye and kicked his foot on the tree trunk nearby.

"Six elder brothers, not I say you, just a little girl, unknown origin, go is not more convenient." Lu and Bai then advised him, and now he dares to talk to him.

Huo CI recorded a death gaze, but he was still angry: "who said that Laozi was angry for her. Junshiyan's grandson is a brute, and he can handle such a small child."

Lu and Bai echoed: "yes, six elder brothers, you are right. The grandson is an animal and a psychopathic bastard. This kind of person should report to the police and put him in prison and let him sit in the bottom of the prison."

The younger brothers who follow behind are far away from them. They dare not lean forward. If you look at me, I will look at you. I dare not talk.

Brother Ci was angry. His daughter-in-law was taken away. He didn't stop him. He didn't do anything. He didn't know who was the big man who took his daughter-in-law away.

They didn't see it. They thought it might be the father of the girl. The little girl was so old that she couldn't fall in love. Her father caught her and took her away.

In the car, Ling Sheng widened his eyes and looked at him in disbelief: "you said you Don't remember what happened later? The two of us? You don't remember at all? "

Jun Shiyan looked at the little girl and was startled. His thin lips opened: "I don't have memory. Isn't it me?"

"But the two of us..." Ling Sheng pauses for a while, suffering a small face: "this is what matter, I only have this life's memory, you only do not have this life's memory."

"It doesn't matter. Just remember it for me." Jun Shiyan looked at the little girl's soft appearance and could only deeply mourn for himself. He was too small. He could only watch and eat. His voice was a little hoarse: "I will help you remember it."

Ling Sheng deeply sighed and nodded. Only in this way, how could it be? She was so angry that they had no common memory.

She recalled all the things she had been through, and recalled every detail as much as possible.

Jun Shiyan looked at the little girl's blush. When she suddenly approached, her breath was a little hot, and her voice was very sexy: "what did I tell you?"

Ling Sheng shakes his head: "did not say what, what did not say."Jun Shiyan happily lifted up the corners of his lips. His voice was very low, but he was more sexy and provocative: "did I say, kiss you?"

Ling Sheng looked at the man's smiling face and pushed him away: "Jun Shiyan, you lecher! I'm only 13 years old. You're a crime

Jun Shiyan looked at her with a smile, and nodded in teasing: "it's a little small."

When Ling Sheng saw his sight, he felt that his whole body was going to burn up. He remembered what Ji Xing said. He thought it was a joke. He didn't expect that he was really that kind of person. His face turned: "hum!"

"Hum what?" Jun Shiyan came to the little girl's ear and saw her tender little earlobe. He sighed: "a man is disrespectful if he doesn't respond to his beloved woman."

In the face of the person you like, unless you are a saint who has no desire or desire, how can you resist it!

"You don't make excuses." Ling Sheng stretched out his hand and stabbed his face. He was disgusted to be dead, so he was far away from himself. He said haughtily, "the third master will not be the same as you."

"Am I not him? Or is he not me? " Jun Shiyan has always known that she is shy and awkward when she does not have a closer relationship with her.

Once there is a relationship, she will completely let go. Maybe this is what others call negative distance contact, which can enhance the feelings of the two people.

I deeply despised myself over there. How could the meat delivered to his mouth bear not to eat? Now he doesn't eat because he can't eat. It's too small. Even if I hold her for a while, he will feel guilty of bullying her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!