Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 887

Ling Sheng scornfully glanced at him, bang, flatterer, responder!

But this Edward is also a personal talent. He has no evidence in his hand. He dare to ask her father out to threaten him. If he is an ordinary person, he will surely cheat him.

In fact, deception is the use of people's hearts. If you are cheated by him, you can only show that you have a ghost in your heart and your mind is unstable. If you are like her father, you will do it. Who can compare with you blindly!

It is a fool like hoffee who has been cheated. He is greedy for benefits and the enjoyment and superiority brought by his fake identity.

Huo Xiao and they are waiting in the living room, but Huo CI doesn't come back.

"Dad, Dad, you must make decisions for me." Huo Kai can only hope on the old man, crying and kneeling beside him, hoarse voice: "I am a brother, if I kneel down for him, there is no reason, the world has no order?"

It's not Lao Liu's fault. He doesn't believe it. He hates his carelessness and doesn't expect his work to be so clean.

However, the property in his hands means that he will not give anything to Lao Liu. What he has in his hands is the jewelry business, which he gives to Lao Liu. What kind of life will their family expect in the future!

Several people around looked at each other, this is what it is called, greedy snake swallow elephant, compensate his wife and break the army!

I can't blame Lao Liu for his clean hands, but I can only blame him for being greedy. If he hadn't thought about what he had in his hands, he would not have been in this situation.

Now it seems that he is going to refuse to admit his debt and plead with the old man.

"Dad, the fifth brother is right. He is the elder brother, and the sixth is the younger brother. There is no reason for a brother to kneel down to his brother in the world." Huo Ji first said, how to say that the fifth brother are brothers, as the saying goes, fight tiger brother, fight father and son.

What kind of a thing is he? If he doesn't help his own brother, he has to help an outsider.

"It's just that, Dad, the fifth man said it when he was in a hurry. All the people who bet or don't bet are brothers of his own family. How can you be so serious, don't you?" Huo Li knew that Lao Liu had already moved his mind. If they were still fighting against each other, how could they fight him?

"Where there is an overnight feud between brothers, Dad, you can spare the fifth this time." Huo Ting also followed, but was pulled by his daughter-in-law, Jiang Meiyun, and glared at him, not to let him speak.

Huo Zhen is there, but he has always been a heavy face, without any expression. Even when other brothers talk, he doesn't have any emotional fluctuation.

Just holding the crutch hand, blue veins burst, blood vessels can see clear comments, slightly drooping eyes, full of hate.

This matter, put clearly is the old six set up, let five jump inside, he has already reminded them, old six is not a fool, but a tiger temporarily put away the claws and teeth, we must be careful of him!

However, they still regard him as a paper tiger. They always think that he is protected by his brothers who are too close to each other, so that he can be arrogant, arrogant and safe. Otherwise, they will not know how many times he has been killed.

But how can they not use their brains to think, a paper tiger, why let the Rong family protect, let the Yan Family's that hard to protect, let the Jiang family take out his heart and lung, the Lu family's six elder brothers shout.

After Huo Kai cried and begged the master, the rest of the family also began to persuade him to change his mind while Huo Ci was not there.

When Ling Sheng came in crying, he startled everyone.

Huo Xiao first stood up, nervous crutches were not taken to meet up, an anxious cry: "what's the matter?"

Ling Sheng also dishevelled his hair and looked at Huo Xiao with tears in his eyes. After that, he fell into his arms and did not speak. He cried pitifully and helplessly, wronged and afraid. His small body trembled.

Huo Xiao's temper, anxious and distressed, looked at the good sun crying so sad and aggrieved: "don't cry, tell grandfather what's wrong? What happened? "

Su Xiyin was also anxious. She came over with Xiao Qi in her arms. She didn't know what happened. Before she asked, she saw Huo Xuanzhou and Huo CI coming in at the door.

Huo Xuanzhou was still holding a man in his hand. He dragged him on the ground like a rag. He was angry and called out: "grandfather, you have to be the master. This son of a bitch, he bullies my sister!"

Other people did not know what had happened. Only hoffee, whose face turned pale, recognized that the one Huo Xuanzhou was dragging was not the one next to her, but her fiance Edward, who rushed directly to the place and cried out sadly, "Edward, what's the matter with you? Who beat you like this

Huo Xuanzhou eyebrows a pick, look ridicule, fool, this still can't see, cry a fart, is a cheater only, return true feeling?

Huo Xiao looked at Huo Xuanzhou, anxious: "you pour is to say, how to return a responsibility!"

Huo Xuanzhou started to pull according to what he had just said. He was full of indignation and indignation. Edward asked Lingsheng out and said that he had something to tell her. Then in the warehouse, he would take the opportunity to violate her desire.Then he and Huo CI arrived in time to save Ling Sheng, who was insulted by Edward, and gave him a little lesson.

Jiang Meiyun has always been unable to understand how her son is so good with his sixth uncle. Looking at Edward who has been beaten and is only hanging with one breath, is this a little lesson?

If they really teach them a lesson, will they be gone?

Xiao Hui and his wife saw the situation in front of them. They started to blacken out in front of them. They hit Edward directly in the face!

Hoffee squatted beside her, wiping her tears, and her voice was hoarse: "Edward, Edward, please tell Grandpa quickly. What's going on? How could you do that? You didn't do it. You were wronged, right? "

Edward's brain is still spinning. As a professional swindler, no matter when and where, his brain should keep awake, but at the moment, his whole body is in pain and his internal organs are colic together. Where is the strength to speak.

He has been in the world for so many years. He has been to so many countries and cheated countless people. But it is the first time that he meets such a cruel role as Huo CI. He doesn't care about anything and goes straight up to beat people! And beat people to death.

How on earth did he make sure he didn't have any evidence at all? Shouldn't ordinary people be afraid the first time? Is he still not a person? , the fastest update of the webnovel!