Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 886

What if I don't rely on a small hammer

Edward's look suddenly grim: "Mr. Huo, don't blame me for my impoliteness. I happened to see what you did that day. If Mr. Huo got the video, you would not only lose your mine, but also break your leg!"

"What's your name?" Huo's answer was not what he asked, and his expression was lazy.

"Edward." Edward was a little angry, did not expect that he was ignored, he is now a prince, he did not respect him at all.

"Oh, what country are you the prince of?" Huo CI swept his teeth with a look of danger and bloodthirsty. His eyes were slightly drooping, and even his eyes were too lazy to give him charity.

"The kingdom of Budan." Edward didn't know why he asked himself, "Mr. Huo, there are waiting for you. Would you really waste your time here with me?"

"I think it's not bad." Huo's words just fell, he directly picked up the hammer in his hand and smashed it to his head. It was a ferocious blow and blood gushed out in an instant.

Ling Sheng's eyes widened in a moment, and couldn't believe it. She looked at the scene in front of her. Rely on her father to kill people! How terrible!

Huo Xuanzhou also subconsciously reached out to cover Ling Sheng's eyes. The picture was really bloody. She was a girl's family. She didn't look good!

But the sixth uncle is also a bully. Otherwise, what he admires most in his life is the sixth uncle. This son of a bitch Prince thinks he is something. He still dares to threaten him. He is just looking for death on the pole!

How could Edward have thought that he started without saying a word, and his whole body was convulsed with pain. However, he did not forget that he was blackmailed to negotiate: "Mr. Huo wants to kill people. I have made several copies of the evidence and set it to be sent to influential and well-known media in various countries at regular intervals. If you do it again, people all over the world will know what you are like People

"Shit, you threaten to blackmail me?" Huo CI didn't want to listen to his nonsense. After a hammer, he was directly kicked to the ground. With the blood thirsty Yin Wu in the corner of his lips, he kicked him one foot after another.

"Huo Ci, I will ruin your reputation. I will never let you go. I will let the media all over the world report your atrocity and let everyone know your true face!" Edward could not have thought that it would be like this. He had already been scared out of his wits, but he could not beat him. He could only talk hard.

"Media all over the world? You're a liar? " Huo Ci's arrogant smile, is a kick in the past: "Laozi is not to be threatened to grow up!"

"You're deceiving people too much. You wait. I won't let you feel better. The video will be sent immediately and everyone will see it!" Edward stood up and ran.

Huo CI kicked the door up and blocked him in front of him. With a charming smile on his beautiful face, he didn't care: "I'm waiting for you to send the video on my horse! I'll see if you have this ability when you are in disgrace! "

"You think clearly, you are the movie emperor. You are the great movie emperor in the eyes of Chinese people. If the video is released, you will have nothing. Your status and reputation will collapse in an instant." Edward retreated step by step. He was so scared that he could only boast.


The man in front of him is a devil!

Isn't he afraid at all?

Impossible, he will not see through his own, he has never failed for so many years, no one can see through him!

Huo CI licked the corner of his lips, and his smile was enchanting to make people start to fear from the heart. He picked up a stick in the corner of the wall and approached step by step.

Ling Sheng looked outside and shivered. In a small voice, he asked, "do you really have a video in his hand?"

Huo Xuanzhou frowned, covered her mouth, did not let her speak, watching the play, said what ah, buried in her ear whispered: "I don't know."

That Edward, is a swindler, or a swindler who is very skillful in deception. Who knows if he has video, but it doesn't matter if he has it. Is sixth uncle his son of a bitch who can threaten?

Ling Sheng knows that her father has a hot temper, but it's the first time that she has watched him hit people so close that she can't help but scream to cheer her up!

It's really the abnormal feeling of evil and handsome in the movies and TV series. The people who watch it are boiling with blood, and their scalp is numb. It's just too much!

Huo CI hit a stick down, conveniently picked up a cloth next to him, disliked his noisy, noisy he upset, his mouth to stop.

The two men who peeped at the door watched him blow people to death.

Ling Sheng is a little worried that his father will kill people if he plays like this. Then she will really become the daughter of the murderer.

Huo Xuanzhou was so excited and handsome that he was worthy of being his sixth uncle. He beat and killed his grandson and a brute. Who would he threaten with his virtue!

After Huo CI had enough fighting, he directly threw the stick on Edward, turned his head and looked at the direction of the door. His eyes were as sharp as a substantive knife. He said, "have you seen enough? Get out of hereLing Sheng turned his head and looked at Huo Xuanzhou and urged him to go in. Anyway, she would not go in to look for death. Her father is now handsome, but she looks like a god of death. It's too frightening. To be honest, she has little courage.

Huo Xuanzhou pushed open the door, this kind of thing, how can let the younger sister, he as the elder brother must protect her is, one face smile, thumbs up: "six uncle powerful!"

Huo CI sneered and pulled his lips. His eyes swept his eyes and looked at the door again: "roll in, that's you!"

Ling Sheng's scalp was numb, biting his lips to cry, or was found. What kind of look was he? Huo Xuanzhou went in. Why did she have to go in and learn from Huo Xuanzhou to flatter: "Dad, you are so handsome!"

Huo CI did not eat this set: "give me less ecstasy."

Ling Sheng looked at the half dead Edward on the ground and asked carefully, "what if he sent out the video?"

Huo CI looked at her in disgust and looked at the making stick like: "are you born of Laozi when you step on the horse?"

How could he have made a fool!

Her IQ is definitely with her irresponsible mother!

Ling Sheng a face of doubt, what do you mean?

Huo Xuanzhou laughed: "six uncle's meaning is, this king eight is deceiving him, he has no evidence at all."

Huo CI a record, cold eye swept over.

Huo Xuanzhou changed his mind and said, "uncle Liu, the railing is out of repair for a long time. It has nothing to do with you. If anyone dares to say it is you again, I will not finish with him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!