Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 855

Ling Sheng is really right. It's time to get on the bus.

Xiao Hui opened their car door first, pushed Huo Feifei directly, winked at her: "Feifei, hurry up and get on the bus, and behave yourself to the place. Don't give your sixth uncle any trouble."

Edward and King William are also very familiar with each other, but Feifei said that Edward wanted to take this opportunity to have a good relationship with King William, so he asked her.

She knew it by herself, but her husband didn't know it, so she told Huihui that Edward and King William were good friends.

Huo Ci and King William, the king saw him also have to shout six elder brothers, the relationship is not general.

Huo CI kicked on the door, skin smile meat does not smile: "how? Fourth sister-in-law wants me to take them over? And be responsible for driving them, right? "

"Where does the sixth brother speak?" Xiao Hui was so busy smiling that she turned around and said, "uncle Liu, where's our driver?"

"Back to the fourth lady, the old man of our family is kind-hearted and has gone home for the Spring Festival." Liu Shu came up to reply.

"Old six, Edward is a guest. We can't let them drive, can we? You will be wronged. The fourth brother will treat you to a big meal some other day. " Holly said something about Huo's words, and his voice was very low.

Huo said with a smile, "why, Prince Edward doesn't have a driver's license?"

"Uncle six, Edward doesn't have to drive himself when he goes out." Hoffee accompanied a smile: "and, the domestic traffic rules, and foreign are not the same, he does not know."

Huo CI: "you mean he is noble? I'll just give him the driver? "

Huofeifei took a cold breath: "the sixth uncle is an elder. Even if I have the courage, I dare not think so."

"I see." Huo turned his head and ordered: "uncle Liu, Prince Edward can't drive. You can drive them to the airport."

With that, he opened the door and threw Xiao Qi into the driver's seat.

The fourth couple are not angry and can't break out. Look at me. I'll see you. What do you mean? With their low spirited beg him old six, he does not give some face?

Hoffee and Edward are also confused, the words are said on this, even if the normal person is to deal with it, will not refuse it! That's too much!

Ling Sheng smiles at a group of people with different looks who are choked out of internal injuries. He politely says goodbye, and gets on the car smartly. He looks at her father with a cold and handsome face in front of him and laughs.

Ha ha ha, I don't know why, she feels really good, especially her father's pair of you don't like me, but I can't help my arrogant appearance, simply don't be too popular.

Xiao Qi sat on the co pilot, and after a long time, he still didn't fasten his seat belt. He looked at the man beside him for help: "grandfather."

Huo CI looked at him with disgust, took out his hand to fix the seat belt for him, started the car, regardless of whether the people behind him had followed up, and left in a hubris.

"Dad, does that Edward really know the king and the queen?" Ling Sheng asked with great interest.

How did she feel that hoffee wanted to get to know the king and queen by her father's light? Since they are so familiar with each other, they can go to the airport by themselves without asking for help.

"It's none of my business." Huo CI looked at the rear-view mirror, the car behind has been in a hurry to follow up, sneer hook lip.

His fourth sister-in-law and his fourth brother-in-law are all people who can't get up early without profit. If they didn't have something to ask for, they wouldn't have talked so well.

What Prince Edward, I don't know which corner of the liar, still dare to be arrogant in front of him.

Ling Sheng also saw the car behind him, and heard her father tell her to fasten the seat belt and sit down.

Just after sitting here, the car seems to fly. It's just two intersections. When you look back, you can't see the car coming.

Huo Feifei's face rose red: "uncle Liu, what's the matter with you? Keep up!"

Uncle Liu is more than 60 years old this year, and the old man doesn't use him as a driver any more. Hearing her words, he was ashamed: "Miss Feifei, you know, sixth master is a professional racing driver. How can I compare with him?"

He usually drives for the old man. His heart can't stand the stimulation. He can only drive like this. How can he catch up with Liu Ye? It's hard on him.

Hoffee was so angry that he smashed the seat of the car and clenched his teeth. Uncle Liu was on purpose. How could a man be like him? He didn't keep faith at all: "Edward, let's go by ourselves. You and King William know each other. He will certainly meet us."

Who knows nearby Edward suddenly covered his stomach, his face was very ugly, his cold sweat was full of sweat, and he was in pain: "I have a stomachache, Feifei."

Huo Feifei saw his sudden illness, anxiously called out to the front: "uncle Liu, go to the hospital, do not go to the airport!"

Edward's eyes flashed a sly, sinister light, and when he looked at hoffee, he was full of guilt and said in pain, "I'm sorry, honey, I've let you down."Huo Feifei was worried and distressed. He looked at his lover's pain and became like this. He was still thinking of her. He was moved more and more. He hugged him: "don't talk. Don't talk. Hold on. You're going to the hospital soon."

At least, she had a man who loved her and put her first. She was also a gentleman, a powerful and rich prince.

Sixth uncle, if he is arrogant again, what does he have? His illegitimate daughter did not even know which wild man her child belonged to.

No matter what, she is thousands of times stronger than Lingsheng's little wild species. Uncle Liu doesn't let her go, for fear that she is too excellent to steal the popularity of his wild species.

Think of here, she complacent hook lips smile, the heart also followed a lot of balance, they are all jealous of her!


the Huo family's breakfast is waiting for the old man to get up. He wakes up at 7 o'clock every day, walks for half an hour, and eats at 7:30.

As soon as the family sat down, hoffee and Edward returned.

Huo Xuanzhou usually doesn't like to pay attention to Huo Feifei. It's her brother who is behind her. When he shouts, he just feels bored, but he doesn't like it.

However, since she provoked Ling Sheng, the more he looked at her, the more unhappy he became. Now he watched her come back, laughing and stretching his tune: "didn't you two go to the airport to meet King William and his wife? Why did you come back so early? "

Huofeifei is too stupid to cover up his emotions. He looks like he is OK. In fact, his mood has been revealed and he is in a bad mood.

Hoffee's eyes suddenly flashed a distinct hatred, and immediately returned to normal. Looking at a table, the man explained, "Edward's stomach suddenly felt sick. We went to the hospital." , the fastest update of the webnovel!