Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 854

Huo CI heard here, careless: "I let them break up, what's the matter?"

Huo Xiao raised his feet and kicked him, squeezing words out of his teeth: "who let you make decisions blindly? Sheng Sheng is not easy to fall in love with. Who let you intervene? "

Break up?

Look at what he did?

Now let Jun San come here and see which of them dares to talk nonsense.

Huo CI didn't know why he was beaten and asked, "Dad, are you crazy? What are you doing? Don't you want them together? Didn't you let me break them up last time? "

"You still guess what I'm thinking, don't you?" Huo Xiao Qi directly picked up the crutches and hit people, gnashing teeth: "in the afternoon, I didn't hit you, your skin itched, did you?"


He did.

So now I'm sorry to ask people to come!

But who told him to break up, Sheng Sheng like Jun San so much, how sad!

Huo Xiao is sulking with himself, and it's not good for him to go to Jun San. He can only get angry and lose sleep because of his insomnia.

Su Xiyin: "husband, I'll go to Junsan and say yes, let him come here."

This matter, the best solution is to block their mouth, as long as Jun San comes, no one dares to talk nonsense again.

We have to admit that this method is the most simple, effective and feasible at present.

"No Huo Xiao snorted out a breath from his nose. He broke up and went back to find out how people thought of their good grandson.

He knew that if you came once, no one in the family would dare to gossip, and my good grandson would not have to suffer such idleness.

Even if he loves her again and dotes on her, he can't block others' mouth. They say that people's words are terrible, but they don't say it on the surface, but they will say it secretly.

"You all want face and suffer." Su Xi Yin kicked him angrily, turned his back to sleep and didn't want to pay attention to him.

When she discusses with Sheng Sheng tomorrow, let Jun San come over! She couldn't bear the anger.

What kind of things are they, one by one, who are they scolding?

Huo Xiao thought for a while, still can't sleep, turned to embrace his wife, low sigh tone, voice are gentle: "sound son, you are not allowed to look for him to hear? Our Sheng Sheng can't take the initiative to find him to make up. If a girl takes the initiative, she will be despised by others. "

Su Xiyin thinks that the two of them are good. What is mean and good? They never broke up. If you were not in the way, how could Sheng Sheng be so humiliated.

Now I know how to think of my husband's three. I've been there for a long time. One by one, my nose is not my nose, my face is not my face.

Huo Xiao didn't hear his wife's reply and repeated: "did you hear me? Don't let Sheng Sheng go to him. We girls of Huo family can't be so spineless. Men are nothing. If you don't, you can find him again. "

Su Xiyin: "I know."

Huo Xiao was surprised: "where do you think Junsan is? Why do I think these people who come here to make a blind date with Shengsheng are worse than him? "

Usually, I'm not happy to see Junsan. I'm angry. After I've seen the object of Shengsheng's blind date, I can't even compare with Junsan's grandson. Please go back to your mother's womb and don't get in the way of him.

Su Xi's music is worse than him. You should find some people who are better than him. If you look at the good ones, you will despise them.


the next day, Ling Sheng was knocked on the door by her father and cried out. She was so sleepy that she felt as soon as her head touched the pillow, she got up again and didn't sleep for a long time.

Xiao Qi is very spiritual, taking advantage of her face wash and make-up, she took the public election clothes to go.

When a family of three arrived in the living room, they saw hoffee and Prince Edward waiting.

Ling Sheng listened to her father's words and wore them casually. She was not going to the beauty pageant. Keeping warm first, she dressed herself like a ball. She looked down at Huo Feifei, a cheongsam, showing her thighs. She wore a long coat outside, which was beautiful and showed her figure. She was chilly.

"Liu Shu, Sheng Sheng." Hoffee said with a smile, as if the day's unhappiness had not happened: "Edward and I are going to the airport to meet King William and his wife. Let's go together."

Edward also did as the Romans do. He nodded symbolically and said hello. His eyes stayed on Ling Sheng for a moment, and his eyes looked cunning.

"Laozi knows the way." Huo CI cold hiss, also have no good facial expression, dislike Ling Xiaoqi to walk slowly, bend down to hold him up.

Ling Sheng held back a smile, looked at the huge pull wind that the eye wears, handsome to let the person split her father, cow force!

Huo Feifei's eyes changed slightly. Looking at Huo CI in a long black windbreaker and holding the child, he became more and more dignified. He was tall and straight, and his face was handsome. He was not like a man of 40 years old. Compared with Edward, his mood was very complicated: "uncle Liu, Edward came to China for the first time. He didn't know the way."Huo CI squinted at them, arrogant and cold: "he doesn't know the way, what's the relationship with Laozi."

Hoffee's smile froze on his face and choked for a moment. He didn't expect that he would refuse directly. He was very angry. What a family!

They did not take her as a family, especially Huo CI!

Xiao Hui was also there. Looking at Huo Ci, Xiao Hui said with a smile: "Laoliu is a family. Feifei is a girl. You know her sense of direction is not good. When Edward just came to China, you should take them together."

"Old six, give the fourth brother a face and bring them together. Edward and King William are still good friends." Holly also took out the elder brother's posture, but did not dare to order him, can only say is please.

Laoliu's temper, no one in the family, he is stubborn, but also turn his face, do not want to give face, let you talk about exaggeration is useless!

Huo CI cold handsome face swept them a look, the night before yesterday, where the face to beg him, also did not say would like to or not, holding small seven out.

Huo Li: "Leng to do what, still don't hurry up, your six uncle all agreed."

Xiao Hui also urged the two people to say something nice: "follow up, after all, it's still a family. If your sixth uncle doesn't hurt, who else can you hurt?"

Ling Sheng curled his lips and finally realized that her father really didn't give any face to anyone. He wanted to hate anyone. The four uncles all wanted to see his face, but they also asked for help.

I don't know the way, I don't know how to get to the airport or the navigation. They want to go with them on purpose! , the fastest update of the webnovel!