Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 727

Little brother also said, can't call brother, poor generation, want to call uncle.

Shilingyu is still a little confused. He doesn't understand what's going on in front of him. How does Sheng Sheng call aunt? Xiao Qi also calls aunt. She looks at her eyes and asks what's going on.

Ling Sheng didn't notice this problem, but there were so many people who couldn't block up here. Everyone took their seats and they should go to their own places: "aunt Yu, you go into the arena first. It will start right away. After that, I'll go to find you."

Nangong Lengyu didn't want to let go of Xiao Qi. She didn't see her for a long time. She thought of her and said, "Sheng Sheng, let Xiao Qi follow me?"

Ling Sheng looks at Xiao Qi and asks his son for advice.

Xiao Qi likes aunt Nangong very much. She is very similar to her grandmother, but she is still a little reluctant to give up her mother. She struggles for a moment, hugs Nangong Lengyu's neck and chooses her.

Ling Sheng told her a few words, and then watched her son be carried away. The old mother was tearful and sniffled. Her son was not followed by everyone, but she had a good relationship with aunt Yu. She also told her that Aunt Yu had the flavor of a grandmother.

In fact, the original owner has never been in charge of Xiao Qi. Xiao Qi is so big that she basically lives in her grandmother's arms and back. She has a good relationship with her grandmother and likes her very much. Her feelings with her are deeper than those of her.

Seasonal feather can't help feeling: "our son is really a small clever ghost!"

When he left, the little guy called out his aunt, not his mother. The people who really listened felt a little sour, but they also loved his understanding.

Even if it's an adult, it's not easy to change the address. It must be a conditioned reflex after a long time. If you know it's outside, you should call your aunt.

Ling Sheng corrected: "my son!"

"Didn't you all agree to let Xiao Qi be my son? I'm not going to regret it so soon. " When the feather took her arm, coquettish smile: "what your mine, you are not mine."

Ling Sheng Bai glanced at her and joked, "when do you and beige want a child?"

Shi Lingyu talked about himself, cleared his throat, and was a little embarrassed: "we haven't skimmed the eight characters yet. You know that the situation in the entertainment industry is too complicated, don't know!"

Ling Sheng saw that she was also ashamed, looked back and locked Yu Bei: "North brother, when do you want children?"

Yu Bei looked at her with a warning. There were people all around. What did you do when you were heard? He ran over and pulled the seasonal feather away. He whispered, "don't be damaged by her."

Shilingyu curled his mouth and broke away from him to find Ling Sheng. Smelly men, one by one, are big pig hooves, but also estrange their sister relationship.

Jiang Yixing laughs with joy.

Chu Zhian patted him on the shoulder, with a look open expression. When women are together, there is a man who has something to do with him. He has to get together to find out who he is not happy with.

Ji fan dust lips slightly raised, looking at the two girls arm in arm sat down, the feelings between girls, their men are never understand.

What girls do together will be taken for granted. Even if it is a very intimate action, at most they say that they have a good relationship. If two men hold hands in the street and are a little closer, they will be regarded as gay.

At the thought of this, his eyes suddenly became deep. After looking at the direction of the stage, should he stay away from the small and far away? Otherwise, it will affect his development! , the fastest update of the webnovel!