Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 726

Song Yiyan was sad and wanted to cry, but she tried to hold back her tears and sniffled. She said in a timid voice, "I'm sorry."

Luoxin frowned. Ling Sheng didn't say anything about her. She was also fierce. Yan Yan was sensitive and didn't mean to bump into people. She said with a cold face: "we didn't mean to."

Shilingyu didn't expect to say that they were wrong. They just listened to it, but they even stood up with themselves, frowned and said in a displeased tone: "we're going to the hospital to film and see a doctor. You are responsible for it!"

Song Yiyan was so anxious that she didn't know what to do. Seeing that Luoxin was going to talk again, she quickly grabbed her. She walked forward and looked at Lingsheng and shilingyu. She finally got up her courage: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Do you want to go to the hospital now? I'll take care of it. "

Luoxin's eyes shrunk suddenly. Unexpectedly, song Yiyan, like a rabbit, would come out one day. If such a thing happened in the past, she would have been crying all the time, pulling her to speak.

The total feeling is that something is changing little by little. She has a bad feeling. If she doesn't do something next, things will develop in a direction that she can't control.

When you see her attitude is good, soft voice, and a little dumb, like a little rabbit, people can't bear to get angry with her, and her attitude is also gentle: "leave your contact information, I'll find you later."

Song Yiyan pointed to Ling Sheng and said in a weak voice, "she has."

Ling Sheng low cough a, pulled down the season feather, way: "know, Yu elder sister, we two know."

Luoxin's eyes look more and more deep, and the hand hanging on the side of her body suddenly tightened. When did Yan Yan give her contact information to Ling Sheng? Why didn't you tell her?

Lingsheng is seen by the seasonal feather.

Ling Sheng nodded and pulled the seasonal feather away: "we are acquaintances. I'm ok. She doesn't have to pay for it. Let's go quickly. It's going to start soon."

Finish saying, still natural and unrestrained turn back to Luo Xin and song Yiyan two smile to wave a hand: "then we go."

Song Yiyan raised her feet and tried to catch up with her. When she got to her mouth, she swallowed again. Looking at her leaving, she looked a little lost.

"Sheng Sheng." When Nangong Lengyu came over, she saw Lingsheng and asked song Yiyan, "do you know Shengsheng?"

Song Yiyan nodded: "she saved me Twice. "

When Luoxin saw the empress of Nangong, the goddess of gaoleng, she called out. Her eyes were full of joy and softness. She could not see the slight alienation when she spoke to her. She felt like a thorn in her heart, which was very uncomfortable.

"Aunt Yu." Ling Sheng heard the sound, happy back to run to her, looking for a long time did not find, he appeared.

Shilingyu recognized it at a glance. It was not Nangong yinghou who was standing with Luoxin. Shengsheng insisted that she didn't know her family well. She was not familiar with her excited appearance!

All the people here got together. Ji fanchen and his front and back feet arrived. Xiao Qi saw Nangong Lengyu. His big eyes suddenly brightened and he shook his hands excitedly: "Nangong auntie."

"Xiao Qi is here, too." Nangong Lengyu saw the little guy in Ji fanchen's arms and held it directly. Looking at his orange down jacket, he asked with a smile, "does Xiao Qi like brother Luo?"

Xiao Qi quickly ordered a little head: "Auntie Nangong, do you also like brother Luo? Little brother seven also likes Uncle Xiaoye. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!