Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1149

"Anyway, just listen to Miss Ling." Anyan did not know how to explain to him, but vowed: "I use my life as a guarantee. The child in Miss Ling's stomach belongs to the third master!"

Xu Xi mumbled: "your life is not worth any money."

An Yan a mouthful of blood choked in the throat: "you let Miss Ling speak to me."

Xu Xi: "the man has gone."

Anyan hated iron but not steel: "I tell you, we are now in absolute danger. You can offend the third master, but you must not offend Miss Ling. Otherwise, when the third master thinks about it, there will be no good fruit for us to eat."

Xu Xi still didn't know what he said nonsense, but everyone was brothers. He had already annoyed the third master because of Miss Ling. He simply broke the jar and broke it. It doesn't matter. He believed him once: "I know."

Ling Sheng dragged two huge suitcases. Without an umbrella, he squatted under the big tree at the door to shelter from the rain, waiting for Ji fanchen to come and pick her up.

When the mobile phone rings, it's song Yiyan's phone call. She's heartless. She won't call her if she's OK. If she does, she'll have a situation there.

"Sheng Sheng, do you have any money?" Song Yiyan goes straight to the point and doesn't talk nonsense or polite to her.

"How much Ling Sheng sighed deeply and guessed right. She would never call her if she was OK. She would have met something and thought of her.

"One hundred thousand." Song Yiyan said, and then said, "you can transfer it to me now. Don't worry. When my sister gets the money, she will return it to you immediately. The interest will be calculated for the money borrowed."

"You can have as much as you want from either of us. You can say that interest is not interest." Ling Sheng some cold shrink body, take the mobile phone sleeve to buckle in the ear.

"My sister knows what to do." Song Yiyan smiles: "I'll give it back to you this Sunday at the latest."

"What are you in such a hurry for money?" When Ling Sheng asked this, he was afraid that something would happen to her and that she would be in trouble.

She had been short of money for a long time. She lived in a small house in a remote place for rent, and did not say that she wanted to borrow money from herself.

"It's no big deal. The dog man in my family has been blackmailed. I'm a bit short of money. I can't raise so much money for a while." Song Yiyan has something to say with her, but she doesn't want to hide it from her.

"Where are you now? Is it serious? Can I help you? " When Ling Sheng heard that something was wrong, he became nervous.

"It's all right. In the police station, the husband and wife are unreasonable and quarrel with us. If they don't pay, they will not reconcile, and they will expose me. How can I say that I am also a public figure, I should be broke money to avoid disaster." Song Yiyan said very relaxed, did not take this matter seriously.

"Are you really OK?" Ling Sheng asked again, listening to someone over there shouting.

"I'll hang up. Transfer the money to me quickly." Song Yiyan said this way, and then angrily scolded: "that pair of shameless husband and wife, will soon blackmail my money, ten times a hundred times back!"

Ling Sheng heard the pride and treachery in her words. Before she could ask what it meant, she had already hung up the phone.

The bedroom on the second floor is very dark. In front of the French window, the tall figure of a man is lonely and lonely, and his whole body exudes chilling and frightening cold air.

The man's eye light, with a flicker of light, staring at the direction of the door, the rain has been more and more big, hit from the tree crack drip drop.

Under the tree, the woman squatted on the curb, a small group, it was cold, tightly hugged her legs, looked weak and helpless.

As long as jade fingers, slowly stroking the position of the heart, fingers a little bit tight, grasp the chest shirt began to deform.

Ling Sheng always felt as if someone was looking at her. She looked back strangely. The house behind her was dark. She couldn't see anything. When she looked at it suddenly, it was still gloomy.

Xu Xida ran out from the yard with an umbrella. After listening to the banquet, he made a decision not to let Miss Ling have a bad impression on him. He put the umbrella on her head respectfully and said, "Miss Ling, I'll send you there."

Ling Sheng looked up, looked at him with a smile and shook his head: "no, you go back quickly, don't let your master see you run to me, or you have to be disciplined."

Xu Xi said that if only he was trained, he had already been sent to the South Pole by the third master. He didn't care about anything. He gave her an umbrella and carried her suitcase to her side: "Miss Ling, I didn't tell you about your pregnancy. I don't know how he knew it."

Ling Sheng believes him: "I know, I won't blame you." As like as two peas,

Xu Xi scratched her head and looked at her apologetically. "But I have to confess to you," he said, "you bought it for fan fan. You thought he bought it for him. He put on it. You know the temper of three masters, and I dare not say it. I bought you another one the same night."

He said, relieved and comfortable.

Ji fanchen and Cheng also two, received a call and rushed over, the car directly stopped by their side."Sister Sheng Sheng." Cheng also comes to help with the luggage.

He wanted to know what was wrong with her and what had happened to her. When he moved out at night, did he quarrel with the third master, but when he thought of brother Chen's advice when he came, he refrained from asking.

Ji fanchen saw how thin she was wearing. She didn't know how long she was in the rain. Her hair was wet. She took off her coat and put it on. She said thanks to Xu Xi: "thank you, assistant Xu. You can go back and give us Shengsheng."

Xu Xi watched Ling Sheng get on the car protected by them and watched the car disappear before his eyes. Then he sighed deeply. In the moment of turning around, he saw the tall figure of the man on the second floor.

The man's eyes, too deep and dangerous, scared him to shiver and shiver with fear.


on the first day of Ling Sheng's departure, Xu Xi was still there, and he was not driven away. He was glad that he had survived one more day, but at the same time, he began to worry about when his punishment would fall.

This feeling, in fact, is that you know that there is a sharp knife hanging on the top of your head, but you don't know when it will fall. It's more painful than killing you all at once.

The day after Ling Sheng left, Xu Xi has not been sent away.

He even began to pray for God to let the third master give him a match. He was willing to go to South Africa to mine ore or go to the Arctic to fish shrimp and crabs. He would like to have a good time with both hands and feet!

In the living room, it was quiet, it was very late.

Jun Shiyan used to lean on the sofa to work, but he didn't know when he had gone to sleep. He put his chin on one hand and put his elbow on the armrest of the sofa. He was a little heavy.

Xu Xi looked at it quietly. After Miss Ling left, the third master went to sleep for the first time. It seemed that he was sleeping heavily. Then he crept to get a quilt and prepared to cover it for him.

Who knows he just arrived, the man who was already asleep opened his eyes and didn't wake up completely. His voice was a bit hoarse, and his thin lips opened slightly. He asked him, "what time is it, XuXi?"

Xu Xi's voice was very low: "eleven o'clock."

Jun Shiyan frowned and mumbled strangely: "it's so late, why hasn't she come back? What's the matter with you going to the production team?"

Xu Xi Zheng for a moment, looking like a dream like, eyebrows slightly frown, handsome face with an obviously unhappy man, heart for a time five flavor Chen miscellaneous, three Ye is sleep confused!

He knew that she was Miss Ling.

Since Miss Ling lived in, she came back late. However, the third master worked on the sofa in the living room every day. She would not return to the study until she came back.

It was a habit he had developed in less than a week. , the fastest update of the webnovel!