Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1148

The banquet is now want to die heart, regret of the intestines are green, facing the crazy women from all directions, gnashing teeth.

There was some confusion on the scene. No one noticed that the cordon had been pulled out and the two meter road was gone.

Xiao Qi is in the middle, watching his front and rear range getting smaller and smaller. He is squeezed in the middle, so he can only run forward and go to the place where the warning line is still there.

But at this time, I don't know who called out a Huo word.

The chaotic scene has become more chaotic. The little entry sisters don't care about the human traffickers. The traffickers have their own police to clean up and look at the direction of idols.

The banquet finally had a chance to breathe, but at the next moment, her eyes suddenly tightened, and she saw a group of crazy women shouting Huo Ci's name, and rushed to the front.

After that, if the little man who is trampling on him is trampled on, he can't help but shout at him.

But everything is already late, can only helplessly watch that group of madmen so bumped up, the moment scared out of one's wits.

Huo CI got off the plane and saw the fans who met him at the airport. He knew that his itinerary had been leaked. He wanted to go directly from another channel. Who knows, he saw his stinky boy at a glance, so he could only go this way.

He is a standard star suit, covering himself tightly, ready to quietly go to the past, take the smelly boy away, and then swing his sleeve smartly, without taking away a cloud.

Who knows, just close to the home stinky boy, was recognized by people, watching fans crazy general toward him, eyes suddenly condensation, did not want to fly to the stinky boy in the past.

An Yan saw the distance between the two sides getting closer and closer. He wanted to save people, but he was powerless. His eyes were all cracked and his liver and gall were broken. He roared: "little young master."

The voice has just dropped.

He saw with his own eyes that the young master of the family was held directly in his arms by a tall figure who suddenly rushed out. He tightly clasped his head and pressed it in his arms.


He only felt that the fireworks in his mind slipped past, as if they were about to burst, and his memory flooded in, and he was caught in his head by surprise.

In the past, the screen, like a movie flash lens, quickly glides, looks up, and looks at the man holding the child.

Huo CI hugged him with lingering fear, and his eyes flashed with fire, and he gave a furious low rebuke: "do you want to die? What are you doing here? "

Xiao Qi sniffed his nose, red eyes, wrongly holding him to complain: "grandfather, Xiaoqi don't go back with them, dad wants to lock me up, don't let me see you."

Huo CI saw an banquet. There were many bodyguards on the periphery. There was a sharp sneer in the eye. The three grandsons of Jun and the one who stepped on the horse turned back!

Whether it's long or not, it's not short. It's only about three minutes. After the airport management received the call for the banquet, the airport management arranged it nonstop and had brought a lot of police to the security guard to maintain order.

Small words to see the owner holding the child just now, it seems quite familiar, his sunglasses in the process of running collision has dropped, revealing the amazing beautiful face, looking at the child, the cold eyes are warm and loving.

The small words were frightened by their own idea. How could it be? What kind of love? Their family's old Huo Zheng was the peak of her beauty. At most, the word "tenderness" was not suitable for him.

The security guards and the police soon got the scene under control.

Small seven eyes looking at the banquet with people come over, grasp Huo word's arm: "grandfather, seven do not go, seven left, will never see you again."

"No way." Huo Ci's eyes were dangerous and bloodthirsty, and coldly swept his eyes for an banquet, disdaining cold hissing: "I see he dares!"

Xiao Qi put down a heart, vigilantly looking at the approaching banquet, warning the firm eyes to him, anyway, he will not go back.

An banquet has come to the front, respectfully looking at the man in front of him: "six masters."

"What? Look, I'm alone. I want to fight Huo CI squinted his eyes, followed by more than ten bodyguards, hate that he did not take a few more people.

If he really takes action, he will suffer a loss. If he takes the smelly boy to fight, he can't get rid of it. He is also afraid that if he doesn't take his son, he will be taken away.

"I dare not An Yan gave the bodyguard captain behind him a wink, the attitude is very courteous: "six Ye you take young master to go, I won't stop."

Huo CI looked at Xiao Qi, the stinky boy lied. The dog of Jun Laosan's family didn't have a good attitude and didn't give him a good face: "don't stop, don't hurry to get rid of me!"

An Yan took a step aside, looked at him and said, "six masters, you and young master and Nangong lady. Miss Ling has recovered her memory. He is also in the dark now. He doesn't know anything. I know what happened these days, and the third master has done something wrong. I hope you don't blame him."Huo CI heard here, laughed, glanced at him, stretched the tone of ridicule: "Oh, Jun Laosan, this grandson, not as good as you!"

"The sixth master flattered me. I just happened to have it." After finishing the banquet, he looked at Xiao Qi: "little young master, the third master really has no memory, so he will take such measures. I hope you can understand him. He is also for your good."

Xiao Qi looked at him nervously and excitedly, and his big eyes were full of flashing excited light: "Uncle Anyan, do you remember?"

Anyan nodded: "young master, from today on, I will help you, stand on your side."

As for the third master, he thought that he would choose to do nothing now. When the third master woke up, he would definitely die miserably.

The most correct way for him now is to make up for what the third master has done now, so that Miss Ling can have less misunderstanding about him.

Anyway, no matter how angry the third master is now and how to punish him, when he recovers his memory, he will know his good intentions.

Huo CI didn't expect that the three grandsons of Jun and Laozi had awakened to Anyan first. It's really interesting.

He wanted to see how he could honor their master!

An Yan watched Huo CI leave with Xiao Qi in his arms. He felt relieved, and his relaxed heart was lifted to his throat. He dialed Xu Xi's phone to ask him what was going on there.

After he picked up the young master, he also changed planes and went to other cities to do some work. Then he went back to the capital. He was delayed for a while, and the time was over nine o'clock in the evening. , the fastest update of the webnovel!