Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1138

She played in Lingsheng. From the beginning of the crew's departure, she drove the car and followed her. When she got into the man's car, she knew that her opportunity was coming.

Ling Sheng looked at the woman not far away with a smile and said politely, "I'm sorry, this is not my home. I'm a stranger. I don't have this right. I'll get you a pair of shoes. Wait a minute."

Bang, it is clear that she is talking to her, but what she is looking at is Jun Shiyan, a dog man.

Youya heard her words, angry teeth itching, suddenly toward the front of a small pool of water in the past, a short scream, embarrassed to make a body full of water.

She has made it like this. As long as she is a man who has a pity on women, she will not let her go. She will definitely feel that Ling Sheng's girl is very heartless, and she is not as human as she is.

She stood in a position just right under the streetlight. She knew her advantages. Her figure was concave and convex. Her face was also the best side view. The posture of falling down was also calculated carefully. Everything was perfect to the point. She was sure that as long as she was a normal man, she would definitely be attracted to her.

"Your friend?" Jun Shiyan's voice is very deep, but sexy in the rainy night, especially when the ending is deliberately elongated, with a seductive charm.

Ling Sheng only glanced at her, did not admit it or deny it. In front of others, it was too offensive to say no, and nodded slightly.

"Then don't let people catch a cold." Jun Shiyan looked at her and said.

Ling Sheng's heart is full of fire, and obviously sees Youya who pretends to be pitiful not far away. Hearing the man's words, his eyes are bright.

Dog man, do you like others? Yes, people will pretend to be pitiful and seduce him, but she will not.

You ya clearly heard the man's words, wet, let the man look at the heartache, want to care for the eyes of gratitude, looking at the opposite man for help.

She knew that no man could escape the palm of her hand, and he would definitely let her go home to change clothes and shoes, and maybe she could excuse herself to take a bath.

Ling Sheng really wanted to leave them a couple of dog men and women at the door, you come and I go, sneer hook lip, a word all came to the mouth: if you are distressed, let others go to your house!

Who knows that the smelly man around him didn't even look at Youya. He turned his head and walked toward the direction of the house. After two steps, he remembered what it was like. He looked at her and said in a deep voice, "take care of your friends and go home soon."

In a word, the relationship between relatives and strangers is immediately clear.

Youya almost vomited blood, clearly saw the cold eyes swept by when the man looked back, with sharp scorn and danger, and could not help but be scared out of a cold sweat.

Can her purpose be seen through by a man at a glance? How can it be? It can't work when dealing with other men.

But only a moment, she comforted herself, because he is different from other men, it is more exciting, isn't it?

Once not, there are two, three times, as long as she can find a chance, she will not be able to hook that man, no matter how strong a man is, he is just a man after all.

Ling Sheng fiercely stare at the back of the man's head, while walking while reaching out to poke him, abdominal Fei: dog man, dog man!

Jun Shiyan seemed to feel it. Suddenly, she turned around and saw the little woman behind her. She was guilty of being a thief. She immediately put her little hand behind her back, frowned and called her, "hurry up."

Ling Sheng bit his lip, really want to say a word on his face: I walk fast or slow, what does it have to do with you.

Jun Shiyan clearly saw the small expression of indignation on the little woman's face. He wanted to scold him. The corners of his lips were slightly raised and strode toward the direction of home.

Ling Sheng can't help, otherwise, with Youya's character, he may not be able to hurt her and speak ill of her to the crew. She takes a pair of shoes and a coat to go out.

Jun Shiyan took a bathrobe and wanted to go to the bathroom to have a bath. Seeing her going out, he called out, "XuXi, go and give the things to the lady at the door."

When Xu Xigang just went out to stop the car, she saw a woman standing at the door, standing in the rain. Her umbrella was also turned over. She looked very embarrassed. It turned out that she knew someone who came to her and said, "Miss Ling, give it to me."

After Lingsheng said thanks, she gave it to Xu Xi. She told Youya in this way that they were not friends. It should be obvious enough!

Jun Shiyan didn't know if he was crazy. He even felt inexplicably cute even though she was mean. He took off the windbreaker in front of her and put it on the sofa with a large range of movements.

But the woman didn't look at him, let alone the clothes. Immediately, she was full of fire. Seeing the woman go to her son's study, she picked up the windbreaker and fell on the sofa.

Did she really not see it, or did she pretend not to see it? Don't she know the clothes she bought herself? Or did she just pick one up for him at the roadside stall?

Thanks to him, he thought it was her carefully selected clothes. He didn't mind that the clothes were cheap and not up to grade. After wearing them for a day, it turned out that he was acting on his own.When Xu Xi arrived at the door, he saw that the man was sulking with himself. He threw his clothes down. He took a step back and hung his head.

He didn't see it. He didn't see anything.

The third master is naive or not. He didn't look at it. He wore the clothes for a day and went to pick them up. As a result, they didn't even notice what he was wearing!

Jun Shiyan was angry. After taking a bath, he happened to bump into the woman who came out with his son. When he passed her, he snorted coldly. When he went into the study, he slammed the door.

Ling Sheng frowned strangely, looked back at the door of the study, and gave a scornful cry. What kind of person did she provoke him? She took gun medicine!

Seeing her coming out, Xu Xi ran to her and reported that the clothes and shoes had been delivered to the woman at the door, so that she could rest assured.

Ling Sheng looked at Xu Xi with a bit of bad humor and stopped him: "XuXi, can you help me to buy something in the drugstore?"

Xu Sidon stopped and replied respectfully, "yes."

Ling Sheng asked Xiao Qi to go to the kitchen to get the ingredients first. Seeing his son running away, he lowered his voice and said, "can you go to the drugstore and buy me two pregnancy test sticks?"

Xu Xi couldn't believe his ears. He widened his eyes and asked, "Miss Ling, what do you want to buy?"

After Lingsheng found Xu Xi, he regretted it. Looking at his figure disappearing in front of his eyes, he knocked his head down. It's over. Was she brain pumping, or was she pregnant for three years? How can a dog man's personal assistant buy her a pregnancy test? , the fastest update of the webnovel!