Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1137

Ling Sheng suddenly widened his eyes: "did you find it?"

She knew she was being followed yesterday, but she didn't catch anyone.

"Well, I'll help you out." When he looked at her, he regained his warmth and left him nostalgic: "sister, wait for me to pick you up."

Ling Sheng frowned: "why pick me up?"

Si chengluo laughs: "go home."

Ling Sheng strange murmured a sentence, saw him turn around and left, quickly picked up his coat and threw it to him: "wear clothes before you go, be careful of cold."

After Si chengluo left, he called her in five minutes. Ling Sheng knew that he was going to talk about the man who was following her, so he quietly walked aside.

"Watch out for rosin, sister." Si chengluo's voice with a bit of cold evil spirit: "she is looking for someone to follow you."

"I see." Ling Sheng's eyes suddenly Sen Leng, mocking the hook lip.

She guessed yesterday. Didn't she want to know her secret? What if she's pregnant? If she took great pains to investigate her, and finally found out that the child was the son of junshiyan, would she die of anger?

In the dressing room next door, lothing just hung up the phone. On a beautiful face with delicate makeup, her smile twisted and ferocious, and her eyes filled with hate, she looked at herself in the mirror.

He threatened her!

How dare he threaten her!

He is something!

She seems to be sure now that the man photographed by a private detective at the door of Jun's residence this morning has a very close relationship with Ling Sheng, perhaps even her own wild father in her stomach.

Just now the man called and threatened her that if she dared to move Lingsheng, he would definitely make her die ugly.

Then we'll have a look and see if it's her or he and Lingsheng who are dead in the end!

After Cheng recovers his memory, he starts to worry. He drags his chin, squats on one side and looks at Ji fanchen, who is playing with Luoxin. He sighs and sighs. Finally, he can't help but ask Ling Sheng quietly, "sister Sheng Sheng, when can I recover my memory?"

Ling Sheng was sitting next to him with a stool and was reading the script. Hearing his words, he shook his head and sighed: "how can I know?"

"What can I do so that he can remember?" Cheng is even more worried. He starts counting with his fingers: "there are sister Su Yi, sister Yu, sister Yu. When are we going to find them?"

Ling Sheng looked at him and laughed. His younger brother thought a lot. Compared with his brother, she seemed not worried at all: "you just wait quietly. Maybe it will trigger some mechanism, and they will suddenly wake up."

She also wanted to know how to make them wake up, but if it was so easy to wake up, how could Jun Shiyan's stinky man still not wake up.

So it needs chance to wake up. For example, her father and her mother almost had a car accident again and staged a tragedy. They woke up at once.

However, it's interesting to see how much obsession he has on potatoes that he suddenly wakes up when he sees baked potatoes. It's funny to think about it.

"What awakening!" Youya ran to them, looked at them with a smile and asked, "what do you two say, can I listen to it?"

Ling Sheng was startled by her. She and Xiaoye were surrounded by no one. She came up with a ghost like a girl. She was very frightening and said with a smile: "say Su Chengxiu, Xiao also says when Zhong Chu will wake up."

At the beginning, Youya always wanted to tie LOXin, but when she came to find her husband two days ago, she began to pester herself. The purpose was obvious. She came for the smelly man.

"You two are working hard." Youya consciously moved a small bench beside Lingsheng and asked with a smile, "I'd like to share my lines with you."

She thought Lingsheng was a silly white sweet, but she didn't expect to be more difficult to deal with than Luoxin. She knew that she should not have offended Luoxin to flatter her.

She does not refuse you at all. In the eyes of outsiders, her attitude towards you is also very warm and friendly. However, whoever flatters her knows that she just looks warm and actually refuses to be seen from thousands of miles away.

Ling Sheng also did not refuse, with Cheng also make a wink, accompanied her to the lines for a while.

It rained all day and didn't stop at night. A Rolls Royce was quietly parked in the street where I missed the street lights.

In the car, only Jun Shiyan was alone, sitting in the driver's seat, staring at the corner in front of him, waiting for someone.

After a long time, just saw a small figure, holding an umbrella from the corner came, start the car, slowly drive past.

Lingsheng had just turned the corner when he saw a car coming. The familiar car, the smelly man's, disdained to take a look at it. He lifted his chin and went on walking.

The car, slowly followed her, the door opened, showing a handsome man's face, looking at her and saying: "get in the car."Lingsheng heard his voice, but also strange, blowing what evil wind, the famous Jun three Ye unexpectedly drive, turned his head, smiling at him: "no, I'll be there soon, thank you."

Jun Shiyan didn't know what was going on. Seeing her perfunctory smile, he felt a burst of evil fire in his heart. But when he saw her walking in the rain, the wind was a little strong, and the rain was blowing on her. He was inexplicably distressed. His voice softened a bit and found a step for himself: "come on, if you get sick and catch a cold, my son will blame me again."

Ling Sheng glared at him and roared angrily, "don't curse me!"

"Come up." Jun Shiyan stopped the car and his voice softened a little.

For a moment, I wanted to get out of the car and drag her up. I tried to calm myself down. There were still hundreds of meters away from the door of the house. If the wind was too strong, her clothes would be wet.

Ling Sheng listened to the man's gentle voice line. For a moment, he felt a little trance. He saw the car stop, opened the door, got on the car and sat in the back.

Jun Yan eyebrow micro Cu, looked at the clothes on the body, he specially put on the clothes she bought, but also came to pick her up, did she not notice?

Damned woman, even ignore him, do not look at him!

After getting on the car, Ling Sheng began to play with his mobile phone. When the car stopped, he heard someone calling her not far away. When he got out of the car, he saw that it was Youya. His eyes suddenly sank and his lips sneered.

"Sheng Sheng!" As if she saw the Savior, she called her out loud and raised her high-heeled shoes. Her tone was familiar: "my heel has fallen off. Can you go to your house to change it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!