Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1121

Uncle Chen, the security guard, was a little anxious when he heard the children shouting. He was afraid that he might make a mistake. He had never heard of Huo Da Ying Di's grandson. He quickly explained, "Mr. Huo, I'm sorry to disturb you in the middle of the night. I'll take the child away immediately."

He is a soft hearted, looking at the child is very clever, and strange pitiful, just agreed to help him contact, according to reason, in their community, is not allowed to do so, maybe he will have to pack tomorrow.

When Huo CI saw the stinky boy, his pupils suddenly tightened, and his anger ran up to the top of his head. His voice was very heavy and cold: "I will go down immediately."

Nangong Lengyu has a beautiful face, and becomes cold as ice in an instant. She shrinks into a group with heartache.

Well, junshiyan is so nice to see what he has done? The baby of their family, how can it be in the middle of the night, dejected to appear under the apartment building!

Uncle Chen heard that the film emperor said he would come down immediately and looked at the child standing in front of him. His eyes were full of words. I can't believe it. Is the film emperor really the grandfather of the child?

In Huo Yingdi's home, two people have come in this week. One is Nangong Lengyu, the Chinese film queen. There is also a little girl. He hears her calling the film queen's parents. They should be their daughters.

So this little child is the grandson of the film emperor and the son of the girl? But looking at the girl who is in her early 20s, she can't really have such a big son!

Drivers are also worried that children are lying. How can it be? The entertainment industry did not hear any news, Huo Da film emperor directly had a grandson?

He did psychological construction for himself, perhaps not Huo Da film emperor, many people with the same name went there, where is such a coincidence.

When the elevator door opens.

Uncle Chen has nothing to do with it. After all, even the daughter of the film emperor has been seen, and it is acceptable to have more grandchildren.

But the driver's eyes are staring at the ground, can't believe looking at a pair of men and women in front of him, can not be Huo Da film emperor and Nangong film queen!

A few days ago, there was a lot of gossip on the Internet, saying that they were together, and some people saw it with their own eyes. However, because there was no stone hammer, the fans of the two families denied it, but the film emperor and the empress did not deny it.

Uncle Chen looked at the child with a stubborn face and a straight back. Suddenly, tears flowed into his eyes, as if to hold back tears, but he did not.

Xiao Qi didn't want to cry, but when she saw Huo Ci and Nangong Lengyu, she broke down in an instant. She cried out: "grandfather."

Nangong Lengyu looked at a child who had been stabbed by her head. She felt hurt as if someone had cut it with a blunt knife. When she hugged the child, her tears suddenly fell down: "go home, let's go home."

Huo CI is heartache and angry at the moment. He would like to go to junlao's three grandsons and kill him to avenge his family's stinky boy.

Xiao Qi finally can't stand, buried in her arms, crying out of breath, aggrieved and sad a voice called grandma.

Chen Shu and the driver looked at each other, watching the child cry so sad and sad, heart also followed the acid, can not help but want to cry.

Huo CI said thanks to them and told them not to spread the matter out before they got on the elevator. Their chest would burst and even when they were breathing, they would take a fire.

Nangong Lengyu has taken Xiaoqi for a bath and wrapped him up with a thick quilt. The temperature in the room has also been adjusted to the highest.

Xiao Qi doesn't cry any more, but her eyes are still red and swollen. When she thought of being held by her grandmother to take a bath, she began to feel a little embarrassed.

Nangong Lengyu also didn't ask the baby how to come over, his father? The heart is full of resentment.

Now she really wanted to find Jun Shiyan and ask him well that he took the baby away and didn't let them see the baby. As a result, they spoiled the baby at the apex of his heart. Should he treat him like this?

"Xiao Qi, wait a minute. Will grandma cook you some ginger soup?" Nangong Lengyu patted his small head.

Xiao Qi seemed to be frightened. Seeing that she was going to leave, her hand suddenly took hold of her hand. She looked up, her eyes were red, and she shook her head nervously and fearfully: "grandma, Xiao Qi doesn't go, Xiao Qi doesn't go."

Nangong Lengyu didn't hold back her tears. She sat down and held the baby in her arms. She comforted her with a warm voice: "no, we won't go any more."

Even if it was Emperor Lao Tzu, she would not let go.

Last time, he said that he would not stop them from seeing the baby, but he changed his mind.

When Huo CI came into the room, he saw his grandparents and grandchildren holding together. He was heartbroken. The evil fire was splashing around his eyes. You could see what he did!

"Huo Ci, go and cook some ginger soup." Nangong Lengyu can't walk with her baby in her arms. The baby is frightened and can't leave her for a second.

When Huo CI cut ginger, his action was fierce and cruel. He wanted to regard Jiang as a grandson of Junshi and cut him off piece by piece. When he cooked the ginger soup, he turned out of the kitchen and gnawed his teeth and said, "this time, I will never give up."Nangong Lengyu nodded and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Qi can't let him take away."

Huo CI cooked ginger soup, but also went outside to pick a few snow white, after washing, but also carefully took the boiling water to scald for a while, then carried in the past.

The rain outside, not stop the trend, but is getting bigger and bigger, splashing down.

Yu Zheng knelt on the ground, looking at a cold face in front of him. His whole body was covered with angry men. His scalp was numb and waiting for his fate.

How could he have thought that the hacker who claimed to be his apprentice was the young master of his family! Yesterday, I also taught him how to avoid the camera and how to invade the monitoring system!

Who knows what he taught yesterday, he applied it today. He didn't dare to hack the surveillance of Gu's family, but his monitoring all the way, or the timing attack that he started, has led him to fail to find out his whereabouts.

If it was not the young master who did this, he would be proud of him. He clapped his hands and cheered. Good. He did a beautiful job. He was worthy of my apprentice!

But now, he just wants to die. Can I apologize directly by death?

The banquet stood beside him honestly. The atmosphere around him was too oppressive. The air pressure was so low that he couldn't breathe. He quietly looked at the man sitting on the sofa and did not dare to speak.

"Third Master, we have found out." He Shuhuo ran in and looked at the Anyan and Yu Zheng standing and kneeling, with some sympathy and contempt.

Look at them, one by two are rubbish. They can't even look at a child well. They have lost the young master. It's good to serve the third master closely! , the fastest update of the webnovel!