Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1120

Xiao Qi is missing.

Home care, chaos.

Jun Shiyan was in a hurry.

Anyan is not sure. Half an hour ago, when he pushed the door, what he saw on the bed was the young master at home, or the young master disguised himself with a plush pillow.

If the young master had planned to run away, he had already run when he entered the house. According to the worst plan, it was two hours ago.

Jun Shiyan didn't expect that the father and son were angry because of the contradiction. The son ran away. He was angry and anxious.

Well, he can do anything for his so-called mother.

He knew that his son had been smart since he was young, but no matter how smart he was, he was just a child. In order to get rid of him and resist him, he would choose such an extreme way to escape.

All the monitoring of Gu's family has been transferred out, but at home, it is not everywhere. The screen shows that everything is normal.

Jun Shiyan looks at the monitoring screen, frowning, not sure whether his son did not pass or whether he deliberately avoided all the surveillance cameras.

If it is the son to avoid actively, do not want him to find out, think of here, the heart a little bit sad diffuse open.

His three years of company, he was not even the enemy of a mother he just met!


it's very late, and it's raining outside.

The taxi driver vaguely saw a child standing on the side of the road, holding out his small hand to take a taxi, as if afraid that people could not see him, but also went to the street lamp and waved his hands desperately.

It was only when the driver was close that the driver could see clearly that he was a child of about three years old. He looked very beautiful with carved powder and jade. However, he did not know how long he had been drenched in the rain.

The driver is about 30 years old, and the children in the family are four years old, the same age as the children who take a taxi on the road. They are shivering in the rain.

When he stopped the car, the little guy was also relieved to die. He laughed at him, and his heart suddenly became sour. He opened the door and went down.

"Uncle, can you take me to my grandfather's house?" Xiao Qi looked at the man running over and asked him sincerely. He also held out his small hand and held a piece of 100 money in his hand: "I have money."

It rained. He took a taxi here and waited for a long, long time. No car stopped.

The driver's uncle was distressed. He looked at the money in the children's hands, and his palms were wrinkled by the rain. He opened the door and wanted to carry the child in.

Xiao Qi shook his head, and obvious vigilance flashed over his eyes: "uncle, I sit in the back."

Look at your uncle and don't laugh at the little guy who sent you home

Xiao Qi looked at him and nodded. Uncle is not a bad man. He can feel it.

The driver didn't know what the little guy had gone through and what happened to his family. He let such a small child stand on the side of the road to take a taxi in the middle of the night when it was raining heavily.

Such a small child, parents do not look at it well, so dangerous outside, in case of being cheated away by human traffickers, how to do?

Xiao Qi took the towel given by the driver's uncle and wiped his wet hair. Seeing that he had made his car wet, he was embarrassed to look at him: "uncle, I'm sorry. When I get home, I'll let my grandfather give you more money."

Uncle is a good man, only he stops to pull him, give him a clean towel, give him hot water to drink, and give him clothes to wear.

"It's OK." The driver looked through the rearview mirror and watched the little guy wipe his hair and face, and then he would wipe the car that was wet by him. He said, "just sit down, uncle."

He sighed. The little guy just reported his home address, which is the most famous rich area in Beijing. He heard that the film emperor Huo CI lived in that neighborhood.

He asked the little guy to ask for his parents' mobile phone number, and the little guy also gave them, but they were all empty numbers. I don't know if the home address he said is true.

Xiao Qi bit his lips and sat on the seat of the car with his small body shrunk. The heating in the car was full. Although his clothes were wet, they didn't feel so cold.

The driver looked back from time to time and found that the little guy was always on guard. He was a smart child. His parents taught him very well. He would not be cheated so easily.

When he got off the bus, the driver didn't want to ask for money. He had to give it to him and ran away. He rolled up the money in his hand and threw it to the co pilot with the temperature.

The driver is not at ease. He has to watch the little guy be picked up by his parents before he can leave. He is afraid that he can't find his family. It's cold and his clothes are wet. What can I do?

When Xiao Qi enters the apartment with short legs, the door is closed. After ringing the doorbell, the security uncle who looks at the apartment comes over and looks at the little guy in front of him: "kid, who are you looking for?"

Xiao Qi looked at him: "Uncle Chen, Hello, I'm looking for my grandfather."

Uncle Chen looked at the child in front of him strangely. He was familiar with himself. How did the little guy know his name? Looking at his wet body, he asked him, "who is your grandfather?"Xiao Qi: "my grandfather is Huo CI."

Huo Ci and Nangong Lengyu are not sleeping.

Nangong Lengyu has just finished her work. She turns off her computer, takes a bath and enters the bedroom.

Huo Ci was lying on the bed with the lamp still on. He lit an aromatherapy candle. He was wearing pajamas. His neckline was slightly open. In the flickering candlelight, Gu was not able to do it. His thin lips were light and sexy: "I'm ready. I'm ready for your disposal."

Nangong Lengyu throat with a tight, subconsciously swallowing, no longer to see the second eye, sitting in front of the make-up table care of the skin: "well advised you, young body needs to be well maintained, careful color and love Chi."

Huo CI strides big long leg, hits from the bed, hugs her from behind, slightly droops the eye, falls in her ear, the low voice is more and more enchanting: "then you also help me maintain."

Nangong Lengyu was excited by his blood suddenly a heat, the feeling of crispy hemp leaped up the whole body, cold way: "roll to the bed."

"Together." Huo Ci, with long white fingers, held the cosmetic bottle in her hand and put it on the table.

Nangong Lengyu's heart trembled for a moment. Before she could speak, she was held up by her waist.

Huo CI is ready to play a good role, who knows outside, the door bell suddenly rang, immediately broke the quiet ambiguous atmosphere.

"Stinky girl!" Huo CI gas of the dark grinding teeth, eyes are angry, specially bad his good things, right? I don't know when to go home.

"Go and have a look. Shengsheng may have forgotten to take the access card." Nangong Lengyu pushed him and put on a dress to follow him.

Monitoring, is the picture of seven, red eyes, clothes are wet, hoarse cry: "grandfather, grandmother." , the fastest update of the webnovel!