Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1113

Jun Shiyan was so angry at his unreasonable reasoning that he was speechless for a moment. He did not know how a man could be so shameless. He just gave him a cold glance: "Mr. Huo, you are not going to let people go, as far as he is concerned?"

Huo Ci's face Laozi is not to let people, have the ability to stand alone arrogant expression, to him provocative smile: Congratulations, guess right.

Su Xiyin didn't know what was going on between them, but he was a guest. He glared at Huo's words and told him to shut up.

"Mr. Huo, do you still need the consent of your whole family when I come to pick up my son?" Jun Shiyan doesn't want to quarrel with people like Huo CI. He looks at Huo Xiao.

Huo Xiao thought for a moment and said, "I think that Laoliu is right. Children don't want to go back with you. They are afraid to see you. Have you abused him before?"

Xiao Qi then nodded fiercely, and felt that after his father looked at him, he was timid and small, lying in the arms of Huo CI. His big eyes looked at him, and his weak voice said, "there is no abuse."

Jun Shiyan thought that he was following the Huo family. He was unreasonable and learned to lie. He had a little conscience when he spoke. He felt better at last. Looking at his son, he finally relaxed: "you have disturbed people for long enough. Come home with me. I'll send you back."

Seven big eyes at him: "really?"

"Well." Jun Shiyan low should a, looking at the son shaken, the voice is soft a bit: "when did I cheat you?"

Xiao Qi is a good baby and knows that he is in love. He is not unwilling to go home. He is afraid that he will not see his mother again. He thinks that his father is at home alone. He puffs his cheeks and points his head: "that Well, I'll go back with you. "

Nangong Lengyu looked at the little guy, hesitated and hesitated. She made up her mind to make a decision. Knowing that the baby was soft hearted and embarrassed, she sighed in her heart.

Ah Yan has no memory now, and they can't force him to leave the child.

After all, he doesn't know anything, and it's not his fault that he has no memory. When he recovers his memory, everything will be fine.

Seven to go, Huo CI heart is a million not willing to stare at the stinky boy.

A little traitor was carved out of the same mold as his mother, and he was willing to go with others. If he was disgusted, he was pulled out of his arms and was eager to be thrown on the ground. Finally, he was not willing to let him go.

"Xiao Qi, do you really want to go The old mother of Lingsheng was tearful. Her son was too easy to compromise. When junshiyan spoke to him in a better tone, he bought him away and was willing to go back with others.

Xiao Qi ran to her ear and whispered, "don't worry, Mommy. I'll convince Dad that he won't stop me."

If he doesn't go back, his father will be very angry. Maybe he will lock him up and never allow him to see his mother, grandfather and grandmother.

Jun Shiyan is going to take Xiao Qi with him. All the family members are reluctant to part with him, especially Su Xiyin and Huo Xiao. Seeing the little guy go, they feel terrible. The baby has just come over and they are going to leave before they can kiss each other enough.

"Mr. Jun." Xiao Hui came forward and warmly said, "this is about to have dinner. Stay and have a potluck before you leave."

Jun Shiyan has not spoken yet.

Small seven eyes suddenly a bright, rushed back: "good!"

Jun Shiyan Jun's face sank and he glanced at him. Son: he's positive. Doesn't he want to stay in this house a little longer?

When Xiao Qi wanted to stay for dinner, Jun Shiyan naturally couldn't refuse. He said politely with a smile, "that will add trouble to you."

Xiao Hui laughed into a flower, looked at him and said, "no trouble, no trouble at all."

Jiang Meiyun has been a sister-in-law with her for so long. Naturally, she knows what her idea is. If you look at her eyes, they are all staring at others. I'm afraid that she doesn't want to catch a golden tortoise!

She sneered in her heart, more and more disdained, and did not see whether her daughter was worthy or not. Ah, this man had better be a little self-knowledge. Sometimes there must be something in her life. Don't force yourself to ask for it at any time!

Su Xiyin naturally knew that her daughter-in-law was so enthusiastic that she must have other crooked ideas. However, she did not accurately guess what she wanted to stay for?

The remaining two wives, ye Ru and Cao Yunxian, also have a clear look at each other. They have a good relationship with Xiao Hui. They also want to see Huo CI make a fool of themselves. They follow suit and ask Jun Shiyan to stay for dinner.

If the old four can really get what he wants to pay, he will also teach Lao 61 a lesson. It will be very uncomfortable to see his arrogance.

Ling Sheng never thought that this day came so fast and caught off guard. She was given a mouthful of dog food by her parents!

On the table, Huo CI peels shrimp for Nangong Lengyu. He doesn't want to eat spicy, sour or salty food. Any food that irritates the stomach can't be eaten.

Nangong Lengyu wanted to eat a piece of salivary chicken. She couldn't be greedy. She wanted to have a taste and took advantage of Huo Ci's carelessness.

Huo CI frowned, looked at her reproachfully, and then softened her heart. Finally, after rinsing in the direct soup bowl, she put a little bit into her bowl: "taste it."Nangong Lengyu's voice was very low: "after I drank the medicine, my stomach has been much better."

Jun Shiyan was sitting next to them. As a machine with a wooden feeling, he saw the chicken and thought it should be delicious. He stretched out his chopsticks and wanted to clip it.

Who knows that chopsticks just caught a piece of chicken, then suddenly another pair of chopsticks appeared. The woman's hands were long and white, very beautiful, and their skills of using chopsticks were more beautiful. They cut off the chicken he had sandwiched directly.

Ling Sheng is eating chicken happily, pretending not to see Jun Shiyan's eyes. He is really fierce. Does he want his stomach? I dare to touch the spicy.

Jun Shi Yan eyebrow micro Cu, looking at the little woman's complacent small appearance, sighed, forget, why with a unreasonable and unruly woman.

But then, no matter what he ate, he would be robbed by women, especially the spicy and choking things. She always pretended to snatch away her own food for him, and after that, she still had an innocent look that I didn't know anything about.

Jun Shiyan looked at the little woman who was very happy to eat his food. He doubted that she should not have known that he had a bad stomach and robbed him intentionally!

But in this world, the people who know that his stomach is bad, except for a few of them, no one knows, even his son.

When Xiao Hui looked at you, the soup in Yan's bowl was about to finish. She called Huo Feifei, secretly winked at her and said with a smile, "Feifei, go and add another bowl of soup to the third master." , the fastest update of the webnovel!