Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1112

Nangong Lengyu was afraid that the two of them would fight, so he was busy explaining: "ah Yan, Xiao Qi wants to stay with us for two days. We have no other meaning."

"Is it?" Jun Shiyan sneered at his lips and scoffed at the bottom of his eyes: "you two, run to the gate of the kindergarten to rob people, is there no other meaning?"

"No robbery!" Xiao Qi glared at him angrily and said in a loud voice: "I want to go with my grandparents. I don't want to live with you."

As soon as the little guy's voice fell, not only Jun Shiyan, but also the people of the Huo family were all curious and waiting for the fun.

It's interesting. Lao Liu and Jun Laosan seem to know that they don't have the right atmosphere. Like the enemy, the son of Jun Laosan is loyal to Laoliu. He looks closer to his father than he is!

Ling Sheng and Huo Xuanzhou came in and saw two men who seemed to be fighting there.

Huo Xuanzhou's eyes flashed, and he screamed wildly in his heart: Liu Shu, come on, don't counsels, beat, kill you and Lao's three bastards! Don't want to return their Huo family's children, kill him!

Ling Sheng saw Huo Xuanzhou's face excited, but he didn't know what he was happy about. After staring at him, he ran over quickly: "Dad."

Jun Shiyan and Huo CI were standing opposite each other. When she lifted her eyes slightly, she trotted over. When her eyes swept him, she was very indifferent. Suddenly, he had a strange evil fire in his chest.

Huo CI saw the stinky girl coming and called her to come. He wanted to introduce her identity to her family. In fact, even if she didn't, everyone knew it.

"Grandparents." Huo Xuanzhou is positive, excited can not, pull Ling Sheng to introduce: "this little beauty, my sister, six uncle's daughter, your granddaughter."

Grandparents like girls. Every time they see other people's granddaughters, they are envious. The men of Huo family are not striving for success. They are all boys. If there are many boys, they are grass. If you don't like them, girls are a treasure.

When Huo Xiao saw Lingsheng, he was so happy that he could not close his mouth. No matter what the atmosphere was, the two over there were still fighting with each other. He waved to Lingsheng: "come here and let Grandpa have a look."

The girl was so happy. Seeing her smile, she felt warm in her heart. The tip of her nose was a little sour, and the mist in her eyes was a little bit dense.

Obviously, it was the first time to meet, but he always felt that he had seen her countless times in his dream, and his good grandson should look like this.

"Grandfather." Lingsheng didn't say anything, but he choked up in his throat. His eyes were filled with mist and glistening tears. He ran directly to him and threw himself into his arms.

She is so mindless that she is about to cry when she meets. Other people are confused. What's going on? Still crying?

Jun Shi Yan's eyes gradually darkened, and he clearly felt the excitement of the little woman's heart. When she rushed over, she was in a hurry. Her feet still tripped on the legs of the table, and her pupils shrank, and her heart hung up.

Fortunately, she made a trip, so she firmly held the old Mr. Huo's family, and called for her grandfather again and again.

Huo Xiao patted the little girl's back, and his heart was sour and swollen, like a overturned bottle of five flavors. There were all kinds of tastes. At last, only happiness and heartache were left.

, as like as two peas, the girl, who is delighted to see her granddaughter, is exactly the same as she has dreamed of in her dreams. But how can this little girl be so excited to see her husband for the first time?

"Grandma." Ling Sheng some embarrassed beat from Huo Xiao's arms, looking at Su Xi Yin sweet smile.

"Ah Su Xi Yin's heart became warm. The little girl's voice was sweet and soft. She was sweeter than honey.

It's very happy here. The daughters-in-law of the Huo family over there have different looks, especially Xiao Hui. She's very angry. Looking at this little hoof, it's really pleasing. When I met her for the first time, she threw herself into the old man's arms.

Think about her daughter, in the heart more and more unhappy, is also granddaughter, Feifei slightly coquettish to the old man, all want to see the old man's white eye!

Ling Sheng saw his healthy grandfather again, instead of lying in the hospital bed. He was not conscious of his grandfather. His grandmother was not so grateful for his grandfather's tearful face every day. After saying hello to the second old man, he said hello to the elders one by one.

Jun Shiyan didn't know what was going on. Seeing the warm and harmonious scene in front of him, he was moved for a moment and slowly overflowed. His eyes became gentle unconsciously.

Xiao Hui has been paying attention to him since he came in. It seems that there is no communication between him and Ling Sheng. They are tired of seeing each other, and their eyes are rolling around. She starts to think about him.

The story of Jun Shiyan is very popular in Beijing. The diamond bachelor ranked first in China in terms of comprehensive ranking knows that he is single and has a son. No one knows who his son's biological mother is. Some people say that he has a test tube surrogate.

Anyway, no matter what the relationship between him and the daughter of the sixth family, as long as they are not married, Feifei will have a chance to beat this man from the hands of the sixth daughter by Feifei's means and beauty.Jun Shiyan felt a real disgusting look at him. He was disgusted. He didn't want to stay here for a second. He looked at Ling Sheng and said, "Miss Ling, can I take my son away now?"

"Mommy, Xiao Qi doesn't leave." Seven wronged to see Lingsheng, tearful little pitiful one, said and hugged grandfather.

Huo CI gave him a reassuring look.

Jun Shiyan has been in trouble for two days because of his son's affairs. He never thought that one day his son would become so rebellious and disobedient. No matter what he said, he was not willing to go home with him, making him wonder whether his son had been replaced.

"Jun Laosan, he is your son." Now Huo CI began to reason: "since you are all here, I won't embarrass you. We should ask the children's advice. Otherwise, if he is willing to go with you, you can take him away. If he doesn't want to, you can't force the child, isn't it?"

Jun Shiyan held back a mouthful of blood. He clearly knew that his son did not want to go with him. He must have chosen to stay. Instead, he began to pretend to be generous: "I am his guardian. I don't need anyone's consent to take him away. Legally, he has no capacity to act. Now he has no right to refuse to resist me."

"Are you a foster son? Or a dog? " Huo CI choking voice, sneering at the lip: "want to be obedient, I advise you to keep a dog."

Lingsheng heard here, a saliva did not swallow down, almost choked, looking at her father arrogant glare at others to question, just want to ask him, does he mean to ask others? He used to take Xiao Qi as a dog with her? , the fastest update of the webnovel!