Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1033

"I dare not." Xiao Qi puffed her nose, her guilty face was red, and her ears were red.

When Nangong Lengyu went out with the little guy in her arms, breakfast was ready, all light things, porridge and steamed stuffed bun.

Huo Ci was brushing her cell phone, frowning very tight, but when she saw them come out, she quickly put the phone away, handed her a pair of chopsticks, and pushed the bun in front of her: "this plate is three fresh."

Nangong Lengyu Zheng for a moment, very polite: "thank you."

Xiao Qi has a good appetite. Huo CI has always said that he will follow his mother. No matter what happens, no matter when, he can eat it and never treat his stomach badly.

Until after breakfast, Huo CI handed the mobile phone to Nangong Lengyu, let her see hot search.

When Nangong Lengyu saw the hot search, she jumped in her heart and looked at Huo's words: "isn't Yu Chuhe the man of Shengsheng's new movie? He burst out of such black material, there must be no way to continue shooting, how can this happen


thehot search headlines are all Yu Chuhe, and the first one to come out was last night, when they just went to bed Then there were all kinds of stone hammers. The young film emperor, known as the white moon in the entertainment industry, received numerous praises. After winning various TV series and Film Awards, he was gentle and elegant on the surface and was innocent. Unexpectedly, he was so dirty and dirty behind his back that he almost slept all over the entertainment industry.

The hammers are all stone hammers. Each hammer can hit him to death. There are so many photos and video evidence that we can build a database for him. It is not too much to call it the "* *" in the entertainment industry.

The key is that he takes both men and women. The small films exposed are comparable to AV. The scale is so large that only you can't imagine it. Without him, you can't do it without him. In all kinds of difficult positions, people can enjoy themselves and borrow a movie to talk.

Last night, no matter the video is sent to the computer station, no matter the video is sent to the computer station, no matter the video is sent to the computer station, you can send the video to every person.

Yu Chuhe's face was not coded, but the people who took small videos with him, whether they were men or women, were well protected. The whole body was coded so that the masses who wanted to lie down on each other were unable to start. The video gods and the PS gods could only look at the video and sigh, but did not try to restore the video files.

Huo CI knows that Yu Chuhe is not a good person, but what he did is very hidden. Up to now, there has been no black material scandal. Now it suddenly seems like a viral outbreak, which must be abnormal.

Who in the end wants to be black? His words are selected in this time period. What's so dark when he makes a movie? Just a few days after the film has just started, the crew can directly change actors to stop loss. After he has finished shooting, it will not be more devastating to release the big materials when the film is released?

Who else in the entertainment industry has been holding back so much evidence that he just blew up the evidence and killed Yu Chuhe.

Nangong Lengyu calls Ling Sheng, but her mobile phone is always turned off. She is a little anxious. She can only call director Lin Ping and ask what is going on there. It is reasonable to say that such a large amount of black material was exploded yesterday. Shengsheng will definitely call her to tell her about the situation.

When the mobile phone vibrated, Jun Shiyan held the soft and fragrant little girl in his arms and reached for the mobile phone. When he saw the beating words on the screen, he immediately woke up. He was afraid to wake up the little girl. His voice was very low: "mother-in-law."

"Is Sheng Sheng with you?" Nangong Lengyu heard from the director that he took the Shengsheng away.

"Well." Jun Shiyan wants to get up and go out to answer the phone, but the whole girl is in his arms, and her little hands are tightly around his waist.

"Are you sick?" Nangong Lengyu was a bit alert. It was dawn. How could he feel like he didn't wake up? His heart was pounding. He should not be following Shengsheng

"No Jun Shiyan said a word, and heard the little girl in his arms whine, soft and waxy voice, listening to his throat inexplicably tight, gently patted the little girl, pointed to the phone, let her not make a sound.

Ling Sheng is still in the middle of a dream and half awake. He squints his eyes and looks at the man in front of him. His lips are slightly swollen, but his face is pretty and charming. He looks like a goblin who attracts the soul. His voice is soft and sticky: "who, why is it so early?"

Jun Shiyan's body suddenly became stiff. He knew that the person opposite had already heard the girl's voice. He was nervous, but at the same time, he was relieved, waiting for the person to ask.

Nangong Lengyu took the mobile phone's hand, suddenly tightened, Zheng for a moment before opening his mouth: "are you together?"Jun Shiyan is not a liar. He looks at the little girl in his arms with a happy doting smile on his lips. He gently hugs the little girl into his arms with his big hand. His voice is full of joy and he freely admits: "yes."

Nangong Lengyu's face was suddenly a little white, and her voice was shaking: "you did what you did with Yu Chuhe."

Jun Shiyan gently stroked the little girl's hair. He felt that his heart was sweeter than eating honey. When talking about Yu Chuhe, he lost his temper: "yes."

In the morning, when I heard the voice of small voice, I would like to scramble for a small man's face

Jun Shiyan looked at the little girl's exaggerated reaction, nodded, buckled her waist, and motioned her to continue sleeping.

Ling Sheng wakes up when he is excited. Where can he sleep? He is scared to death. He looks at the man nervously and holds his breath to listen to what her mother says. It's over. She just spoke. Has she exposed that she and the third master have already

Nangong Lengyu's voice was cold: "I know."

The man named Yu Chuhe must have done something unforgivable to Sheng Sheng. In entertainment circles, you don't have to know what means he used. For a while, he didn't know how to be angry with Jun Shiyan. He should go to find the man named Yu Chuhe.

Jun Shiyan also said: "mother-in-law, I will handle this matter personally, and will definitely let him pay the due price. Don't worry about it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!