Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1032

In the surveillance, the little guy came out of the bedroom naked and wet. He ran cautiously to the bedroom. Like a thief, he secretly took a look at the balcony. He was relieved to see that no one had found out what he had done.

Nangong Lengyu clenched his fist a little bit. He was confused and red in his heart. Looking at the child in bed, he was angry and distressed. He really wanted to teach him a good lesson, but he couldn't give up.

This matter, said to all blame her, the little guy must have heard their conversation, feel sick as an excuse to deceive her, will come up with such a way, really let his fever sick, how he is so silly!

Huo Ci's eyes are complicated. I really want to take the stinky boy up and fight him directly. How can he be so capable? No one is as strong as he is. He's a little fart. He has so many ideas. When he grows up, it will be even worse. He may not make many earth shaking events!

"Huo CI." Nangong Lengyu looked at him: "this matter, let's treat it as if we don't know anything about it!"

Huo CI er a, and looked at the eye bed on the stinky boy, a little bit of anger jumped out, said: "if there is another time, see I don't kill him."

"Sheng Sheng over there, don't let them worry." Nangong Lengyu was afraid that he would call his daughter and told him again.

Huo Ci was so angry that he didn't talk about it. He saw such a troublesome gadget, which made him worried and afraid. As a result, he was troubled by his own illness, and there was no one to let him worry.


He owes them to their mother and son!

Nangong Lengyu knew that Huo CI would not call Jun Shiyan. If her daughter was there, she would be busy filming every day. She didn't want to tell her that she was not in the capital now, so that she would not be able to come back immediately after she knew about it.

Huo Ci to accompany the hospital bed to clean up, just look at the woman in front of the stinky boy: "you sleep for a while, I look at him."

Nangong Lengyu shook his head: "you sleep, I am not sleepy."

Huo CI looked at the woman's serious dark circles. He was not sleepy, and his face was very ugly. No matter whether she promised or not, he went directly to pull her up. His voice was unquestionably tough: "you sleep, I look at him."

The doctor has said that it's OK. He has a cold and fever. What can I do? Keep him till dawn!

Nangong cold jade eyebrow micro Cu, looking at a man with a face, just want to refute.

"Isn't your company going to have a press conference tomorrow? Do you want to go to the press conference so tired? " Huo interrupted her directly.

Nangong Lengyu said in his heart how do you know our company's press conference tomorrow, but what he said was also right. He looked at Xiaoqi, but he didn't insist any more. He said, "well, I'll sleep first. You wake me up two hours later, and I'll take over."

In the past half month, she has not been able to sleep well because of the company's affairs. Especially in the past week, she has been wandering around the world. She has to be busy revising the design drawings, checking the finished clothes, and taking into account the later fashion shows.

The VIP ward of the hospital is very large with complete facilities. There is also a special escort ward. However, Huo knew that she must be worried about Xiao Qi and would not sleep in the room. So she moved the bed out and watched the woman lying on the bed. She fell asleep soon after. She crept to cover the bed for her.

Nangong Lengyu had a good night's sleep. When she opened her eyes, she saw a tall man's back in front of the table not far away. The food box was on the table and was taking out all kinds of breakfast.

Huo CI also did not return, but feel that she has woken up, way: "go to wash, eat breakfast."

Nangong Lengyu looked at the man in front of her. For the first time, she felt a little relieved. She didn't know if it was because of the reason she just woke up. In his voice, she even heard a little gentleness. She shook her head in chagrin and let herself wake up.

She must have been so busy these two days that she even thought it was very good to read Huo CI. She was just crazy!

Seven is still sleeping, but heard the grandfather's voice, sleepy eyes opened his eyes, voice or dumb: "grandfather, where is this?"

"In the hospital." Huo CI heard that he was awake, but he was not angry. He gritted his teeth and turned back: "Stinky boy, you know what good things you have done yourself. I won't settle accounts with you this time. You dare to..."

"Huo CI!" Nangong Lengyu glared at him and interrupted him.

Huo CI obediently did not say, just glared at the stinky boy again: "see what to see, don't hurry up to eat, still let me serve you, right?"

Nangong Lengyu quickly got out of bed and went to Xiao Qi. He picked up the little guy: "don't listen to your grandfather."

Xiao Qi was very guilty. She was in the hospital. Naturally, she knew how she had a fever. She did not dare to see Huo CI. She put her arm around Nangong Lengyu's neck. Her voice was dumb: "grandma, brush your teeth and wash your face."

When Nangong Lengyu went to the bathroom with Xiao Qi in her arms, she gave Huo CI a warning look, saying, "don't frighten Baobao, don't be cruel to Baobao. How old is he? He's angry with a child. Baobao doesn't do that because he's afraid they're both angry and too late for heartache. How can he give up on him.Seven to the bathroom, brush teeth when, just LISP said: "grandma, I'm sorry."

Nangong Lengyu is either angry with him or angry with herself. When quarreling with Huo Ci, he should go far away. How can he be careless enough to let him hear about it. However, it's really the baby's fault to wash his body with cold water to catch a cold. He keeps a straight face and asks, "do you know what's wrong?"

Small seven looked at grandmother angry, in the heart is afflicted, hang a small head to nod: "small seven know wrong."

Nangong Lengyu didn't expect that Baobao had made a mistake himself. Since he had all acknowledged his mistake, the best thing to do was to say: "where is wrong?"

"Xiao Qi shouldn't wash cold water and blow air, which makes you worry." Seven small head hang lower, do not dare to see grandma, bite toothbrush admitted the mistake.

"I wish I knew I was wrong." Nangong Lengyu sighed low and looked at the baby seriously: "next time, don't do this again. If your mother knows, how can grandma explain to your mother?"

"Grandma, don't tell mommy." Xiao Qi suddenly raised his head and looked at her nervously.

Mommy would be worried if she knew.

"Do you dare next time?" Nangong Lengyu took out his toothbrush and asked him to gargle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!