Transmigrated into Substitute Bride ‘Fu Lang'

Chapter 102: youth

Hearing Chen Xing\'s words, Gao Yajian was a little surprised. He didn\'t expect the owner of this small restaurant and the Chen family to have such a cause and effect.

Don\'t let others supply us with rice and ingredients. Fortunately, with the help of good people a few days ago, our shop was able to come back to life and survive for a while longer. I just don\'t know if this is the reason why this disaster happened. ."

Chen Xing\'s remarks are well-founded, Gao Yazhe also remembered the fact that the small restaurant had no rice to cook some time ago, and naturally believed three points of what he said. He doesn\'t want to talk about other people\'s family affairs, but the arson case has always been a case of strict investigation, so he looked at the gentle-faced little boss in front of him with a stern face, and assured: "Thank you for the information you provided, please also ask the little boss. Don\'t worry, boss, we will capture the arsonist as soon as possible and give you an explanation."

"Thank you sir."

Seeing that Gao Yajian was about to lead the rest of the people away, Chen Xing hurriedly gave them the four packs of jerky that he had just told the store to pack. Until they refused and left with the jerky, he looked at the backs of the four and muttered, "I hope they can catch the murderer sooner, otherwise there will always be a feeling of anxiety."

Gu Lang glanced at the place where Chen Xing looked, and whispered: "I believe they will catch someone soon, don\'t worry! After closing the store, I will let Qiu Jiu and the others. Go find that man, if you can find him, maybe you will be able to figure it out. Let\'s reminisce later, I will draw a few portraits of that man, so that I can find him."

Chen Xing felt that what Gu Lang said made sense, and nodded without much entanglement, "En."

Gu Lang saw that Chen Xing\'s complexion was much better, and he didn\'t seem as entangled as before, and the corners of his lips also showed a smile. It\'s just that the smile stopped suddenly when the corner of the light swept the wound on his wrist, and he almost forgot the most important thing.

"We don\'t have much to do right now, so it\'s better to draw the portrait now, so as not to have a biased memory of that person\'s appearance later."

Chen Xing was still trying to recall the man\'s appearance, for fear that he had missed something, and he could not explain it to Gu Lang later, he felt his hand being held up, Immediately afterwards, he directly met the caring expression on Gu Lang\'s face. "No hurry, I\'ll give you some medicine first, lest your hand hurt later."

Chen Xing always felt a little uncomfortable when he met Gu Lang\'s gaze. It wasn\'t a big deal, it was just a bruise. He didn\'t think it was necessary to make such a fuss.

Gu Lang shook his head in disapproval, looked at the disobedient Chen Xing and said, "I feel more at ease after taking the medicine."

Chen Xing blushed, and did not argue with Gu Lang any more, he could only let him hold his hand and apply the ointment carefully.

Looking at the thin layer on his wrist, Chen Xing felt that this medicine was a bit magical. gone. He turned his wrist curiously, looked at Gu Lang who was putting away the ointment with his head down, and said, "Where did you buy this ointment, how can it be so effective, I don\'t feel any more when you put it on."

Gu Lang lowered his eyebrows, slowly put away the porcelain bottle, and said lightly: "I bought it when I was outside. By the way, let\'s paint a portrait, so that we won\'t have time later. already."

Hearing Gu Lang say this, Chen Xing didn\'t worry too much. He sat next to him and accompany him to recall the appearance of the person today and draw the appearance of that person. Chen Xing was originally worried that he would not remember well, and that he would not be able to draw the portrait at that time. Who knows that he has not said anything yet. Gu Lang drew the appearance of the young man with just a few strokes, leaving him stunned by the side.

After Gu Lang finished painting the first painting, he took it directly in front of Chen Xing and asked him, "Do you think it looks like it?"

Chen Xing thinks that this and there are similar, it is simply very similar, he nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and praised without hesitation: "I have never seen one before. You can draw people so similar with pen and ink, you are simply too good."

Gu Lang listened to Chen Xing\'s sincere praise, and a smile appeared on his face. Just when the two smiled at each other and the atmosphere was very warm, there was a hurry outside the door A figure ran in, and as soon as he came in, he came straight to the counter.

"Boss, I have some useful information."

Chen Xing was startled, but he looked at Qiu Wu, who was sent out to inquire about the news today, and saw that his eyes were staring at Chen Xing and the others, and excitedly said: "Master, I am today. Go and find out, the lamp oil found in the yard is very expensive, and only four families in the whole town can afford it, the Chen family, the Zhao family, the Shen family, and the Fu family."

Hearing the shadow of the Chen family, Chen Xing vaguely had an idea in his heart, he could use this incident to teach the Chen family a lesson. After all, what they did during this time was a bit too much. It\'s just that he only has this clue that is not evidence. He feels that it is not enough. He has to come up with some solid evidence before he can prove his speculation.

Gu Lang listened by the side, and after Qiu Wu finished saying those words, he directly handed him the portrait he had just drawn, and instructed him: "We know, next You take this painting, go with Qiu Jiu and the others to find someone, and if you find someone, bring it directly to Gu\'s house."

Qiu Wu took the portrait, looked at the young man above, and nodded confidently, "Boss, don\'t worry, I will bring someone back to you soon."

After Gu Lang nodded, Qiu Wu ran away in a hurry, looking like he should go to Qiu Jiu to work together.

When Qiu Wu left, Chen Xing looked at Gu Lang with excitement in his eyes, "I remember that arson is a felony, if the Chen family did it, what punishment would they receive? "

Although Chen Xing received the original body, he is not himself after all, and naturally has no sense of belonging to the Chen family. Later, when they exchanged him as a commodity to Gu Lang and paid Gu Lang\'s betrothal gifts, he felt that even if it was the kindness of procreation, he would have paid for the original body.

When he was in trouble, he felt that this was his bottom line. It\'s not that he can\'t fight back, but he hasn\'t found a chance to fight back for the time being. Now that there is an opportunity in front of him, he can\'t help being a little excited.

Gu Lang didn\'t understand why Chen Xing, who was fine just now, suddenly became excited. He just looked at his bright eyes and thought about it for a while, thinking about how to prevent him from attacking his enthusiasm. Next, let him not have such high expectations. It\'s just that he thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to tell the truth,

"We still need more evidence. The fact that the Chen family set the fire is just our guess, and we still don\'t even know who set the fire. The fire is really related to the Chen family, but as long as they find someone to blame at will, we still have no way to take them."

Chen Xing was just thinking about the miserable situation of the Chen family when he arrived, and never thought of the option of finding someone to take the blame. Now being reminded by Gu Lang, he immediately became nervous and panicked. asked, "Then what should we do?"

Gu Lang looked at him, curled the corners of his lips, brushed the broken hair on his cheeks with him, and said softly: "Of course, before we start to scare the snakes, find out who set the fire. "

Chen Xing looked at Gu Lang\'s smile, and his eyes flickered a few times. I don\'t know if it was his illusion. a huge conspiracy.


In the next two days, neither the Yamen nor the Qiu Jiu who went out brought back any news.

This made Chen Xing a little irritable, and even began to think involuntarily if he couldn\'t find any clues, this matter would become more and more difficult to control with the passage of time.

Chen Xing sat on a chair in the backyard, looked at the kitchen in front of him, which had begun to repair, and sighed silently.

Just when Chen Xing was thinking about whether he would be kicked out if he went to the yamen to ask in person, Qiu Jiu, who had been out for two days, suddenly ran back and stood in front of him, excited Authentic: "Little boss, we have caught the person you are looking for. Would you like to go and have a look?"

When he heard Qiu Jiu\'s words, Chen Xing\'s eyes lit up immediately. He was already too excited, and subconsciously ignored the word \'grab\' in Qiu Jiu\'s tone, but just looked excited Said: "You have found someone, where are you now?"

Qiu Jiu was not at all vague, and said directly: "Don\'t you ask us to send someone directly to the review house after we catch him? He is there now, and the son is interrogating."

"Come on, let\'s go back!"

When Chen Xingfei ran back home and saw the two young people who might know about it, he was almost startled. The clothes that were originally clean were now as dirty as rolling through the mud, and the two ordinary faces were covered with bruises, which looked like they had suffered a lot.

Chen Xing\'s originally excited mood subconsciously eased a lot, and even walked in a lot lighter, until he came to Gu Lang, poked the expressionless man, and said softly Said: "What happened to them, Qiu Jiu and the others did it?" Although he really wanted to know the truth of the matter, he also felt that violence was not desirable!

Gu Lang just glanced at Chen Xing, and soon understood what he was thinking, he shook his head, and replied lightly: "No, they fell by themselves."

"Then they fell a little hard!" After Chen Xing sighed, seeing the two men looking at him resentfully, he coughed in a guilty conscience, and immediately changed the subject: "You ask Yet?"

Gu Lang shook his head and said calmly: "I want to wait for you to come and let you ask. Don\'t worry, they promised just now that no matter what you ask, they will answer honestly."

Chen Xing felt that Gu Lang\'s words were a bit weird, but for a while he couldn\'t figure out what was wrong, so he just didn\'t think about it. He neatly came to the two men, cleared his throat, and said unceremoniously, "Did you two set the fire in our store?"

Hearing his words, the two looked at Gu Lang behind Chen Xing in fear, shaking their heads desperately.

Chen Xing frowned, and continued: "It wasn\'t the two of you who set it up, so how did you act like a thief last time, do you know who set the fire?"

This time, the two young people looked at each other, and then the young man who took the initiative to talk to Chen Xing last time took the initiative to speak, "We are not sure if that person set the fire, Originally, I was going to confirm it in the past few days, but I ended up being arrested by you, no, I was invited back."

He looked at the man behind him carefully, he didn\'t know what the man was, anyway, he seemed to be gentle and weak, and there were so many torture methods, It\'s terrifying.

Chen Xing didn\'t notice his strangeness, but thought that what they said was a little strange, and after thinking about it, he said, "It wasn\'t from you, why did you run so fast last time?"

When the young man heard Chen Xing\'s question, his expression was tangled, then he turned his head to look at his companion, and after seeing him nodding towards him, he just gritted his teeth and said their plan, " Originally, we planned to use this pretext to extort money. That\'s why we didn\'t speak when you asked us that day."

Chen Xing didn\'t think of this reason at all, but then he figured it out, probably because he thought it would be no good to tell him, but it\'s different to blackmail, they can get a lot of money . However, this also shows in disguise that the target they want to extort should be richer than them, otherwise the two would not be able to seek distance.

Chen Xing didn\'t have the patience to go around in circles anymore, just looked at them and asked bluntly: "Is the person you are talking about from the Chen family, who is it from the Chen family?"

The door of the Chen family should be from the Chen family, right?"

Ask here, Chen Xing then asked: "How tall, how old, what characteristics?"

The young man recalled for a moment, his face was a little strange, but he answered honestly, "The two of them don\'t look very tall, the figure of ordinary women, and when I saw them go in, The others were very polite, and felt that the leader should have more status in the mansion, and the person who followed her even called her miss. By the way, the person at the front desk was wearing a veil. Only sixteen or seventeen."

Hearing the young man\'s description, a savage figure flashed in Chen Xing\'s mind for a moment, and then his mind was clouded, and he whispered in disbelief: "Impossible!? How could it be? she?"