Transmigrated into Substitute Bride ‘Fu Lang'

Chapter 101: clue

Chen Xing was stunned for a moment, obviously did not expect the answer to be this, he felt that Gu Lang was too smart. If it was him, he would never have guessed their whereabouts so quickly.

Chen Xing was only depressed for a moment, then he remembered something, looked at Gu Lang and said: "By the way, Qiu Jiu and I suspected that the fire was man-made, but we again No evidence."

Chen Xing scratched his hair a little annoyed, and looked unwilling.

Gu Lang looked at Chen Xing, touched his head lightly, and comforted: "Don\'t worry, it\'s dark and blind right now, even if there is evidence, we can\'t see it. Now There are still some hours before dawn, so let\'s go back and fix it first. When the sky is bright, we will look for evidence again, so it will be easier to find some."

When Chen Xing heard Gu Lang\'s suggestion, he hesitated for a moment, then looked around and found that except for the place where their lanterns were illuminated, the rest of the place was really dark, and he put it down immediately Wanting to find out the result now, he nodded towards Gu Lang, "Okay, let\'s go back now and check again when it\'s dawn."

Wearing a small piece of cloth, it looked like it had been pulled vigorously and dropped from the clothes.

Chen Xing stared at the cloth strip with wide eyes, his heart was beating thumping, and he felt that this thing must be the key to this fire incident. He raised his eyes to meet Gu Lang\'s eyes, and saw that Gu Lang also looked at him, raised his eyebrows when he met his eyes again, and then said, "I think you may have found a key clue."

In the end, Gu Lang reluctantly took him back to sleep, ready to wait until dawn to come back.

On the other side, Chen Linger returned to Chen\'s house.

When entering through the back door, the old lady at the door looked at this always stubborn young lady, and was still a little surprised that she came back so late, "Miss, this is you?"

Chen Linger\'s face was particularly ugly due to the offense of the group of hooligans just now, and the fact that they looked at him as if they had seen a ghost.

Hearing the woman\'s question at this time, Chen Linger gave her a dissatisfied look, and after seeing her flinch, she said viciously: "I\'m going there, do I need to report to you?"

"No, no, the lady can do whatever she wants." Looking at Chen Linger\'s ghost-like expression, the old woman shrank her neck and dared not say more. sentence.

Chen Linger snorted at her, and went straight in with the little girl beside her.

When Chen Linger passed in front of her eyes, the old woman raised her head again, stared at her back and spat, then looked at the hem of her skirt, and made a strange \'huh\' , how could she see that there seems to be a little burnt.

The old lady hesitated for a while, but decided to wait until the lady woke up during the day, and then tell the lady about it. After all, she was sent by the lady to watch the lady. What strange behavior did she do? Naturally, it needs to be reported upwards.

When Chen Linger returned to the room, she immediately instructed the other maids who were still waiting to boil the bath water for her, and then looked at the maid in front of her who followed her, and instructed her: "You Remember what I said to you on the road just now, if you dare to slip your tongue, you should know the consequences!"

The maid nodded desperately, swearing to God that she would never tell anyone what happened tonight.

Seeing this, Chen Linger showed a smile, then came to her dresser, opened the box where she kept her jewelry, picked a silver hairpin from it, and came to the door of the little maid Qian handed it to her and smiled: "As long as you are obedient, I will not treat you badly."

The maid was a little hesitant at first, but in the end, under the repeated urging of Chen Linger, she carefully took the hairpin, then bowed to Chen Linger, and said cautiously: "Thank you, Miss, I understand."

Chen Linger smiled softly and said warmly, "Go down and rest! You are tired today."

When the maid left tremblingly, the smile on Chen Linger\'s face gradually faded, staring at the back of the maid was full of cold light, she didn\'t believe that this maid would help her keep the secret all the time, she will keep her secret in a few days She has to think of a reason to sell this maid far away, preferably in a remote area that will not live for many years, so that she will feel at ease.

more and more powerful. She just wanted to see, if this store is gone, how can they turn over?

"Miss, the hot water has been boiled, Miss, are you washing now?"

Chen Linger raised her eyebrows and looked outside the door, because her happy voice brought a bit of joy, "I\'ll wash now, by the way, go and prepare a brazier for me, I\'ll use it later ."

Although the maid outside the door felt that her request was a bit strange, she did not dare to disobey her order, and after raising the bath water into her room, she went out to prepare the brazier.

He threw the dress in, poured kerosene on it, ignited the sparks and threw it down.

The flickering fire shone on Chen Linger\'s face without a veil, setting her off like a witch who came to seek her life from hell. Looking at the slowly extinguished flame, she whispered, "Next, how can I repay my beloved parents?"

Due to the fire in the store, Chen Xing didn\'t sleep well all night and woke up earlier than usual the next day. When the genius was bright, he got up and got busy.

What Chen Xing didn\'t expect was that he woke up early this morning and saw Gu Lang neatly dressed. Gu Lang\'s health is not very good, and he needs to sleep for a while on weekdays, so he is quite surprised to see him here now.

Gu Lang looked at Chen Xing\'s puzzled look, smiled softly, and explained warmly: "I think such a big thing happened in the restaurant, you must have a restless sleep at night, in the morning I will get up early and pass by. So, I thought about getting up early and being able to accompany you."

Chen Xing was a little moved by Gu Lang\'s thoughtfulness, he looked into Gu Lang\'s eyes, nodded heavily, and replied, "Well, thank you."

Today, Chen Xing did not ask Qiu Jiu to help him, but asked Gu Lang to help him set fire.

Chen Xing felt that even if he was in a hurry, breakfast could not be perfunctory, especially if Gu Lang was not in good health, he could not take it lightly. It\'s just that he was in a hurry to go out today, and he didn\'t have the heart to make any more fancy things. Looking at the ingredients in the kitchen, he cooked a pot of white rice porridge and spread out a few pancakes. When the pancakes are out of the pan, sprinkle chopped green onion and his special sauce on the pancakes, and the aroma will come out immediately.

Such a simple but delicious breakfast, Qiu Jiu ate three bowls of porridge and two large pancakes alone. And Chen Xing was taken by him, and he had a bad appetite, and he also ate a bowl and a half of porridge and a pancake.

When they finished and went to the restaurant, it was two hours earlier than when they usually arrived at the restaurant.

They entered the small restaurant and walked straight towards the backyard where the kitchen was, wanting to look here to see if there were any other clues before others came.

Sure enough, the view during the day was much better than at night, and they soon discovered something unusual.

Chen Xing found an invisible footprint on the wall not far from the door. He raised his hand and gestured, and felt that the width of the footprint was a little small, and he didn\'t know who it belonged to.

Just as Chen Xing was staring at the footprints and pondering, Qiu Jiu over there excitedly said: "Little boss, come quickly, I found something here."

Chen Xing immediately gave up after hearing the words and continued to observe the strange footprints, and immediately went to Qiu Jiu\'s side, and then saw him pointing to the most severely burned place, which was also used by them to stack fine wood The place, but the wood that was originally stacked there at this time has been burned to ashes, and the original appearance can no longer be seen.

Qiu Jiu looked up at Chen Xing and Gu Lang who were attracted by him, and said excitedly: "Little boss, big boss, guess what I found here?"

Gu Lang just glanced at him coldly and didn\'t answer.

Qiu Jiu was stunned by this, and did not dare to be more presumptuous.

Fortunately, Chen Xing was a supporter. He stared at it for a long time without seeing anything famous, and said a little puzzled: "What is there? Why didn\'t I see anything?"

Qiu Jiu immediately pointed to the crack in the ground, and said cheerfully: "Little boss, look here, do you see it? There is still oil that will be burned in the future."

Seeing that Chen Xing was still confused, Qiu Jiu simply scraped out the oil, held it in front of Chen Xing, and continued to explain: "This oil was originally for lighting, but Unlike the lamp oil used in ordinary people\'s homes, ordinary people\'s lamp oil will only leave a black powder on the ground.

Not only does this oil burn without leaving black marks, it even leaves behind a little white lumpy powder. This kind of lamp oil is very popular with wealthy people, and ordinary wealthy people can\'t afford it. No one would discard this kind of kerosene at will. There is such a large area here, which should have been sprinkled artificially, and the purpose is also to ignite this place. "

Chen Xing nodded to indicate that he understood, but then he asked strangely, "How did you know this?"

"Uh." Qiu Jiu, who was still excitedly explaining, suddenly stopped for a while, then raised his head and glanced at Gu Lang indistinctly. : "I did it in other big families before following my son, so I know this."

Chen Xing nodded after listening, and then stopped paying attention to this matter, just took another look there, and asked Qiu Jiu to circle it with something to protect the scene, and they started again Find the next piece of evidence. But unfortunately, no matter how many times they searched, they couldn\'t find any other useful clues.

Seeing that the door was about to be opened, Chen Xing held his chin and looked at the only three pieces of evidence, and said a little tangled: "Well, Gu Lang will watch the store in front later, Sell ​​the rest of the venison. I\'ll go to the official government. Such an arson incident cannot be easily let go. After all, we are lucky this time. If we are not lucky, we will not only be burned here If it falls, it will also affect the shops next to it.”

Gu Lang and Qiu Jiu nodded. They had no objection to Chen Xing\'s reporting to the officials. Arson is a serious crime.

However, when Chen Xing said that he should go to the government, Gu Lang stopped him from saying that he would go instead of him.

Confronting Chen Xing\'s doubtful eyes, Gu Lang was extraordinarily calm and answered truthfully: "You are a brother, that kind of place is not suitable for you. In addition, I still have a thin name. , they won\'t embarrass me if I go. Besides, if you go, other people in the store will not be able to grasp the measure of the medicinal meal, but they will waste those good things. "

Chen Xing is not unreasonable. Hearing Gu Lang\'s analysis, he nodded and exchanged places with Gu Lang, and then watched Gu Lang go out.

Half an hour before leaving the store, other employees in the store also came one after another. When they saw the mess in the backyard, they were all stunned. But after they watched the little boss standing there calmly, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

So, they moved out the small stoves in the kitchen in the past and put them in the hallway, then washed the ingredients, and put them into the small pot to cook gently.

Scattered away, many people who smelled it began to swallow their saliva involuntarily.

So they could only swallow their saliva and wait hungry.

, you must think of a way to get more water storage, or add more thermal insulation, so as not to run out of water next time.

Just when Chen Xing was racking his brains thinking about how to build it to be the safest. Gu Lang had already returned with a few officials. Looking at them from a distance, Chen Xing was a little surprised. He originally thought that such a case would require at most two people to record it, but he didn\'t expect that four people would come all of a sudden.

When they entered the door, Gu Lang introduced to Chen Xing: "This is the Gao Ya servant who is in charge of handling the case, this is my wife."

That Gao Yajian was a tall and thin young man with a cold face, but when he heard Gu Lang\'s introduction, he laughed and said to Chen Xing: "Little boss, my daughter-in-law is very I love the braised pork here."

Chen Xing smiled politely, "Thank you for liking."

The clerk Gao did not look like he was too talkative, but he was able to speak, and after a few chats, he said goodbye to Chen Xing, and followed Gu Lang in to collect evidence.

When they went in, Chen Xing did not idle, went to those small stoves to see if there was any need for help in the work, after confirming that they could all be done alone, he went back to Back to the front to guard.

Chen Xing stood back at the counter, and at a glance, he saw the man who was poking his head outside the door, looking very much to come in and have a look, but he didn\'t know why he stopped there for some reason. The man was only in his early twenties, and he didn\'t look rich in gray clothes, and even looked a little cramped.

Chen Xing felt that he wanted to come in and try the taste, but he was shy in front of their door because he was shy.

In order to avoid embarrassing the man, Chen Xing took his eyes away from him and looked elsewhere. But soon, he heard an awkward voice ringing in his ear, "Shopkeeper, didn\'t you have a fire here last night?"

Chen Xing condensed in his heart, turned his head to look in the direction of what he said, only to see the young man who was still some distance away just now. .

Chen Xing looked at him with a bit of doubt in his eyes, finally weighed it, and said, "We did have a fire here yesterday, but because it was put out in time, there was no fire. what loss."

When the man heard the words, he showed such an expression as he expected, and then saw Chen Xing staring at him, and was shocked, with a cramped expression on his face, "Why does the boss look at him like this? following me?"

Chen Xing put on a reassuring smile, looked at him and said warmly: "I don\'t know how the young master knew that my shop was on fire yesterday, did the son see anything? If the son knows anything, let him know. I, I will also give the son some money as a thank you."

The man was a little hesitant when he heard what he said, and finally seemed to have no idea what he was thinking. I didn\'t see anything, so I\'m leaving first."

Chu ran out and chased in the direction the man left.

"Yes..., indeed..., we... knock him..."

The voice Chen Xing heard was not very real, but he vaguely felt that they should have seen something, he immediately rushed over, grabbing the sleeve of the man just now, and said : "If you know, tell me directly, this is very important to us."

The young man was surprised when he saw a person suddenly appearing beside him, and when he saw that it was Chen Xing, the expression on his face immediately became weird, and then he was a little annoyed and angry. : "I said I don\'t know, why are you still confused!"

Just as Chen Xing was pulling the man away, the man beside him saw the situation here, turned his head and first saw that Chen Xing was holding his companion\'s hand, Looking at the companion held by Chen Xing, he asked with a bit of curiosity in his tone: "Who is he?"

The man was dragged by Chen Xing and couldn\'t go. He was a little flustered at this time, and immediately said: "He is the little owner of the burned shop, and he wants me to tell him what I saw. "

The man stared at Chen Xing for a while, his eyes rolled a few times, and then he rushed over and broke Chen Xing\'s hand with force, then pulled his companion and ran away .

Chen Xing was caught off guard, the impact made him take a few steps back and almost fell to the ground. When he stood firm and chased forward, he saw the two men running into a narrow alley and quickly disappearing between various obstacles.

Seeing that the man was lost, Chen Xing was very angry. At first he was not sure if the man knew it or not, but now seeing him running away like this, he was very sure that it must be this man .

Just as Chen Xing was gnashing his teeth and being angry, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind, "Chen Xing, what\'s wrong?"

When he reached his hand, his brows furrowed even more deeply, "Why are you injured?"

Chen Xing lowered his head to look at his wrist, and then he realized that it had been scratched red, and the skin was a little broken, he smiled indifferently, looked at Gu Lang reassured: "I\'m fine, you don\'t have to worry."

Gu Lang ignored the people around him, grabbed his hand and checked, frowned and said, "Go back and I\'ll give you medicine."

Although Chen Xing was a little embarrassed, he nodded obediently and replied softly, "Yeah." Immediately afterwards, he seemed to remember something, and hurriedly moved towards Gu Lang Said: "By the way, the person I was chasing just now, I think he should know something, but he ran away."

Gu Lang looked at Chen Xing anxiously, frowned slightly, looked at him and said: "Don\'t worry, I already remember what he looks like, I\'ll let Qiu Jiu later They look for it, there is only such a big place, and people will definitely be found."

Hearing what Gu Lang said, Chen Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and it was only then that he realized it later, and felt that the place where his wrist was rubbed just now was a little painful.

Gu Lang looked at his blue wrist, pursed his lips, and gently pulled him back to the store.

As soon as they returned to the store, they saw Gao Yajian who was just about to go out. He was a little surprised when he saw the two coming in from the outside, "You are this?"

Before Chen Xing spoke, Gu Lang replied politely, "We just went out for a while."

Hearing what Gu Lang said, Gao Yao was so smart that he didn\'t ask more, just looked at him and said loudly: "We have collected the evidence, and we will start investigating when we go back. Don\'t worry, Arson is a serious crime, especially arson in the city, we will never let that prisoner go. By the way, do you have any suspects, so we can also investigate. "

Chen Xing hesitated for a while, but still said Mr. Chen and Mrs. Chen.

When the high yamen heard the name, his eyes were a little strange, and he looked a little strange at them.

With such eyes, Chen Xing briefly explained their grievances and grievances, "I used to be the concubine of the Chen family, and I had no status at home since I was a child. Don\'t interact with them anymore. They took a fancy to the recipes in our store and wanted to take it, but we didn\'t agree."