Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 991: The strongest challenge!

"Since you are here to participate, you will naturally have to go all out."

Chu Shiren said with a smile, in a casual tone.

Murong Qi laughed and said, "I hope you don\'t meet me too early, otherwise you will lose miserably."

Chu Shiren also smiled.

at the same time.

On the other side of the Prison of Resentment, Huang Zuntian marched forward with more than a dozen destiny forces Tianjiao.

A Tianjiao asked: "Lord, should we wait, I feel that this level is a bit too simple, and it is estimated that there will be incalculable danger ahead for us."

Huang Zuntian said: "If it was in the past, I would naturally be cautious, but this time I don\'t need it. You will follow me, and I will be the first to clear the level!"

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His robes fluttered and his long hair fluttered, showing a fierce and domineering aura.

The Fate Force Tianjiao was stunned for a while, but they didn\'t dare to refute. Among the Fate Forces, Huang Zuntian insisted that if he issued an order, no one could overthrow it.

Huang Zuntian and the others were so fast, it didn\'t take long for them to run into the Demon of Resentment.

Countless resentful demons are waiting at the end of the horizon, some stopped in the air, some crawled on the ground, densely packed, and the sense of oppression gathered together is extremely strong.

The arrogance of the destiny forces watched their eyelids jump wildly.

The resentment demon is red and black all over, with strange shapes and sizes, and the resentment and killing intent have lowered the temperature between the heaven and the earth to freezing point, making the soul tremble.

However, Huang Zuntian did not stop. He continued to move forward. There were black lines on his face. That was the power of the doomsday.

Huang Zuntian started the first battle between Tianjiao and the resentful demon!

Inside the hall, there was a lot of noise.

"Who is he? He\'s so strong!"

"Huang Zuntian, life lord, don\'t you know him?"

"The life master is less than 100 million years old? This..."

"Hahaha, Shenwei Tiansheng is only ten million years old. If he participates, it will be meaningless."

"Indeed, as long as you are strong enough, you can get rid of the name of Tianjiao. Tianjiao is still on the road of growth."

"What about Han Huang? He has surpassed the Great Dao Saint."

There was a lot of discussion among the powerful people, Huang Zuntian was like a sharp sword, tearing apart the front of the evil spirits, unstoppable.

The Supreme Punishment God looked at Han Jue and said, "Huang Zuntian also came from the Tao of Heaven. What is the impression of the sage of Heaven on him?"

Han Jue said: "Speaking of which, I have known him since I was a mortal. I can feel his determination. He is different from the past. It is estimated that this time he is going to point at the top of the world."

The Supreme Punishment God is thoughtful.

Han Ling whispered, "Father, there is a power in him."

Han Jue didn\'t answer, he naturally knew.

The avenue is the divine right of luck.

The supreme rule above the avenue must be strong.

It is difficult to say for the time being whether the avenues of luck and divine power are powerful or great fortunes.

Great fortunes are different and cannot be generalized.

Under the leadership of Huang Zuntian, the force of fate, Tianjiao, was unstoppable. They quickly broke out of the siege and continued to rush to the center of the Resentful Demon Prison. Behind them, there were more resentful demons waiting for them.

At the same time, more and more Tianjiao began to come into contact with resentful demons. Some people suddenly emerged and showed strong performance, while others were careless and directly smashed here.

A month is a long time, and most Tianjiao are still watching, not in a hurry.


Less than half a day.

The first clearer appears!

Life Lord, Huang Zuntian!

Not only did he pass by himself, but he also led his subordinates to pass the customs together!

After clearing the customs, they teleported back to the city of Shijue. Before teleporting the magic circle, there were already Dao spirits waiting for them to record the ranking.

Huang Zuntian\'s customs clearance attracted a lot of discussion from the powerful, and immediately there was a powerful voice transmission to his subordinates, who went to win over Huang Zuntian and others.

The second wave of customs clearance was from the Hidden Sect of Heaven. There was no accident. After all, there were a lot of people, but they cleared the customs on the second day.

"Hahaha, we are too fast! One month, we will clear the customs the next day!"

The Black Prison Chicken smiled proudly.

Others are also laughing, too relaxed.

The resentful demons are indeed powerful, but there are also many ruthless people on their side.

At this moment, an avenue deity flew over and told them their rankings, which made them stunned.

"Huang Zuntian... life master..."

Han Huang\'s eyes flickered, and there was war intent in his eyes.

Along the way, he can be said to be majestic, almost always showing his magical powers.

Unexpectedly, there was someone faster than him, he was stimulated.

At this moment, a teleportation formation in the distance lit up, and a terrifying aura came out. Obviously, just after the battle was over, the murderous aura had not yet been contained.

Everyone looked at the figure and saw a Tianjiao rushing out, and he was the only one.

Tiandao Hidden Sect Tianjiao was secretly shocked, this fellow was only one person, and he was not much slower than them.

But before they came in, they obviously didn\'t see it.

In other words, during the time they were talking, this Tianjiao killed through the densest circle of resentment.

The avenue gods flew over and recorded their rankings.

Great God King!

The Great Heavenly God King glanced at Han Huang and left quickly.

"Let\'s go too."

Dao Zhizun hummed, he was very upset with the Great God King, and dared to ignore me.

Everyone didn\'t think much about it and left quickly.

Although the resentful demon is strong, its own intelligence is not high, and it is occupied by killing intent and evil spirits, so it is not difficult for Tianjiao to deal with it. As long as the gap between cultivation bases is not large, and the gap between the number of enemies and us is not large, it is still easy to pass the test.

The Ten Jue City is lively again. Whenever Tianjiao clears the customs, their names will quickly spread throughout the city. Not only that, but Tianjiao will be attracted by various forces after entering the city.

In the palace where the great powers gather, there seems to be harmony, but it is also undercurrent. UU Reading

If their private actions were linked together, it would be even more lively than the city of Ten Absolutes.

Han Jue was able to eavesdrop anyway, some great experts had serious faces and roared wildly in private, the contrast made him want to laugh.

There are even many people eyeing his disciples and grandchildren.

In this regard, Han Jue is not unhappy. He knows that he does not care enough for his disciples and grandchildren, and he can\'t even give them the convenience of power, so he allows them to develop their own social network.

Of course, all of this is based on favorability.

If a disciple\'s favorability for him drops to the point where he is dissatisfied, he must be beaten, or paid special attention.

But fortunately so far, none of his direct disciples have let him down.

The first step on the magic road, a month passed quickly.

The second level is coming.

The entire Ten City is looking forward to the second level.

Wan Qiang, Qian Jun, Hundred Zun, and Ten Jue will become more popular as they go on.

"The first stage of stepping on the magic road is over, and there are a total of 27,422 people who have passed the stage!"

"The second level will be launched in half a year, and all Tianjiao will be ready."

"The second level is the strongest challenge, all Tianjiao team up to challenge Shenwei Tiansheng!"

The voice of the Supreme Punishment God reverberated throughout the city, and the next second, the whole city was silent.

All living beings feel that they have heard it wrong.

Challenge the gods and gods?

What the hell?

In the main hall, all the great powers were also stunned and followed the frying pan.

An anxious Dao Supreme stood up and asked, "Challenge the divine power? How is it possible? And how is the ranking determined?"