Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 990: Tread the devil's way

"The chaotic event is about to start, please all Tianjiao who want to participate in the chaotic event go to any city gate and wait!"

The voice of the Supreme Punishment God reverberated throughout the entire Shijue City, and when the voice fell, countless heavenly arrogance jumped up, like a rain of arrows, which was extremely spectacular.

Han Jue sent Han Qinger next to Han Huang directly.

The powers below were all nervous. They were curious about the rules of the Chaos Festival.

This grand event has been circulated for thousands of years, and there are countless theories about its rules, but there is no conclusion about the Supreme Punishment God Venerable and the Shenwei Tiansheng.

A huge light curtain appeared in front of Han Jue and the Supreme Punishment God, reflecting the world. This world was vast and silent. At first glance, the wasteland was ups and downs, and there was no life.

The powerful people couldn\'t help but talk to each other. Could it be that this is the first level of the Chaos event?

At the same time, such a light curtain appeared on each gate of the Ten Jue City, and the desolate world reflected in it attracted countless arrogant discussions.

The five God Punishments, Han Huang, Jiang Jueshi, Han Qinger, Chu Shiren, Murong Qi, Tiangang Demon God, Qin Ling, Han Yu, Heiyuji, etc., Tiandao and Hidden Sect disciples all gathered in front of a city gate.

Black Prison Chicken suddenly said: "Not every city gate is a trial area, if we all crowd together, will there be internal friction?"

As soon as these words came out, the others frowned.

They know the strength of Hidden Sect best.

"Probably not. You can see for yourself that the hallucinations on the city gate are the same. Besides, the master didn\'t remind us when we gathered like this." Murong shook his head and said.

Others thought it was reasonable and couldn\'t help but nod.

Zhao Shuangquan and Qingtian Xuanji stood not far away, looking at Yinmen\'s lineup, secretly frightened.

They knew that Hidden Sect had a very strong background, but they didn\'t expect it to be so terrifying that there were no less than twenty saints on the avenue.

Han Huang was also surprised, but he didn\'t show it.

The Black Prison Chicken came over, stood behind Han Huang, and shouted, "I\'ll follow Han Huang anyway, you can do whatever you want!"

Han Huang smiled and said, "Okay, as long as the rules allow, I\'ll protect you, Lord Chicken!"

Guan Bubai hummed, "Junior Brother Huang, the Eternal Peak is still not yours, I won\'t let you."

The other demon gods followed suit.

Jiang Yi said angrily, "What are you pretending to be? Our three brothers haven\'t spoken yet. Be careful if you meet us in the Wanqiang competition, you will be eliminated immediately!"

Zhao Xuanyuan also smiled proudly.

There were so many people on the side of Hidden Sect, which naturally attracted the attention of other Tianjiao people nearby. Seeing them pretending to be so aggressive, the Tianjiao people were not happy, but they didn\'t dare to come forward.

The combination of their breaths is really too strong!

At this time, the voice of the Supreme Punishment God reverberated throughout the city:

"The first stage of the Chaos Festival, step on the road of magic!"

"What you see is the Prison of Resentment at the bottom of Chaos. You will be teleported to the edge of Prison of Resentment, and arrive at the center of Prison of Resentment within a month. After returning to the Tenjue City through the teleportation array, you will pass the level. There is no limit to the number of people.”

銆愭帹孫孫哓屽錭鍜槄組勔尔︾湡镄勫ソ吢溴杩欓噷涓嬭復屽歭卜槄雡擖辔︾湡镄勫ソ吢溴杩欓噷涓嬭復屽mutual Xuan雡是閖с€ umbrella€/p>

"In the Prison of Resentment, Tianjiao can use any calculation and means, as long as you pass the customs, remind you, the closer to the center of the Prison of Resentment, the more resentful devils, and the cultivation base will continue to become stronger, and there will be no casualties on the road of the devil. Stop!"

"After an hour, all the geniuses who stay in front of the city gate will be sent to tread the devil\'s road, and there is still time to exit!"

The words of the Supreme Punishment God have caused countless arrogances to discuss.

But without Tianjiao\'s withdrawal, the people who can come here are not mortal spirits. I have been preparing for this grand event for thousands of years. How can you say that you will retreat?

The weakest people in the scene also have the cultivation base of Saint Hunyuan, and each has a means of life-saving.

In the main hall, the great experts also talked about stepping on the magic road.

"This rule is good, just to let the geniuses know that chaos is not absolutely peaceful."

"Treading the magic road tests not only personal strength, but also communication and courage."

"The first level is a bit interesting, but I don\'t know how many levels will follow."

"What if there are less than 10,000 people who pass the customs?"

"Don\'t worry, one month, don\'t underestimate Tianjiao, you will definitely not be able to decide Wanqiang."

Han Ling also began to chat with Han Jue in a low voice, she was very interested in resentful demons.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Do you have any regrets? You could have participated."

"That won\'t happen."

Han Ling shook his head firmly.

The Supreme Punishment God glanced at Han Ling, secretly curious.

For some reason, he felt that Han Ling\'s talent was very strong, and he might be able to compete for the eternal peak, but he didn\'t participate.

Thinking of Han Jue, he suddenly understood something.

This is the master.

He will never fully reveal his trump card.

An hour passed quickly, and light appeared in front of the hundreds of gates of the Ten Jue City, and all the arrogances disappeared, and they were sent to the Prison of Resentment by the Supreme Punishment God.

Chaos event, the first level is open!

Tiandao Tianjiao and Hidden Gate Tianjiao all landed in one place in the Resentment Demon Prison. To be precise, Tianjiao in front of each city gate landed together.

They are all arrogances, so naturally they won\'t shout, and the scene is a bit weird.

They all know that this level must not be done alone. The more people there are, the more secure it is.

The Supreme Dao soared up and shouted, "The way of heaven, the hidden door, all come with me!"

Han Huang, Han Qinger, Chu Shiren, Murong Qi, Tiangang Demon God, Han Ming, Heiyu Chicken, Chaos Tiangu, Zhao Shuangquan, Qingtian Xuanji, War Buddha, the Five Great Punishments, etc., dozens of people followed along with a huge momentum.

This team contains dozens of Daoist saints, which brings great pressure to other Tianjiao.

"As expected of the hidden door of the gods and gods, UU reading is really amazing."

"Even God\'s punishment follows."

"Nonsense, don\'t you know that the head of divine punishment is the biological son of Shenwei Tiansheng?"

"This lineup, Hidden Gate is so strong, I want to join it."

"Haha, don\'t talk nonsense, there must be some great experts out there who are paying attention, and your parents might be angry."

For a while, other Tianjiao also began to march forward in teams.

There are also a few loners who choose to fight alone.

In the process of moving forward, Tiandao Hidden Sect had a pleasant atmosphere, talking with each other, and there was no pressure at all.

No matter how stable Fang Liang and Chu Shiren were, their faces were all relaxed.

With so many colleagues acting together, it is impossible for an accident to happen!

Han Qinger was the most excited, holding Han Tuo with her left hand and Han Huang with her right hand, chatting non-stop.

The two older brothers dote on this younger sister very much.

Han Tuo suddenly looked at Han Huang and asked with a smile, "Second brother, how sure are you of the eternal peak?"

Han Huang looked at his eldest brother and said with a smile: "Naturally, it is 100% sure, it is bound to win, eldest brother, don\'t let me, try your best, we are brothers, I will not be false to you, I will sooner. I just want to chat with you!"

Han Tuo was also amused and said with a smile, "That\'s natural, but don\'t take it lightly, I won\'t let you win so easily."

Yi Tian came over and laughed loudly: "Han Huang, don\'t talk about your big brother, your biggest opponent is me!"

Behind them, Chu Shiren stared at Han Huang\'s back, wondering what he was thinking.

Murong Qi and Fang Liang came to him, Murong Qi smiled and said, "What? You have ambitions too?"