Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 965: 9 gods

Han Jue felt relieved when he saw that all the enemies below were in fear and despair.

Ten thousand years of hard work, in exchange for today\'s prestige, worth it!

Anyway, he is ready to tear his face with the Ninth Chaos, and naturally he has to show his prestige and have a good time!

Han Jue raised his right hand, the final seal of the Yuan Dynasty condensed in front of him, and the power of the final yuan after the fusion of the three thousand magic gods was poured into the final seal of the yuan, and the final seal of the final yuan instantly doubled.

It seems that a small piece of paper has suddenly transformed into the sky, covering more than 900,000 saints.

Han Jue\'s eyes fell on Our Lady of Order, and smiled: "This battle is defeated, do you still have the means?"

Our Lady of Order is silent.

At this moment, a figure passed through the layers of space and came to the primordial void, and he shouted in a hurry: "No, if you continue to kill, you will completely enter the land of doom!"

Han Jue glanced at it, and the person who came was the Evil Heaven Emperor.

Emperor Xie Tian stared at Han Jue and said: "Stop here, there is still a way back, Han Jue, chaos is not as simple as you seem, there is transcendence beyond chaos, although I can\'t understand why you do those things, but I am thinking about it. Old love, I have to persuade you not to insist on doing it anymore."

This remark made Han Jue very moved.

Even though his memory was tampered with by Chaos Will, the Evil Heaven Emperor still remembered his old feelings.

Han Jue Xie Tian Emperor smiled and said: "Thank you for your kindness, the will of Chaos is forcing me so, I will not give up, I, Han Jue, have been born for thousands of years, almost all of them are in retreat and practice, and I have traveled in the Dao of Heaven for hundreds of years at most. For Chaos, I have a clear conscience, I have never harmed Chaos, or even helped Chaos, I only know what to do with my heart."

"No one can determine my fate, the will of chaos is not good, even if there is a transcendent existence above chaos, they are not good!"

Han Jue narrowed his eyes, and the Evil Heaven Emperor was directly moved out of this void.

The Virgin of Order shouted: "Hurry up!"

More than 900,000 Daoist saints displayed their most powerful magical powers, and a strong light rose up and shone on Han Jue.

Han Jue pressed his right hand down, his face was cold, and he shouted in a deep voice, "If you want to blame it, blame the so-called will of chaos!"

The boundless and terrifying end of the Yuan Tian Seal comes with the might of destroying the world!

Two powerful forces collide!

Looking down from above Chaos, a white light burst out from one place on the vast Chaos map, rapidly expanding, turning into an impact visible to the naked eye and sweeping Chaos, making the picture of Chaos turbulent.

But the white light soon disappeared. .

Primal Void.

The remnants are like clouds and waves, floating and surging, no damage, no blood, only that vast coercion persists for a long time.

Han Jue stood in the remnants, his eyes fell on a figure below.

Ginger Peerless!

To be precise, Jiang Peishi from the future.

Han Jue was expressionless, surprised.

Could it be that Jiang Peishi, the creator of Taoism?

Even if Han Jue knew, he had to pretend he didn\'t know.

Jiang Peishi said with emotion in the future: "Master, you are really cruel, kill them all?"

Han Jue said: "Your brothers and sisters, I have left a living room."

All the people he cares about are locked in the Final Yuan Tianxi, and they will be released when they have a chance.

In addition, all the saints of the avenue were annihilated, and even the Virgin of Order fell.

Jiang Jueshi said in the future: "Master, what are you going to do next, slaughter all living beings and let the chaos be dominated by you?"

"All beings can\'t do anything to me, why do I want to kill them? After all, they are just pitiful worms manipulated by the will of chaos. I just eradicate the existence of troubles to me. If the years can erase this imposed hatred, I am willing to write off all sentient beings. , without interfering with each other.”

Han Jue said calmly, speaking the truth.

Jiang Jueshi said in the future: "Master really hasn\'t changed, I really want to help you, but for the moment, I don\'t exist, those existences above chaos don\'t know my appearance, I just reflect on someone with my will. epoch."

"Master, I just want to tell you one thing, no matter what, you must survive. I can\'t save you, but please save yourself."

The voice fell, and Jiang Peishi disappeared in the future, as if it had never appeared.

Han Jue frowned.

He knew that Jiang Peishi in the future was the creator of Tao that he evolved before, and in that future, he died in this calamity.

It\'s just that Jiang Peishi\'s words in the future surprised him.

The creator of the Tao is high, and there are only five at present. If the creator of the Tao really appears in the future, Jiang Peishi, then there will be six, and the creator of the Tao will not be aware that there will be someone among the sentient beings who will achieve the creator of the Tao?

Before Han Jue thought that the future was fake, he could not die.

The appearance of Jiang Jueshi in the future now means that the future really exists.

The creator of Tao, Jiang Peishi, is here to persuade him to bow his head?

Han was in despair at the mighty primordial void, and he was fascinated for a while.

At this moment, a strong suction came.

Han Jue flickered, opened his eyes again, and found himself in front of the Chaos God.

The chaotic theocracy, which is a fusion of the seven supreme rules, is so sacred.

Han Jue is ready to face the will of Chaos.

as expected!

Chaos theocracy began to change, and gradually condensed into a figure, only to see its shape, but not the true face.

"Han Jue, you have destroyed the great sages of the past, present and future. Now that Chaos has no great sages except for your disciples, you still won\'t give up?"

The voice of Chaos Will sounded, with an indifferent tone, like the Virgin of Order, without the slightest emotion.

Han Jue snorted coldly: "It shouldn\'t be you, why don\'t you give up? Chaos will!"

"I\'m curious now who you are and what are you looking for!"

After all, the will of chaos is the rule, and Han Jue feels that the will of chaos may be a pretense, with someone else behind it.

Either the Ninth Chaos, or an ancient **** who manipulates all beings with the will of Chaos.

Han Jue thinks it should be the latter.

If it is the Ninth Chaos, there is really no need for UU reading to do so many things.

If an outsider in the Hongmeng Realm invades and threatens Hongmeng, Han Jue will be pinched to death, but it won\'t take so much trouble.

Chaos Will is silent.

Han Jue said: "Remember the ancestor of Tianxu, he is not dead, he has been forged into a puppet by me, and I passed on his supernatural power to destroy Dao, if the will of Chaos is not willing to give up, then I will bring all sentient beings to bury, anyway. If you can\'t live, let\'s die together!"


Chaos will burst out and shouted: "Han Jue, you are also the supreme way, and you said such a child\'s joke!"

Han Jue said murderously: "Restore the memories of all living beings, otherwise this chaos will start all over again!"

Chaos Will was silent again.

[The gods of the nine descendants have hatred for you, the current hatred degree is 6 stars]

Nine gods?

Han Jue\'s deity immediately called out the head of the **** of nine descendants. The head was dark, as mysterious as the Taoist ancestors.

[Nine descent gods: Chaos cultivation base, Chaos Will, Ancient Dao God, Ninth Chaos Son, because you threatened him with Chaos and hated you, the current hatred is 6 stars]

Recently, the highest number of subscribers for a single chapter at the starting point of this book has exceeded 100,000. Thank you for your support~~

Regarding the comments, I will definitely refer to them, but most of the cases will not be answered directly in the chapter comments, for fear of affecting everyone\'s perception. Without affecting the core plot of my own, I will also write down what everyone said is insufficient, and work hard. Improvement, but I will refer to all comments to control the pace of the plot~~

Read the novel, everyone is happy~

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