Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 964: Get all 1 up!

The three thousand demon gods slammed into all directions, and they were extremely domineering, shaking countless Dao saints, and the power of the three thousand Dao was unleashed, roaring the battlefield.

The thunder roared, the river was vertical and horizontal, the big trees in the sky rose out of thin air, countless branches divided the battlefield, the stars evolved, turned into meteorites and smashed into the Dao saints in every corner of the battlefield.

Han Jue kept flashing, and the End Yuan Tianxi smashed into a famous avenue saint one after another.

All are instant kills!

Han Jue will never let go, he will do his best to make a move!

No one can hold him back!

In less than three breaths of time since the start of the war, more than 500 Daoist saints have fallen, both in form and in spirit.

If they still have backhands, they can be resurrected. If they don\'t, they will disappear, and the road will be empty.

The domineering of Shenwei Tiansheng has greatly affected the morale of the Chaos side!

This is the beginning of the war!

The three thousand demons and gods restrained most of the chaotic powerhouses, while Han Jue\'s deity harvested wildly, and the surrounding avenue saints panicked.

"How is it possible! How could he be so powerful?"

"Isn\'t the Dao saint immortal?"

"In the chaos, it is indeed immortal, but the divine power has surpassed the chaos!"

"No wonder there are so many future great powers to help!"

"Come on, use your skills to fight, this battle is over, and we have no future at all!"

Han Jue doesn\'t care about the mood of those Dao saints, he has already started to kill, and he must not be able to hold it back!

He constantly exerted the power of space, moved and jumped, and the Zhongyuan Tianxi smashed on the enemy one after another. Every enemy was hit by the Zhongyuan Tianxi, and they disappeared on the spot, domineering and terrifying.

Han Jue moved again, but this time his movements stopped a little.

Because the opponent is the Peacock God!

"This fellow..."

Han Jue\'s eyes flickered, and the final seal of the Yuan Dynasty fell, killing the body of the Peacock God, deliberately giving the Peacock God a chance to escape the remnant soul.

The Peacock God Sovereign did not disappoint him either and fled quickly.

"Shenwei Tiansheng, you wait for me!"

Han Jue was indifferent to the indignant clamor of the Peacock God Monarch.

If it wasn\'t for the fact that he had his own people in the enemy army, he would have used the fusion technique to slaughter all the enemies in the void in one move.

Han Jue continued to fight. .

He suddenly found a strange figure. A man wearing a red dragon and white robe was coming in at the periphery of the Chaos Army. His shot was extremely ruthless. He had already killed several avenue saints and caused a siege.

Han Jue glanced while fighting.

He felt the closeness of the blood.

Could it be that this person is his descendant from the future?

Most likely!

The deity Han Jue, who was far away in the third dojo, began to calculate.

He found that this person was a descendant of him and Li Yao, but not within three generations.

Han Jue was a little relieved. He didn\'t expect that some of the future descendants would dare to risk their lives to save him.

"What is your name?"

Han Jue sent a voice transmission to Han Yao.

"The names of the descendants will not be disclosed for the time being, so as not to delay the cause and effect."

Han Yao echoed back.

Han Jue can only count the blood relationship, not his specific experience and name.


Han Jue smiled and stopped asking.

Han Jue\'s strength makes more and more Dao saints fear, but Han Yao\'s sudden emergence has become an outlet for their fears.

More and more Daoist saints found Han Yao. Facing the siege of dozens of Daoist saints, Han Yao was still very relaxed.

However, the good times don\'t last long!

An even more powerful divine mighty palm came and directly shook Han Yao back.

Han Yao looked intently and saw that Han Huang stepped on the purple dragon formed by the condensed Qi of Hongmeng attacking, his face full of murderous aura, like the Chaos Demon Lord, invincible.

"Ancestor of Han Huang..."

Han Yao\'s face became more serious than ever. He raised his sleeves, and a terrifying aura erupted. A purple dharma image emerged from his body, with three heads and ten arms, long hair fluttering, and the specific face could not be seen clearly.

Han Huang said: "I didn\'t expect to meet the same kind!"

Jiang Peishi and the five gods were punished, and when they heard Han Huang\'s words, they were secretly surprised.

what kind?

Han Yao shook his head and said, "You\'re so wrong, I\'m still a long way off, but I\'ve wanted to challenge you for a long time!"

He suddenly smiled, extremely mad, and he was completely different from the previous steady state.

He rushed to Han Huang, Han Huang was not afraid, the grandfather and grandson fought, and the great power of the sky became a common trick. Han Yao\'s purple magic was the same when he was attacking frantically. Within hundreds of millions of miles, none of the Great Dao Saints dared to approach, and they all retreated.

Han Huang held the power of Hongmeng in both hands, like two purple spears, and when he swung it, the mana was like a dragon, wreaking havoc.

On the other hand, Han Jue has already slaughtered tens of thousands of saints, and the number of casualties is still increasing.


A violent shout came, and Han Jue felt a rather powerful force attacking, invisible and colorless, coming towards his soul.

Han Jue\'s End Yuan Tianxi suddenly appeared behind him, a red light flashed, and a figure was trapped in it. It was an old Taoist priest with a terrified face.

"How is that possible! My magical powers..."

The old Taoist roared angrily, and before he could finish speaking, he was crushed by the power of the final yuan.

His magical powers are similar to the dark life of the Void Soul Great Sage.

Unfortunately, he was facing Han Jue.

Han Jue turned around and stared at the endless tyrannical figures in all directions, and laughed arrogantly: "Let\'s all go together, otherwise you won\'t even have a chance of winning!"

He suddenly rose up, and the demons and gods flew from all directions, shrank rapidly, and penetrated into his body, and his aura began to rise steadily.

The terrifying coercion enveloped the entire primordial void, and even Han Huang and Han Yao, who were still fighting fiercely, stopped in shock and looked at Han Jue in disbelief.

They know that Han Jue is very strong, but this momentum...

After merging the three thousand demons and gods, Han Jue\'s aura reached the extreme.

The three thousand avenues trembled violently, the chaotic divine power changed in light and dark, and the space on the edge of the chaos twisted violently, like a mirror flower and moon, and it would be shattered at any time.

Countless big worlds, small worlds, hidden areas, and deep spaces all felt the terrifying pressure of Han Jue.

Including all sentient beings!

All beings in chaos have a feeling that the sky is about to fall!

More than 900,000 avenue saints looked up at Han Jue, who was aloof, all in shock.

This breath...

How can it be!

"How can it be so powerful..."

A Dao Supremacy trembled, Dao Supremacy was the highest level in any era, but facing Han Jue\'s aura, he felt like a mortal.

This kind of shock is the most impactful for Avenue Supreme!

Because they always thought that they were standing at the apex of cultivation, at most the gap between the strength of mana!

But in front of Han Jue, they actually felt a sense of realm disparity that they had not felt for a long time, so long that they forgot that they had climbed from a mortal spirit to the height of today!

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