Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 955: supreme rule break

Ten billion years of life!

One hundred billion years!

A trillion years!

Ten trillion years!

Han Jue cursed with all his strength, staring at his attribute panel.

Because Xiaoyaoxian didn\'t have hatred for him, he didn\'t know about Xiaoyaoxian\'s situation.

Anyway, Han Jue decided to give Xiaoyao Xian 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 lifespan.

Sounds like a lot, but it\'s just a fraction of his.

After all, Xiaoyaoxian is an eternal existence that is immortal and immortal. If you want to make a spell, you must make a lot of money.

A million billion years!

Trillions of years!

A billion years!

Han Jue suddenly felt something, looked up suddenly, and found that the seven supreme rules above the three thousand avenues began to shake violently, like a rioting dragon and snake.


Xiaoyaoxian is integrated into the will of chaos, and the will of chaos is hidden in the seven supreme rules. .

Perhaps the collection of the seven supreme rules is the will of chaos.

Han Jue stared at the seven supreme rules and continued to curse.

at this time.

Under the seven supreme rules, there are figures one after another, including the Supreme Punishment God Venerable, the Holy Mother of Order, and Lao Tzu.

Soon, Yujian Sacred also came to join in the fun under the supreme rules.

"What\'s going on?" A great expert asked with a frown.

Lao Tzu said: "The Supreme Rule reacts so violently, there must be cause and effect, but we have not seen anyone who wants to meddle in the Supreme Rule, that is to say, the problem lies within the Supreme Rule."

The Virgin of Order said: "The supreme rule cannot riot for no reason, there must be something wrong."

Everyone looked at the Supreme Punishment God.

After all, the Supreme Punishment God is the head of the gods, and on the bright side, he is the lord of chaos and holds the highest power.

The Supreme Punishment God did not speak, but stared at the Supreme Rules.

An almighty suddenly asked: "Why didn\'t Shenwei Tiansheng come?"

Yujian Sacred said angrily: "Does he usually come out? No one bothers him. Chaos collapses, and he won\'t come out."

You all think it makes sense, this is already a chaotic consensus.

The Supreme Punishment God Venerable has already experienced the Hongmeng Heavenly Prison, no matter what he guesses in his heart, he must protect Han Jue, only to hear him say: "It has nothing to do with Shenwei Tiansheng. Defeat, it shows that the supreme rule has no irresistible attraction to the gods and gods, and may even look down on them at all, the avenue in the chaos is more than just us."

The Holy Mother of Order said: "Previously, Xiaoyaoxian captured a lot of arrogance and was killed by Shenwei Tiansheng in the blank field. Maybe Xiaoyaoxian wants to be resurrected again and is absorbing the power of the supreme rule."

As soon as these words came out, the other great masters showed interest and began to ask.

Our Lady of Order knows everything.

Han Jue is still cursing.

He heard the words of Fool Sword Sacred and Supreme Punishment God Venerable, so he did not appear.

Indeed, he is going out now, but there is a ghost.

After all, even if he goes, he can only go alone.

Han Jue\'s lifespan continued to decline.

Ten billion billion years!

One hundred billion billion years!

A trillion billion years!

Ten trillion billion years!

A million billion billion years!

Trillion billion years!

Han Jue looked up and saw that one of the supreme rules was broken.

His heart trembled.

He won\'t spell the supreme rule, will he?

"I want to know if I continue to curse, will the supreme rule be destroyed?"

[Need to deduct one thousand trillion years of life, whether to continue]


【Will not】

Han Jue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the Supreme Rule was still stable.

That old man is welcome!

Xiaoyaoxian, you must die!

His lifespan continued to decline, and the numbers at the back were beating rapidly, making him feel inexplicably nervous.

The breaking of the supreme rule made all the great powers panic, and the supreme punishment God Venerable could not keep calm.

The Book of Doom has long been upgraded to the ultimate Taoist treasure, surpassing the power of the Great Dao, and the destructive power caused is indeed terrifying.

You must know that the Supreme Rule has broken for the first time since its birth!

Ordinary ultimate Taobao naturally can\'t hurt the supreme rule, but it also contains Han Jue\'s ultimate power and a quadrillion billion years of original lifespan, the combined power is enough to curse any Taoist supreme!

"How to do?"

Yu Jiansheng asked, this situation made him very nervous.

Chaos will not be in trouble again, right?

Other powers began to make plans, and they all used their own mana to repair the supreme rules, but they suffered backlash.

"The power of the curse!"

The Supreme Punishment God was moved and trembled.

The word curse makes everyone think of a name.

An almighty looked gloomy and gritted his teeth: "Dark Lord! I didn\'t expect this guy to be so strong?"

"When the ancient gods were born before, the dark forbidden master said that he wanted to deal with the ancient gods. It turned out that it was not a false statement."

"But the ancient gods have fallen, why does he want to use the supreme rules?"

"Have you never heard a word? When darkness falls, it is when the Dark Lord appears. Nine times out of ten, the Dark Lord wants to destroy the supreme rules first, so that chaos will lose its order, as if falling into darkness."

"What the Daoist said is reasonable."

"Even if it is the Dark Lord, what should we do?"

All the transcendental beings who are above the chaotic beings are all in turmoil.

On the other hand, Han Jue is still cursing!

It didn\'t take long for his lifespan to consume a full five trillion trillion billion years!

A shrill roar suddenly appeared in the broken supreme rule.

"Do not-"

Xiaoyaoxian\'s voice!

Most of the great powers under the supreme rules know Xiao Yaoxian and instantly recognize his voice.

"Sure enough, it\'s Xiaoyao Xian! The Dark Lord is cursing Xiaoyao Xian?" An expert asked with a frown.

The Virgin of Order said: "Impossible, Xiaoyao Xian has no cause and effect. No curse can hurt him, or even count him. How can the Dark Lord curse?"

The Supreme Punishment God squinted his eyes and said: "Could it be that Xiaoyao Xian is the Dark Lord? Neither of the two can fully calculate the cause and effect. You must know that even the cause and effect of the gods and gods can be traced. The entire chaos is just the cause and effect of these two. There are no traces."

Yu Jiansheng frowned and said, "It\'s very possible indeed."

Xiao Yaoxian\'s screams didn\'t last long, and suddenly stopped.

Han Jue\'s curse followed in vain.

Cumulative consumption of six trillion billion billion years of life!

Haven\'t met expectations yet!

That\'s it?

Hearing Han Jue\'s curse, UU read www.uukanshu. The supreme rule that com broke began to merge automatically.

Seeing this, you all breathed a sigh of relief.

The Virgin of Order said: "It seems that Xiaoyaoxian did it himself. He wanted to forcibly resurrect, absorb the power of the supreme rule, and encounter backlash. If it is the Dark Lord, he doesn\'t need to deal with Xiaoyaoxian, unless Xiaoyaoxian captured those geniuses. There are people who hold the Lord of Darkness."

An almighty asked cautiously, "Could it be that the divine mighty saint is..."

He didn\'t finish what he said.

The Holy Mother of Order shook her head and said: "It shouldn\'t be, you haven\'t witnessed the battle between Shenwei Tiansheng and Xiaoyaoxian. Xiaoyaoxian poses no threat to Shenwei Tiansheng at all. If he is really the dark master, this is not exposing himself? In order to deal with yourself, you can feel free to touch it. It\'s too stupid for a dead ant to reveal his long-hidden identity, and the gods have already said that the cause and effect of the gods and gods can be deduced."