Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 954: Chaos New Era

[You currently have a chance to choose a good fortune, whether to open it or not]

Innate great fortune?

Could it be that Jiang Peishi exists like this?

Han Jue\'s eyes lit up.

This is a good function, and it only appears in his heirs, and will not fall into the hands of outsiders.

However, it is not impossible for the descendants to betray.

Be cautious about this.

For the time being, try not to come up with it, and accumulate it first.

The Chaos Will will target Han Jue at any time, and the Chosen Son of Fortune created now will inevitably become his enemy.

"Keep it first, anyway, there are not many children at present..."

Han Jue smiled and made a decision in his heart.

Speaking of which, he has very few offspring.

Han Huang and Han Qinger have not married yet, and Han Tuo has devoted himself to cultivating Taoism, and has not found a new wife for more than nine million years.

The only hope is Han Yu. Han Yu is also alone, but she has a good relationship with the half female disciple beside her.

"Could it be that the Han family has to rely on me for spreading branches and leaves?"

Han Jue was speechless just thinking about it.

Simply don’t think about it, practice first.

Let\'s talk about the calamity of Chaos Will.

He closed his eyes and continued to practice.

The three Jiang Peishi left the third dojo less than a year after they were rescued, returned to the heavenly court, and began to retreat and practice.

The same is true for Qingtian Xuanji.

The other Tianjiao devoured by Xiaoyaoxian went home, and Tiandao captured many allies.

After asking each other, the saints guessed that it was Shenwei Tiansheng who saved these geniuses, so they all felt relieved and continued to work on their own affairs.

Years go by.

One hundred thousand years have passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes and smiled.

The cultivation base has improved a little, and this feeling is very good.

I am afraid that the cultivation base will not grow.

Han Jue still can\'t figure out the realm of the creator of the Tao, which shows that he is still far from the creator of the Tao.

Now he can only put his hope on the flesh of the Hongmeng Realm and the Ultimate Demon God.

He first observed the Hongmeng Realm.

At present, more than 200 Chaos Demon Gods have been born from the spirit of Demon Gods in Hongmeng Realm, and their cultivation bases are still shallow.

Han Jue found out that the Chaos Demon God was aggressive, but he didn\'t have to fight for life and death when they met.

This reassured him. As long as these Chaos Demon Gods are not addicted to killing, they can take good control of the Hongmeng Realm.

The Hongmeng Realm is still expanding, and it contains more and more Hongmeng Qi.

Strange to say.

Han Jue has become the ultimate demon god, and the Hongmeng realm should also become the ultimate realm. Why hasn\'t the aura of Hongmeng been transformed?

Could it be that it has not yet reached the level of transformation?


His bloodline can be transformed directly, but the world is different, the rules are there, and there is an evolutionary process, which is intricate and understandable.

After Han Jue finished observing the Hongmeng Realm, he called up his email to check.

[Your friend Qingtian Xuanji got your friend Chaos\'s ignorant guidance, and the Taoism has risen sharply]

[Your son, Han Huang, created the Dao\'s magical powers, and the Dao\'s practice skyrocketed]

[Your apprentice Zhou Fan was attacked by an ominous evil] x907922

[Your friend Yujian Sheng opens up a long river of kendo, and his luck soars]

[Your friend is the God of Punishment and the mysterious power to discuss the Tao, and realize the true meaning of chaos]

[Your friend Huang Zuntian forged the treasure of the avenue with the divine power of the avenue, and the luck skyrocketed]

[Your friend Li Daokong enters the bottom layer of chaos]

[Your son Han Huang enters the river of chaotic destiny]

The recent circle of friends is very lively, there are attacks, opportunities, epiphanies, new map unlocks, etc.

Chaos is vast, and there are too many places that are still unknown.

Han Jue watched with relish.

Life seems to have returned to peace, and I don\'t know when the will of chaos will appear.

In another 700,000 years, the Ultimate Treasure Book of Wonderful Fate will be available again.

I hope Chaos Will will not make him wait too long, so as not to waste the time to refresh the Book of Fate.

After reading the email, Han Jue went back to practice.

One more retreat can curse Xiaoyao Xian.

It is no longer a secret that he retreats for 100,000 years every time. Cursing him now makes it easy to reveal his identity.

Curse after 200,000 years, although I can think of him, I am not so sure.

the other side.

A certain domain of chaos, within the heavenly realm.

Lingxiao Palace.

Emperor Xie Tian held a jade slip in his hand and used his spiritual sense to check the information inside. He opened his mouth and asked, "Shenzhen Han is still in retreat?"

An old immortal in the hall nodded and said, "Since I came back hundreds of thousands of years ago, I have been retreating. Obviously, I have been stimulated. Do you want to visit him, so as not to get distracted."

Han Huang has joined the Heavenly Court for hundreds of thousands of years, and he has already proved himself that he is now the leader of the Heavenly General, second only to the Evil Heavenly Emperor.

Xie Tiandi smiled and said: "No, he is born at ease, it is impossible to go crazy, look at it, when he leaves the border, his invincible road will open, we will witness the rise of the second divine mighty saint, no , stronger than Shenwei Tiansheng."

When the old immortal heard this, he hurriedly congratulated the Evil Heaven Emperor.

The Evil Heavenly Emperor laughed.

At this time, Zhan Buddha suddenly flew in, stopped beside the old immortal, bent over and saluted: "Your Majesty, there is turmoil in the great world of Qingxiao.

The Evil Heaven Emperor opened his eyes and said, "There is a Dao Dao in Qingxiao Great World? It seems that there are no new Daoist saints recently."

Zhan Buddha replied: "It\'s not a saint of the Great Dao, but that chaotic has an invincible cultivation base in the state of freedom, and it needs the saint of the Great Dao to take action."

Xie Tiandi pondered: "Pass on my order, you go to invite the peerless generals, and go to calm the chaos."

"As ordered!"

Zhan Buddha immediately withdrew. UU Reading

The Evil Heavenly Emperor was thoughtful.

The old fairy asked, "What is your majesty worried about?"

Xie Tiandi said: "Recently, there are more and more Great Dao Saints and Invincibles in the Realm of Freedom, and I always feel that something big is about to happen."

The old fairy frowned, lost in thought.

The Evil Heaven Emperor looked at the blue sky outside the Lingxiao Palace and muttered to himself, "What do you mean, the new era of chaos you said was not started by him, but by whom..."

One hundred thousand years passed quickly.

Han Jue opened his eyes, and the first thing he did was to take out the book of bad luck.

Black light burst out and shone on Han Jue\'s face, making him look extremely dignified.

The Dark Lord appears!

Han Jue touched the book of doom with fascination, and murmured, "It\'s your turn to take action again, just wait."

The Book of Doom trembled slightly, as if responding to him.

Han Jue directly began to curse Xiaoyao Xian. Without the cover of the ultimate Taobao, the curse was directly found.

"The feeling is coming!"

Han Jue\'s body trembled and began to curse with all his strength.

Five days passed quickly.

Start deducting life!

After all, Xiaoyao Xian is the supreme way, and the guaranteed curse will definitely not die, and it has to spend the life of the original source.

Han Jue called up the attribute panel and stared at the constantly beating lifespan number, feeling a little excited.

It\'s been a long time since I felt this exciting.

Green back!

Han Jue\'s eyes were ruthless. He wouldn\'t be greedy for this kind of stimulation. If he wanted to curse, he would have to curse to death!

Dark Lord, once he takes action, he will be killed or injured!

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