Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 938: power and influence

While the Chaos Demon Gods in the second dojo were still discussing excitedly, Han Jue had already come to the 33rd layer of the sky and reminisced with the Holy Venerable Xuandu in the Qiankun Hall.

The posture of the Holy Venerable Xuandu is obviously lower, and it is already the posture of a subordinate. Han Jue is very satisfied with this.

Han Jue is not hypocritical, and feels that the Holy Venerable Xuandu should treat him as an equal to be regarded as the same as before.

He felt that this was the only way to deepen his feelings.

After chatting for a while, dozens of heavenly saints who were staying in the heavens came one after another and sat down quickly. No one dared to make a noise. All the saints looked at Han Jue with awe.

Including the sacred sword of ignorance and the holy and true martial Buddha of the Buddha world.

Xuandu Sage swept around and said, "All the saints in the Heavenly Dao have arrived. Heavenly Sage, let me introduce you first. This is the Great Dao Sage from Chaos, named Chen Yu Xianzu."

Hearing this, Xianzu Chen Yu immediately got up and paid homage to Han Jue. Even if he was a sage of the Dao, facing Han Jue, he seemed nervous and cramped.

Han Jue pointed and calculated that the hall fell into silence.

Immortal Chen Yu was extremely nervous.

In fact, Han Jue reckoned that he didn\'t need to pinch his fingers at all, but if he didn\'t pinch his fingers, others wouldn\'t see it.

He is going to make a statement.

Whether he refuses or accepts, it means he has passed the test.

The origin of Immortal Chen Yu is indeed complicated, and there are major causes and effects. He offended a Dao deity, and the heaven and earth under his hands have long been broken. When he came to heaven, to put it bluntly, he went to the mountains.

However, Han Jue calculated that Chen Yuxianzu\'s karma was not large, and he was fair and upright in his life. He had never done any major evil. As for whether there is life in his hands, it is naturally there. It is impossible for him to have not killed if he has cultivated to the Great Dao Sage. .

Not bad!

Han Jue opened his mouth and said: "Since you have come to the Tao of Heaven, don\'t worry about the past. From now on, you will regard the Tao of Heaven as your own, and protect the Tao of Heaven as your own responsibility. Although you have a high level of cultivation, you still have to obey the words of the Holy Venerable. It won\'t push you out."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Yu Xianzu breathed a sigh of relief and quickly thanked him.

The heavenly saints smiled, and they actually felt a sense of crisis, afraid that the great powers from chaos would directly squeeze their status.

Afterwards, the Holy Venerable Xuandu introduced several local saints from the Immortal Realm. Their excitement was beyond words, and they had no saintly demeanor.

Han Jue nodded one by one, and did not deliberately put on a show, but instead captured a wave of five or six star favorability.

None of the saints present dared to have hatred for Han Jue, all of them were friends, and Han Jue felt very comfortable.

Xuandu Shengzun began to talk about the recent development of the Tao of Heaven.

More and more chaotic creatures are taking refuge in the heavenly way, and there are even many saints of Hunyuan and freedom, but they have not been approved by the saints for the time being, and they are all staying in the Yingsheng Palace. Only the ancestor Chen Yu succeeded. , Xuandu Shengzun was also afraid that he would run away.

The field of Tiandao has been expanding, and the expansion has been extremely fast in recent years, mainly due to the rapid growth of Tiandao\'s luck.

It is worth mentioning that some of the powerful mortal realms under the Immortal Realm have evolved into great worlds, just as powerful as the Immortal Realm before the calamity. At present, there are twelve big worlds and nearly 200,000 small worlds under the Immortal Realm.

Han Jue began to lose his mind as he listened, but his expression remained the same, making all the saints very serious and not daring to relax their vigilance.

Han Yu looked at his old ancestor and was filled with emotion.

Whenever he thinks that his ancestors are the strongest in Chaos, he is full of shame.

He felt that he was not worthy of Han Jue\'s identity as a descendant.

The most proud is Li Xuanao, he feels that he is with the right person, and the other hidden disciples are fine, they are already used to it.

After a few hours, the Holy Venerable Xuandu finally finished speaking.

Han Jue opened his mouth and said, "You don\'t need to ask me about the new sage of the Tao of Heaven. I\'ll just discuss it myself. I\'ve heard almost the same thing. That\'s it."

He stood up, took two steps and disappeared.

The saints quickly stood up and saluted, and even though Han Jue had disappeared, they did not dare to neglect the ceremony.

Han Jue left the Heavenly Dao directly and began to wander in chaos.

After annihilating the ancient desolate gods, chaos has no threat to him, the threat is only outside the chaos.

In the realm of the gods, on a round platform, dozens of avenues of gods gathered here, and the five gods were punished.

Yi Tian\'s face was full of disdain, and the other three God Punishment\'s eyes also showed excitement.

On the other hand, Han Tuo was very calm.

In fact, they all wanted to see the attitude of the Supreme Punishment God.

Not only them, but also other Dao deities.

After all, the words before the Supreme Punishment God represented support for the ancient gods.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed since the ancient gods fell, and the Supreme Punishment God has just appeared. The gods of the avenue are all curious whether the Supreme Punishment God has been taught by the gods.

They can now despise the Supreme Punishment God, but they never dare to despise Han Tuo.

What kind of divine punishment, how can it be compared to the status of the son of the divine power?

a long time.

When the Supreme Punishment God Venerable suddenly appeared, the gods immediately shut up and did not dare to say more.

The gods of the avenues will still hide their emotions, and they will leave their minds alone and stare at the Supreme Punishment God with a provocative expression.

Yitian took a step forward and said, "Shenwei Tiansheng is my godfather!"


Han Tuo quickly pulled him back.

All the avenue gods secretly despised, this fellow is really a fool.

But his words do have weight, at least the Dao deities dare not show their contempt.

Supreme Punishment God Venerable expressionless, said: "The matter of ancient waste has been resolved, UU reading everything is business as usual, the Chaos event is still the top priority for you to prepare, as for what you are worried about, you don\'t have to, Shenwei Tiansheng and I have always been close friends, before and after, I just said before that I would not stop the ancient gods, not to target the way of heaven."

All the avenues of gods nodded, secretly disdain in their hearts.

Look at your stubborn appearance, you must have been cleaned up by Shenwei Tiansheng!

Yi Tian snorted coldly, but did not continue to speak.

The Punishment God Venerable turned a blind eye and continued: "In view of the great impact of the ancient wasteland, Chaos cannot repeat the same mistakes, and now the most dangerous place in Chaos is the bottom of Chaos, and each of you needs to send a hundred people to guard the bottom of Chaos. , I will not treat them badly, and there will be great opportunities in the future."

Hearing this, all the avenue gods agreed.

No matter what, the Supreme Punishment Divine Venerable has reconciled with Shenwei Tiansheng, at least his position is still stable, as long as it is stable, they have to listen.

Han Tuo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He actually admired the Supreme Punishment God, but the Supreme Punishment God was afraid of the ancient gods. Fortunately, his father had already solved these problems.

He respected his father even more. His father was not only powerful, but also far surpassed him in dealing with others. He should kill and use what should be used.

The Supreme Punishment God continued to issue several orders, all of which were related to the Chaos Society, without mentioning the Tao of Heaven.

After the Punishment God Venerable left, the five major God Punishments followed.

As soon as they left the realm of gods, a group of Dao gods caught up with the five gods and began to warmly invite them to their respective dojos as guests.

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