Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 937: Chasing the gods

Hearing Han Huang\'s words, Jiang Peishi\'s heart was filled with ripples.


The name of Chaos\' strongest genius!

Who doesn\'t want to get it?

In the past, Jiang Peishi might have been afraid of causing trouble, but now his master is the strongest in Chaos. What trouble is he afraid of?

Jiang Peishi was shaken.

Liu Bei saw through his thoughts and said with a smile, "Then you can go, maybe this is also an experience Master gave you."

good to go!

Don\'t rob me of my disciples!

More and more creatures have been born in the universe of stars, and the first batch of creatures contains a limited number of people with unparalleled talents.

"That\'s it! Let\'s go! Stop dawdling!"

Han Huang patted Jiang Peishi\'s shoulder and urged.

Han Qinger also stared at him.

Jiang Peishi gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Then I\'ll accompany you through chaos!"

Han Huang and Han Qing\'er immediately grinned. .

After the children left, Han Jue began to observe the Hongmeng Realm.

He just broke through not long ago, and he is still far from the next breakthrough, and the next realm is the creator of the Tao, which is no easy task.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and a group of chaotic demon gods have been born in the Hongmeng Realm, and the magical appearance of the demon gods that Han Jue has learned has also transformed into the spirit of the demon gods in the Hongmeng Realm.

There are 151 trillion trillion trillion billion billion galaxies in the Hongmeng Realm, and a few galaxies have already been born with complete heaven and earth, and the creation is perfect.

However, for the time being, there is only the Chaos Demon God, and there is no living being.

Han Jue has mastered the power of creation and can directly evolve all beings, but he is not in a hurry. He has diffused the power of the three thousand avenues in the Hongmeng Realm. He wants the Chaos Demon God to understand the power of creation and create life again.

If he directly creates living beings, it may become the food of the Chaos Demon God, but if the Chaos Demon God is allowed to create it himself, then all beings are the descendants of the Chaos Demon God, with different meanings.

Besides, the presence or absence of living beings has little effect on Han Jue.

The Hongmeng Realm itself is getting stronger. Even if there are creatures, it cannot increase the Qi of Hongmeng, but will digest the Qi of Hongmeng.

Han Jue suddenly thought of the Ninth Chaos.

Could it be that the chaotic creatures have little influence on the chaos, so the ninth chaos doesn\'t care at all.

As long as the Chaos itself is not destroyed, the Ninth Chaos will allow the Chaos Power to mess around.

If there are chaotic demon gods fighting in Hongmeng Realm, Han Jue will not care. Even if he dies, a new chaotic demon **** will be born. With the presence of Taiyi Zizai, he can continue to create the aura of demon gods.

I have to say that Tai Yi Zi Zi Dharma is really amazing.

It is said that it is the Dharma, but it is actually the three thousand avenues.

This is the magical power given by the system, which shows how deep the origin of the system is.

Thinking of this, Han Jue asked in his heart, "Is the origin of the system related to the five Taoist creators?"

【No causal relationship】


That system can only be related to Hongmeng.

Han Jue thought silently.

At this time, another line of words jumped out in front of him:

[The system detects that you have entered the stage of sprinting the creator of Tao, as long as you become the creator of Tao, you can know all the origins of the system]

The creator?

Han Jue was amazed, is he finally going to reveal the true face of the system?

Today, he is very powerful, and can fully understand his own body, and he is not controlled by other forces, so he is not worried about the system against him.

Moreover, if there is no system, how can he have today?

If there really is a dead powerful creation system, then Han Jue will also try his best to satisfy his attempts, so he should repay his gratitude.

However, Han Jue always felt that the system was not created by a certain existence.

More like a rule.

For more than nine million years, the system has been running like a machine, without spirit.

Of course, it may also be hiding or amnesia.

All this has to be considered after he reaches the creator of Tao.

After a few hours, Han Jue stood up and started to move his muscles.

"It\'s time to relax, too."

Han Jue muttered to himself.

After a while, he went to find Xing Hongxuan and Qing Luaner and asked them if they wanted to go out for a walk.

However, unexpectedly, both women refused.

On that day, what Han Jue said when he fought against the ancient gods resounded through the chaos, and they also heard them. When they heard Han Huang describe how powerful the ancient gods were afterwards, they were full of fear.

They understood why Han Jue asked them to reminisce. It turned out that he was afraid of something unexpected, so as not to leave any regrets.

The two women discussed in private that they must become stronger and catch up with their husband. That is impossible, at least they are qualified to share the pressure.

If they didn\'t go, Han Jue was rather bored and had to come to the second dojo alone.

There is a trace of his will in the three dojos to prevent accidents.

Seeing Han Jue, Li Yao and Wu Daojian were very surprised and quickly got up to greet him.

Enlightenment Sword kept asking questions, all of which were the details of his previous battle with the ancient gods.

Han Jue didn\'t hide it either.

"The ancient gods are indeed very powerful, and I have to fight against them seriously."

Han Jue said solemnly, he heard Wu Dao Sword roll his eyes.

Li Yao nodded in agreement: "The sooner the battle is over, the more serious the husband is, the more serious he is, the more he was surprised."

"This time, I defeated him in a dignified manner, without surprise." Han Jue snorted.

In the past, he would deliberately talk nonsense, divert the enemy\'s attention, and then take the lead.

Li Yao looked at him admiringly, which made him very useful.

Enlightenment Sword asked excitedly: "Then you have to pass on our magical powers and make us stronger."

"It\'s natural to preach together later."

Han Jue laughed.

A few days later, Han Jue and the two girls walked out of the Taoist temple, Li Yao looked natural, but there was a blush on Wu Daojian\'s face. UU reading www.

Fifty-three Chaos Demon Gods rushed over immediately, all looking excited.

"Meet the Sect Master!"

"Meet the master!"

"Meet the master!"

Han Jue waved his sleeves and smiled: "Sit down, I haven\'t preached to you for a long time, so I should talk about a good fortune."

Everyone started to flatter. In the second dojo, they had nothing to do except practice, and it was very boring, so the battle between Han Jue and the ancient gods had not passed for them long.

Moreover, even in the past hundreds of thousands of years, the influence of this battle is still there, and Dao Zhizun and others will mention the influence of this battle every time they enter the Myriad Realms Projection.

Now Shenwei Tiansheng has become the most prestigious existence in Chaos, not only the way of heaven, but also Tianjiao in other worlds and domains worshiping Shenwei Tiansheng, and chasing Shenwei Tiansheng has become the biggest goal of Tianjiao\'s cultivation nowadays.

At the beginning of the sermon, Han Jue\'s first word made all the demons enter a state of enlightenment.

In the past three thousand years, they have just woken up one after another, their cultivation has improved, and they have even gained a lot of understanding of other avenues in their minds.

And Han Jue has long disappeared.

Murong Qi sighed with emotion: "What realm is the master, it\'s really mysterious."

Guan Bufei smiled and said, "Hahaha, you definitely can\'t guess, but you can guess my realm, I\'m about to prove the avenue!"

"Me too!"

The crimson fox believed in himself, they were all Chaos Demon Gods, and their aptitudes were unparalleled. After Han Jue\'s preaching, the gate of the Great Dao had already appeared in front of a few Chaos Demon Gods.

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