Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 872: I am beyond the saint

, the fastest update of the top luck, quietly practice the latest chapter of the millennium!

After listening to Jiang Peishi\'s words, Liu Bei fell into deep thought.

Han Jue has promised him that he will build this universe in the future, so he will think about this issue when he is free.

I have to say that Jiang Peishi\'s proposal is very good.

After ascending, the lower bound is not allowed, so as to prevent the strong from occupying the cultivation resources, thus endangering the younger generation.

Liu Bei opened his mouth and said, "I think it\'s possible. It can be forced to cross the calamity. To reach a certain level, it is necessary to cross the robbery."

Jiang Peishi smiled and said, "Not bad."

The reason why he became friends with Liu Bei was not only because this universe belonged to Liu Bei, but Liu Bei\'s character also made him very comfortable, and even felt that he was a fellow man.

The more they talked, the more excited they became.

at the same time.

Outside the universe of stars, billowing black mist is coming, as if the darkness is swallowing the space, which is extremely terrifying.

The third dojo, inside the Taoist temple.

Before Han Jue entered the state of cultivation, he noticed the black fog outside the universe.

At a glance, he saw countless resentful spirits in the black fog, roaring silently.

Ominous evil?

After reaching the Supreme Dao, the unseen ominous evil was invisible in Han Jue\'s eyes.


Han Jue suddenly saw a person among the ominous evil spirits. He was different from other ominous evil spirits. He contained mana, and his vitality was hidden in the depths of his soul.

This person seems to be the leader of the ominous evil, and the cultivation base has reached the early stage of the free Primordial Realm, which is not very powerful.

Han Jue didn\'t make a move, just in time to use the ominous evil spirit as Jiang Pei Shi\'s sharpening stone.

Blindly ascetic practice can easily paralyze oneself, and it is also a good thing to experience battles occasionally.

It didn\'t take long for Jiang Peishi and Liu Bei to sense the enemy\'s attack, and they came outside the Xingchen universe.

Jiang Peishi frowned, it was not the first time he had encountered ominous evil, and the dark mist contained a strong ominous aura, which made him very uneasy.

So did Liu Bei.

When they encountered ominous evil before, they all chose to escape, so their faces were extremely ugly now.

"what to do?"

Jiang Peishi asked, he wanted to escape, but the two were still discussing how to build the universe before, which made him feel a little ashamed.

Liu Bei said: "Let\'s fight, no matter where you go, you may encounter ominous evil, unless it is in the field of power."

He took a deep breath and was not worried, after all, Han Jue was there.

However, Han Jue has not yet shot, maybe in retreat, he can only resist for a while.

Jiang Peishi looked at Liu Bei in surprise.

He already knew Liu Bei\'s temperament, and to say it was ugly was greed for life and fear of death.

Liu Bei forced a smile and said: "There must be a goal to work hard for, otherwise what is the purpose of cultivation?"

Hearing these words, Jiang Peishi\'s heart was shaken.


What is meditation for?

Jiang Peishi wanted to resurrect the master, but that was only a goal added later. Before that, he just wanted to become stronger.

But it was only after the sermon that I found out that the saint is not the end.

Only after he came to Chaos did he know what it meant to be outside people and heavens.

There is no limit to practice, and there is never a peak.

And why is he practicing?

for the strongest?

Jiang Pei Shi was not confident.

He heard that the Chaos Demon God was wiped out by the divine power!

Jiang Peishi suddenly thought of the divine power of the Heavenly Dao.

Shenwei Tiansheng is also a perennial existence, but in the chaos, many practitioners are confused why Shenwei Tiansheng protects the way of heaven.

The Dao of Heaven was created by Pangu, and was merged by the Dao ancestors.

At this moment, Jiang Peishi seemed to understand.

Just like Liu Bei.

Liu Bei\'s voice floated: "Can Daoyou Jiang fight with me? If you really can\'t fight it, you can run away."

Jiang Peishi hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

He twisted his neck, moved his muscles and bones with his hands, and said with a smile, "Then let\'s fight, we haven\'t fought for hundreds of thousands of years."

The two looked at each other and smiled, then rushed towards the black mist in the depths of the void together.

Soon, the battle will break out!

Inside the third dojo.

Under the tree, Qing Luan\'er stood up suddenly and looked up at the starry sky.

Hundreds of transformed creatures were not aware of the crisis outside the star universe, and they were still playing by themselves.

Because they are not human races, their growth cycle is extremely long. After ten years, they are still young.

Qing Luan\'er, who was already in the realm of the gods, was enough to see the void beyond the universe of stars. She saw Liu Bei and Jiang Peishi exert their magical powers in the black mist.

She widened her beautiful eyes and hurriedly returned to the Taoist temple.

"Husband, outside..."

Seeing that Han Jue hasn\'t practiced yet, Qingluan\'er said anxiously.

But she thought that Han Jue\'s cultivation was stronger than her, and she must have noticed it, so she didn\'t say the second half of the sentence.

Han Jue laughed softly: "Those two are defending this universe."

Qingluan\'er was stunned.


"That black fog is an ominous evil spirit, and the ominous evil spirit is an evil spirit in the chaos, specializing in attacking living beings, unable to see them, and unable to capture their breath."

Han Jue introduced, and Qing Luan\'er was surprised.

Qing Luan\'er asked curiously, "Who are those two? Didn\'t you say that you are the only one here?"

Han Jue smiled and said, "One of them is the clone I created before, and the other is the apprentice I want to cultivate. By the way, my apprentice thought I was dead."

Qing Luan\'er became even more curious and hurriedly asked.

Han Jue did not hide it, and told the origins of Liu Bei and Jiang Jue again.

Liu Bei is okay, the enemy\'s flesh is transformed.

Jiang Peishi\'s experience was surprising.

Tens of thousands of generations.

How many years add up?

Qingluan\'er is unimaginable.

"They are amazing, are they Daluo Jinxian?" Qing Luan\'er asked curiously.

In Immortal Realm, she had heard of Daluo Jinxian, the pinnacle of immortals.

Han Jue smiled and said, "They are saints, and my disciple even surpasses saints."


Qingluan\'er was surprised again.

Han Jue said: "Above the Immortal Emperor is the God Realm, above the God Realm is Daluo, and above it is the Quasi-Saint, the Saint, and the Free Saint."

Qing Luan\'er asked in surprise: "Your apprentice has reached the level of the Holy One, yet you lied to him, not afraid that he will get angry and retaliate against you!"

How could Jiang Peishi, who has gone through hundreds of thousands of lives, regard the master who accompanied him for two or three generations as a close relative and obey his orders?

Han Jue said, "Because I surpassed the Holy One."

Qing Luan\'s eyes widened.

Seeing the change in her expression, Han Jue felt relieved.

He raised his eyes to look at the battle outside the universe, UU reading smiled: "I have some skills as a disciple, it seems that I don\'t need to take action."

"Husband, how strong are you now?" Qing Luan\'er grabbed Han Jue\'s arm and asked curiously.

Han Jue pretended to be high and deep: "I can\'t tell you, I\'m afraid it will hit you, you practice hard, and one day you will reach my height."

Qing Luan\'er turned and asked, "Where\'s Tuo\'er?"

"He is also a saint of freedom."

"My son is so powerful?"

Qing Luan\'er was so excited that she was even more surprised than when she learned about Han Jue\'s cultivation.

Han Jue pouted, somewhat appetizing.

Sure enough, in this girl\'s heart, her son is the most important thing.

Qing Luan\'er followed, "Husband, let\'s have another child. Tuo\'er has only been with me for twenty years, and he may have forgotten what I look like."