Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 871: a road different from heaven

"I haven\'t seen my brother yet, don\'t ask."

Han Tuo shook his head and smiled, his eyes showing anticipation.

After so many years, his younger brother must have grown up, and I don\'t know what his character and cultivation are.

Yi Tian smiled and said: "Maybe he will fight with you at that time to compete for the family business."

Han Tuo shook his head and laughed: "I don\'t want to fight, and I\'m not qualified to fight."

"What family business?"

A Dao deity asked curiously, they have always been curious about Han Tuo\'s life experience.

Han Tuo smiled and didn\'t say much.

The same is true of Yitian, pretending to be mysterious.

The three avenue gods looked at each other in dismay, and the topic came to an end.

time flies.

One hundred thousand years passed quickly, but for Qing Luan\'er, it was extremely tormented.

Han Jue has been retreating and practicing, she dare not disturb her, she is equivalent to living alone for 100,000 years, when she is free, she will go to the tree where Liu Bei was before, talk to the flowers and plants, and express her depression.

On this day, Han Jue opened his eyes.

Qing Luan\'er was cultivating beside him, not noticing that he woke up.

Han Jue smiled.

this girl...

He also heard the conversation between Qingluan\'er and Huacao, and found it funny.

Han Jue called softly, "Luan\'er."

Hearing this, Qing Luan\'er trembled as if she was electrocuted, and immediately opened her eyes.

She looked at Han Jue in surprise, threw herself into his arms, and said, "Husband, you finally woke up!"

She was very aggrieved.

In 100,000 years, she had never thought of such torment, and in retrospect, she doesn\'t know how she spent it.

Han Jueyu said earnestly: "This is cultivation. Before resurrecting you, I practiced alone most of the time."

Qingluan\'er was silent.

Han Jue said, "If you are alone, I can create some creatures to accompany you."

Qing Luan\'er raised her eyes and asked in surprise, "Really?"

Han Jue got up, Qing Luan\'er followed closely, and the two walked out of the Taoist temple.

When the two came under the big tree, Han Jue waved his right hand, and the flowers and plants on the ground turned into a number of men and women, all of them boys and girls, and there were hundreds of them.

Hundreds of transformed creatures looked at each other in dismay.

Han Jue started preaching, enlightening them with spiritual wisdom, teaching them the language and the method of practice in the sermon.

Qingluan\'er was also immersed in it.

Han Jue only talked for half a day, but the transformed creatures had a feeling that the past was very long.

"This is your mistress, and you have to listen to her here in the future, understand?" Han Jue ordered.

Hundreds of transformed creatures hurriedly knelt down to worship Qingluan\'er.

Qing Luan\'er smiled and asked them to get up.

Han Jue turned around and left, leaving the rest to Qing Luan\'er.

These creatures do not have the power of creation, so their cultivation is not high. With Han Jue\'s cultivation, it is easy to turn a stone into an essence, but if you want to be like Qingluan\'er, you have to directly possess the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor in the flesh, then you have to use the fortune. force.

One hundred thousand years have passed, Qing Luan\'er has achieved the divine realm, and the physical aptitude created by the power of good fortune will not be bad, not to mention that Qing Luan\'er\'s soul has been tempered by the Qi of Hongmeng for millions of years, which is even more incredible.

Even if it is not comparable to the Chaos Demon God, it is stronger than the Chaos physique of Heavenly Dao.

Han Jue teleported to the second dojo and asked Murong Qi to come to receive the new demon god.

Li Yao called out the Enlightenment Sword and wanted to be alone with Han Jue.

Enlightenment Sword\'s face was slightly red, and he left as if fleeing.

Han Jue understands Li Yao\'s thoughts, isn\'t it just talking about Taoism.

Ten years later.

Han Jue left, and Li Yao let the Enlightenment Sword come back.

When Wu Dao Jian asked about his cultivation situation, Li Yao smiled brightly and said, "You will be at ease right away."

"Wow! So powerful?"

"It\'s alright. Compared with Murong Qi and the three of them, they are still far behind. They have already achieved the middle stage of freedom."

"Sister Li, you say, should I..."

The Enlightenment Sword twitched, remembering what the Black Prison Chicken once said to her.

Li Yao smiled and said, "I\'ll create a chance for you next time, but whether you can succeed or not depends on you. The sect master is not what it used to be, and it\'s hard to attract him with mortal love."

Reaching the Primordial Dao Fruit, every time you break through a small realm, that kind of beauty is incomparable to any joy.

Enlightenment Sword nodded, and began to feel uneasy in his heart.

the other side.

In the third dojo, Han Jue was looking through the mail.

Recently, Han Tuo and Yitian have been very active, and they have been attacked frequently, but they have not been seriously injured. During the battle, their divine power has been getting stronger.

Han Jue also noticed an email.

[Your friend Xitian Patriarch absorbed the ominous evil, and his Taoism rose sharply]

What is the old man doing?

Before absorbing dark power, now absorbing ominous evil.

Why does Han Jue feel that the ancestor is constantly blackening?

He pinched his fingers and calculated, and found that the ancestor of Xitian could not be counted. It seemed that this fellow had a magic weapon on him.


Han Jue didn\'t mean to dissuade Patriarch Xitian, he had his own way.

No matter who leaves, chaos still turns.

Maybe Xitian Patriarch can find his own way?

After Han Jue read the email, he turned his attention to Jiang Jueshi.

He thought about it for a while, and entrusted the dream to Jiang Peishi, in his old image.

Jiang Jueshi opened his eyes, and when he saw Han Jue, he couldn\'t help being silent.

Although it was silent, his eyes were full of nostalgia.

Han Jue said, "Teacher, how have you been all these years?"

The gap between the two is too great, and Han Jue used the power of bewildering the devil while displaying the dark nightmare, paralyzing Jiang Peishi\'s senses and mind.

It was not the first time that Jiang Peishi dreamed of the master he met in reincarnation, and he was also unprepared, talking about what he had experienced over the years.

a long time.

"Master, I\'m living well now. I have a place to practice where I can live in peace. One day, I will resurrect you." Jiang Peishi said softly.

Han Jue raised his hand and passed on a magical power to Jiang Peishi.

Jiang Peishi was caught off guard and fell into a trance.

I don\'t know how long ago.

Jiang Peishi woke up.

Liu Bei next to him asked curiously, "What\'s the matter with you? You were absent just now. This is not a good thing. If there are enemies nearby, you will be attacked."

Jiang Peishi smiled and said, "It\'s nothing, I just realized the supernatural powers."

This is not the first time that he has comprehended supernatural powers by dreaming of an old friend. He feels that this is a stimulated reaction of the Taoist mind.

His great fortune-telling power of reincarnation is infinitely mysterious, and even he is afraid to determine its upper limit, so anything can happen.

Liu Bei nodded and said with a smile: "If there are creatures born in this universe in the future, what kind of heaven and earth do you think is better?"

Jiang Pei Shi was silent.

He has been in the Xingchen universe for a while, and he also feels that this universe has great potential.

"You can follow the way of heaven, but you can\'t follow the way of heaven." Jiang Peishi pondered.

Liu Bei asked curiously, "What way do you think we should take?"

Jiang Peishi replied: "Grading the heaven and the earth, pressing one level over the other, refining the realm, and dividing one large realm into four realms, so that all beings aim at cultivation and ascension, which can reduce internal friction, and you can distribute the galaxies. Move it a bit to form a superposition state, each realm has a big ban, and you must reach a certain realm before you can encounter the catastrophe, and once the ascension is successful, you must not go down to the realm, so as not to break the rules."